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brimstone / ● GOLDEN MEDIA SPARK TRIPLEX / IMAGE SPARK TRIPLEX / Neutrino-martiiGit-by-FFTeam-12-01-2013.zip
Download: Neutrino-martiiGit-by-FFTeam-12-01-2013.zip

31,2 MB

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Neutrino-martiiGit-by-FFTeam-12-01-2013 für GM ,Sab Triplex ,Amiko Alien 2 alle 7162 Receiver
- neue Treiber enthalten für neue GM Triplex Tuner T2 (mal sehn ob die gehen)
- nach Lautstärke drücken geht nun sendername wieder an
-Blaue Taste Spiele zugefügt
- blaue Taste,neutrino Plugins, emu Punkt
- AdZap (Werbezapper) ist mit drin
- Flexmenü integriert (NeutrinoHD Plugins)
- Movieplayer GOTO Funktion integriert
- 3D-Modi Side-by-Side/Top-Bottom/Tiled
- Einstellmöglichkeiten für's OSD
- Infoviewer zeigt die korrekten Button-Bezeichnungen an
- Lautstärkeanhebung/-absenkung ist pro Audiokanal einstellbar
- GraphLCD (das Billig-LCD, das es bei Pearl gab) wird unterstützt
- HDMI-CEC ist integriert
- Mount/Unmount im Laufwerk Menü
- LED-Feedback beim Betätigen der Fernbedienung
- FreeSat und VIASat EPG werden unterstützt (auch MHWEPG, per Batchjob)
- OSD-Anzeige für PSI-Settings (Farbton, Kontrast, ...)
- Logos neutrino und E2-Picon
-Oscam startet automatisch IP:8888 webif oscam
- ip normales webif neutrino
- NTFS HDD´s können beschrieben werden (aber langsam !)
-FTP Support, Rechte wie 755 können mit jedem FTP Programm gesetzt werden
- WebTV im Multimediamenü (4 Adult´s HARDCORE als Beispiele)
- UPnP Browser
- TuxBox Commander
- Tuxwetter
- neue WLAN Treiber integriert
- mehrere Sprachen
-blaue Taste Scripte, backup, mgcamdstart,cccamstart,camd3start,oscamstart
- - Nand Fix für alle aktuellen Nandspeicher THX Thomas,martii,Schufti

Anleitung E2/Neutrino flashen:

Zur Vorbereitung muss der Bootloader von [SPARK] auf [ENIGMA] umgestellt werden:
- Gerät am Hauptschalter hinten ausschalten
- beim Einschalten die Taste [OK] gedrückt halten bis [FORC] im Display erscheint
- nun mit der Pfeiltaste [V] nun [ENIG] auswählen und mit [OK] bestätigen
- Box flasht nun einige Sekunden
- wenn fertig > Box ausschalten

Flashen von Enigma2/Neutrino:
- Ordner [enigma2] am USB Stick erstellen
- entpacken und die beiden Dateien "e2jffs2.img" + "uImage" in den Ordner [enigma2] auf den Stick kopieren
- Stick ans ausgeschaltete Gerät anstecken
- beim Einschalten die Taste [OK] gedrückt halten bis [FORC] erscheint
- nun Pfeiltaste [>] drücken für Update vom USB-Stick > jetzt beginnt der Upload in den Flash, erkennbar an [U LD] im Display
- das Gerät bootet anschließend selbständig neu

TIP: nach aufspielen
Menü drücken
1 einstellungen
1 Video
pal auf z.b. 1080i 50Hz stellen 16:6

blaue taste - emu - wunsch emu starten (oscam ip:8888 karte aktivieren fertig)


