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Haven (War of the Princes) - Ivanovich, A. R_.mobi

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obrazek Maria Isabella Boyd's success as a Confederate spy has made her too famous for further espionage work, and now her employment options are slim. Exiled, widowed, and on the brink of poverty...she reluctantly goes to work for the Pinkerton National Detective Agency in Chicago. Adding insult to injury, her first big assignment is commissioned by the Union Army. In short, a federally sponsored transport dirigible is being violently pursued across the Rockies and Uncle Sam isn't pleased. The Clementine is carrying a top secret load of military essentials--essentials which must be delivered to Louisville, Kentucky, without delay. Intelligence suggests that the unrelenting pursuer is a runaway slave who's been wanted by authorities on both sides of the Mason-Dixon for fifteen years. In that time, Captain Croggon Beauregard Hainey has felonied his way back and forth across the continent, leaving a trail of broken banks, stolen war machines, and illegally distributed weaponry from sea to shining sea. And now it's Maria's job to go get him. He's dangerous quarry and she's a dangerous woman, but when forces conspire against them both, they take a chance and form an alliance. She joins his crew, and he uses her connections. She follows his orders. He takes her advice. And somebody, somewhere, is going to rue the day he crossed either one of them. obrazek
obrazek Zombies have infested a fallen America. A young girl named Temple is on the run. Haunted by her past and pursued by a killer, Temple is surrounded by death and danger, hoping to be set free. For twenty-five years, civilization has survived in meager enclaves, guarded against a plague of the dead. Temple wanders this blighted landscape, keeping to herself and keeping her demons inside her heart. She can't remember a time before the zombies, but she does remember an old man who took her in and the younger brother she cared for until the tragedy that set her on a personal journey toward redemption. Moving back and forth between the insulated remnants of society and the brutal frontier beyond, Temple must decide where ultimately to make a home and find the salvation she seeks.
obrazek The Theocracy has been dead for twenty years, and the Polity rules on Masada. But the Tidy Squad consists of rebels who cannot accept the new order. Their hate for surviving theocrats is undiminished, and the iconic Jeremiah Tombs is at the top of their hitlist. Escaping his sanatorium Tombs is pushed into painful confrontation with reality he has avoided since the rebellion. His insanity must cured, because the near mythical hooder called the Technician that attacked him all those years ago, did something to his mind even the AIs fail to understand. Tombs might possess information about the suicide of an entire alien race. The war drone Amistad, whose job it is to bring this information to light, recruits Lief Grant, an ex-rebel Commander, to protect Tombs, along with the black AI Penny Royal, who everyone thought was dead. The amphidapt Chanter, who has studied the bone sculptures the Technician makes with the remains of its prey, might be useful too. Meanwhile, in deep space, the mechanism the Atheter used to reduce themselves to animals, stirs from slumber and begins to power-up its weapons.
obrazek The Kingdom of Rolencia sleeps as rumours of new Affinity Seeps, places where the untamed power wells up. By royal decree all those afflicted with Affinity must serve the Abbey or face death. Sent to the Ab­bey, the King’s youngest son, Fyn, trains to become a warrior monk. Elsewhere others are tainted with Affinity and must fight to survive. Political intrigue and magic combine in this explosive first book in an exciting new fantasy trilogy.
obrazek Między życiem i śmiercią, snem i jawą, przy dworcu kolejowym poza krańcami świata znajduje się miasto Palimpsest. Trafienie do niego jest cudem, tajemnicą, darem i przekleństwem; podróż jest zastrzeżona dla tych, którzy zawsze wierzyli, że istnieje jeszcze inny świat poza tym, który na co dzień postrzegamy. Ci, który dane jest do niego trafić, zostają naznaczeni - po upojnej nocy na ich skórze pojawia się wytatuowana mapa cudownego miasta. Do tego królestwa pociągów-widm, lwich kapłanów, żywych kanji i kanałów pełnych śmietanki przybywa czworo podróżnych: Oleg - ślusarz z Nowego Jorku; November - pszczelarka; Ludovico - introligator, specjalista od oprawiania białych kruków; i młoda Japonka imieniem Sei. Każde z nich straciło coś ważnego - żonę, kochanka, siostrę, cel w życiu. to, co znajdą w Palimpseście, przejdzie ich najśmielsze wyobrażenia. Cudownie napisany i zachwycająco pomysłowy "Palimpsest" to książka dla wszystkich tych, którzy kochają stare mapy i odczuwają tęsknotę na dźwięk turkoczącego nocą pociągu. Współczesne arcydzieło, opowiedziane niepowtarzalnym głosem i z wyjątkową wrażliwością. W "Palimpseście" Catherynne M. Valente po prostu zwaliła mnie z nóg mistrzostwem w posługiwaniu się językiem - gęstym, opanowanym, narkotycznym, odpowiednim dla opowieści o dziwnej miłości i oglądanych w halucynacjach miastach" - pisze Warren Ellis, autor "Transmetropolitana". "Opowieści sieroty" wprowadziły czytelników w niepowtarzalny i odurzający świat wyobraźni Catherynne M. Valente. Tym razem autorka tworzy lirycznie erotyczne miejsce magiczne, w którym groteska miesza się z pięknem , a podróż do niego zaczyna się od pocałunku nieznajomego... obrazek
obrazek The Sanctuary of the Redeemers is a vast and desolate place—a place without joy or hope. Most of its occupants were taken there as boys and for years have endured the brutal regime of the Lord Redeemers whose cruelty and violence have one singular purpose—to serve in the name of the One True Faith. In one of the Sanctuary's vast and twisting maze of corridors stands a fourteen-year-old boy. He has long-forgotten his real name, but is now called Thomas Cale. He is strange and secretive, witty and charming, violent and profoundly bloody-minded. He is so used to the cruelty that he seems immune, but soon he will open the wrong door at the wrong time and witness an act so terrible that he will have to leave this place, or die. His only hope of survival is to escape across the arid Scablands to Memphis, a city the opposite of the Sanctuary in every way: breathtakingly beautiful, infinitely Godless, and deeply corrupt. But the Redeemers want Cale back at any price . . . not because of the secret he now knows but because of a much more terrifying secret he does not...
obrazek Doskonała kontynuacja "Z mgły zrodzonego". Dokonali niemożliwego, obalając niemal boską istotę, której brutalne rządy trwały tysiąc lat. Teraz Vin, wychowanka ulicy, która wyrosła na najpotężniejszą Zrodzoną z Mgły w krainie, i Elend Venture, zakochany w niej szlachetnie urodzony idealista, muszą zbudować nowe społeczeństwo na gruzach imperium. I wtedy atakują ich trzy oddzielne armie. Jedynie starożytna legenda daje cień nadziei. Ale nawet jeśli Studnia Wstąpienia istnieje, nikt nie wie, gdzie jej szukać i jakimi mocami obdarza. Być może zabicie Ostatniego Imperatora nie było wcale najtrudniejsze i prawdziwym wyzwaniem okaże się przetrwanie po jego upadku. obrazek
obrazek Zoë Martinique's life hasn't been ordinary for quite awhile. First she developed the ability to travel outside her body at will-where she encountered some seriously weird things. Things that left her with powers that she didn't really want or need. Still, a person can get used to almost anything- even being a Wraith. Though more often than not, it plays serious havoc with her love life. But for once, Zoë is glad of her abilities. Bodies are showing up all over Atlanta, drained of blood. They're beings from another astral plane, called Revenants-and they're being stalked by her old enemy, the Phantasm. The Revenants are hardly the nicest of creatures-but to preserve the cosmic balance, Zoë will need to put everything on the line to save them...
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