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Acoustica Mixcraft 5.2 Build 152.rar

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Acoustica Mixcraft 5.2 Build 152 [ENG] [Serial]

Mixcraft Recording Studio to potężna aplikacja firmy Acoustica umożliwiająca edytowanie plików dźwiękowych zapisanych w formatach WAV, MP3, OGG i WMA. Program pozwala na dodanie między innymi efektów Reverb, Distortion, Delay, EQ, Compressor, Flanger i Chorus, a wbudowany moduł nagrywania pozwala na bezpośrednie nagranie materiału w postaci plików Audio CD.

Główne cechy programu:
- możliwość pracy z nielimitowaną liczbą ścieżek audio
- możliwość regulacji poziomu głośności i położenia w panoramie dla każdego śladu prosty edytor pętli
- 6 programowych procesorów efektów dla każdego śladu: Reverb, Delay, EQ, Compression, Flanger i Chorus
- możliwość prostej edycji obwiedni głośności i filtracji dla każdego śladu
- 32-bitowe algorytmy przetwarzania sygnałów
- automatyczną funkcję cross-fading
- możliwość importu plików MP3, WMA, WAV i OGG
- możliwość renderowania utworów do formatów Realaudio, MP3, WMA, WAV Broadcast i OGG.



Mixcraft 5 is a powerful yet easy-to-use multi-track recording studio that enables you to record audio, arrange loops, remix tracks, compose with virtual instruments, score and edit video, and add effects to create stunningly professional compositions. Easy enough for everyone and powerful enough for the pros. Get a studio for a song with Mixcraft 5!

Main Features:
- Improved graphics and visual effects give Mixcraft 5 a sharp, polished and professional look.
- Custom loop library includes over 3000 royalty-free sounds in dozens of musical styles. Over 1000 new loops, including the following song kits: 70's Funk, Cool Jazz, Surf Rock, Reggae, and Vegas Rock.
- Works with Acid™ and Apple Garage Band™ loops.
- Record multiple MIDI and audio tracks simultaneously.
- Piano roll to view and edit MIDI.
- Notation tools allow you to create, edit, and print your MIDI data in familiar music notation format.
- 8 powerful virtual instruments, including the Acoustica Instruments General MIDI sample library, Acoustica Expanded Instruments sample library, Lounge Lizard Session vintage electric piano, VB3 tonewheel organ, MiniMogueVA monophonic analog synthesizer, Messiah polyphonic analog synthesizer, Alien303 Bass Synthesizer, and Impulse polyphonic analog synthesizer.
- 20 high quality effects, including the Pultronic Tube EQ, which models the classic tube equalizer found in studios throughout the world, and the Shred Amp Simulator, a complete suite of 5 classic amp heads, 17 cabinet models, and 6 powerful effects.
- Create mega presets that layer and split multiple virtual synthesizers and effects.
- Add unlimited VSTi™ instruments, VST™ and DirectX™ effects.
- Video Track allows loading and editing of video files. Easily cross-fade from one video clip to another. Remix the audio, add a soundtrack, and effortlessly render your video project to a new video file.
- Mix down to MP3, WAV, high-quality compressed OGG, and other audio file types.
- Option to record directly to high-quality compressed OGG files in Mixcraft 5. OGG files can take up 1/10th of the hard drive space of uncompressed WAV recordings. This is ideal for collaborators exchanging projects over the internet, laptop users, schools, and anyone recording long speeches or conferences.
- Burn CDs of your mix with just one click.

Sound Engine:
- Wave (WDM), ASIO™, WaveRT, and WaveRT Exclusive Mode low latency audio support.
- WaveRT Exclusive Mode (available in Windows 7) provides ultra-low-latency, solid audio performance on most audio hardware without any special sound card drivers. With WaveRT Exclusive Mode, Mixcraft can now interface directly with the audio hardware, bypassing the operating system for truly stunning audio performance.
- MIDI input and output support. Will work with any USB MIDI keyboard or any keyboard connected to a MIDI interface.
- 32 bit sound engine supports recording and playback of broadcast quality audio up to 192 kHz and 32 bits.
- Time stretch any sound from 25% to 400% with FlexAudio™ without affecting the pitch.
- Pitch shift sounds from -24 to +12 semitones!.
- Use an unlimited number of tracks, instruments, and effects.
- Automatically detects beat locations, keys and tempos of imported songs.
- Import WAV, AIF, OGG, WMA, and MP3 files!
- Every sound clip now features noise reduction technology. Mixcraft 5 will automatically find and analyze a section of noise, and you can reduce the noise level or eliminate it entirely.
- Numerous performance enhancements have been made throughout Mixcraft’s audio and graphics engine, including SSE2 optimizations, multi-processor file decoding, and zero-CPU track muting. Mixcraft is now faster and more powerful, allowing for more tracks and effects with lower latency than ever before.
- Support for up to 16 processor cores, double the number of cores supported by Mixcraft 4, to take full advantage of today's cutting-edge multi-processor computers.
- Shape each sound's volume, pan and resonant filters with unlimited envelope points.
- Support for DirectX™ & VST™ effects, including plug-in delay compensation.

- New Automation features provide automated control of all parameters in any VST effect, VSTi instrument, or Acoustica effect. All tracks can contain an unlimited number of automation curves on an unlimited number of effects and instruments. In addition, you can even automate the track volume & panning, and more.
- The Master Track allows you to smoothly automate the global effects parameters and master volume, for smooth and easy fade-ins and fade-outs for your mixes.
- Send Tracks (aka Auxiliary Busses) let you route audio from multiple Audio Tracks and Virtual Instrument Tracks to a single set of audio effects. For example, use one reverb effect on multiple tracks. Audio can be routed both pre-fader and post-fader to the Send Tracks, and effects on the Send Tracks can all be easily automated.
- Powerful Mixer Interface provides a convenient and familiar interface for mixing a project. Complete with easy access to volume, pan, mute, and solo controls, as well as effects and instrument dialogs, our Mixer Interface also includes a 3-band EQ on every track, so you can get every instrument fitting perfectly into the mix.
- Recording Count-In feature, which can be turned on and off in Mixcraft’s time display, tells Mixcraft’s metronome to count for several measures before recording begins. The length of the count-in is user-adjustable, between 1 and 32 measures.
- The new Mix To New Audio Track (aka Bouncing) feature allows you to mix down an Audio Track or Virtual Instrument Track, complete with all effects and automation, to a new audio track. This is a great one-click method to save CPU or “lock in” the edits and effects that have been applied to a track.
- Undock the details tabs and move them around the screen, or onto a second monitor. Maximize the details tabs window for full-screen MIDI editing, mixing, access to the loop library, and more!
- Edit any sound to make a loop. Pick sections of prerecorded songs and extract loops for remixing.
- Adjust loop points to visual beat marks.
- Link audio, MIDI, and video clips together so they’ll select and move as a group.
- Mix To New Clip (aka Merging) feature allows you to merge several audio or MIDI clips together to form one single clip. This is a great way to “lock in” edits that have been made to a recording, combine multiple loops into a single new loop, or mix multiple MIDI passages together into one MIDI clip.
- Mixcraft’s improved seamless looping mode lets you smoothly loop sections of your project with no audio gapping.
- Color-coded CPU meter on the status bar helps you keep track of your computer’s processing power at all times.
- Multi-monitor support in Mixcraft 5 lets you take full advantage of computers with multiple monitors.
- Musical Typing Keyboard lets you play and record Mixcraft 5’s virtual instruments without the use of a MIDI keyboard. Use your computer’s typing keyboard to play notes and chords. Control pitch bend, modulation, and velocity. Sustain notes with a simple press of the Shift key. You can even transpose by octaves and semitones.
- Archive your entire project to a ZIP file or new folder.
- Edit MIDI data in the piano roll editor. Perfect MIDI loops by adjusting the loop points. Edit notes and controller information.
- Create custom instrument presets which combine multiple virtual instruments and effects. Set the key range, velocity sensitivity, transposition, pan and volume for each instrument.
- Load in standard MIDI files.
- Add your own photos or images to each track header.
- Edit each track's color, size and position in a variety of ways.
- Intuitive design and keyboard controls for quick work flow.
- Work in beats / measures mode or in time mode.
- Adjust the snap to grid setting which allows you to work and edit in whole notes, quarter notes, etc.
- Split, cut, copy, delete and paste sounds with ease.
- Easily move sounds around with drag and drop or via the keyboard.
- Cross fade sounds automatically by visually overlapping them.
- Create precise, custom loops extracted from existing songs.

What's New in version 5.2 Build 152:
- Restoring automation for VSTs and VSTis was not working in b151.
- Duplicating a track was duplicating effects in their default state in b151


strona producenta: http://www.acoustica.com/
system operacyjny: Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7


Program nie posiada podpisu cyfrowego, AV należy zezwolic na jego instalację.

Podczas instalacji wymagane połączenie z internetem (instalator pobiera ze strony producenta składniki potrzebne do instalacji)


- uruchom plik 'Acoustica-Mixcraft-5-Installer.exe' - zainstaluj
- po zainstalowaniu uruchom program
- poczekaj aż się w pełni załaduje (przesuwający się wskaźnik na dole okna programu)
- następnie kliknij zakładka Help -> Enter Registration Code
- wklej dane z pliku "serial.txt"
- kliknij na "Register" - następnie na "OK"
- zamknij program
- uruchom program ponownie


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