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Inne pliki do pobrania z tego chomika
PKT Polish Koders Team obrazek PKT SVN-3242 HYPERION v5.1 Image - new base: https://github.com/Duckbox-Developers - new gstreamer 1.6.0 (SH4) 1.6.1 (MIPS) - new packages - a lot of fixes and updates - [SH4] add rtl8188eu and wlan update - [sh4] Shoutcast update - [ufs910] WLAN fix Special THX to TDT, Duckbox-Developers, OpenPLI, OE-alliance and all betatesters. FTP login: root, passwd: pkteam Regards Pozdrawiamy Polish Koders Team
PKT Polish Koders Team obrazek PKT SVN-3242 HYPERION v5.1 Image - new base: https://github.com/Duckbox-Developers - new gstreamer 1.6.0 (SH4) 1.6.1 (MIPS) - new packages - a lot of fixes and updates - [SH4] add rtl8188eu and wlan update - [sh4] Shoutcast update - [ufs910] WLAN fix Special THX to TDT, Duckbox-Developers, OpenPLI, OE-alliance and all betatesters. FTP login: root, passwd: pkteam Regards Pozdrawiamy Polish Koders Team
PKT Polish Koders Team obrazek PKT SVN-3072 HYPERION v4.5 Image SH4 Duckbox Project GIT-5767 Added by PKT: [ALL] fix cam start at startup tuner [XPEEDLX] Add Correction time in deepstandby [ALL] fix scrollbar [SH4] add new WiFi Driver Manager - restart GUI is required to detect WLAN stick on main network setup - all drivers directly from GIT should be supported - 'try driver' can be selected only when all driver is inactive - eth0 is automatically up when 'disable driver' is selected [ARIVA] fix vfd plugin [ariva] GS fix on ledREC [SH4] samba update and 2GB fix [sh4] fix samba setup if IPV6 in kernel is enabled [sh4] update rtmpdump and librtmp for IPTV Player [sh4] eplayer image in NOR 32MB optimalization [SH4] SyncTime - fix update script [mips] fix tuxtxt encoding [sh4] Removed CrossEPG from image - now only on feed [sh4] add Remote Manager [sh4] add mount by LABEL in HDD Manager [spark] fix multiboot [UFS910] fix networking restart [MIPS] fix start/stop/restart emu on standby [MIPS] fix NetworkBrowser on sf8 [MIPS] add hbbtv indicator on Silver & Red skin [ALL] fix detecting network interface and code optimization [SH4] fix esi cooler standby [MIPS] Shoutcast update [all] add Memory Cleaner [MIPS] fix Channel Control [MIPS] fix GS on InpuDevice [all] add NTFS to HDD Manager and ntfs-3g support [MIPS] fix Start DLNA server [MIPS] fix time correct on xpeedlx1 [MIPS] fix showing CPU clock [ALL] add IPTV Player optimalisation [CUBEREVO] fix BootPlus [SH4] disable clear cache for UFS910 [MIPS] add missing renderer for better skins compatibility [SH4] add UFS913 [ALL] fix manual backup restore [MIPS] add mising files for LCD4Linux [ALL] many other bugfixes not included in this changelog Special THX to TDT, OpenPLI, OE-alliance and all betatesters. FTP login: root, passwd: pkteam Regards Pozdrawiamy Polish Koders Team
PKT Polish Koders Team obrazek PKT SVN-3072 HYPERION v4.5 Image SH4 Duckbox Project GIT-5767 Added by PKT: [ALL] fix cam start at startup tuner [XPEEDLX] Add Correction time in deepstandby [ALL] fix scrollbar [SH4] add new WiFi Driver Manager - restart GUI is required to detect WLAN stick on main network setup - all drivers directly from GIT should be supported - 'try driver' can be selected only when all driver is inactive - eth0 is automatically up when 'disable driver' is selected [ARIVA] fix vfd plugin [ariva] GS fix on ledREC [SH4] samba update and 2GB fix [sh4] fix samba setup if IPV6 in kernel is enabled [sh4] update rtmpdump and librtmp for IPTV Player [sh4] eplayer image in NOR 32MB optimalization [SH4] SyncTime - fix update script [mips] fix tuxtxt encoding [sh4] Removed CrossEPG from image - now only on feed [sh4] add Remote Manager [sh4] add mount by LABEL in HDD Manager [spark] fix multiboot [UFS910] fix networking restart [MIPS] fix start/stop/restart emu on standby [MIPS] fix NetworkBrowser on sf8 [MIPS] add hbbtv indicator on Silver & Red skin [ALL] fix detecting network interface and code optimization [SH4] fix esi cooler standby [MIPS] Shoutcast update [all] add Memory Cleaner [MIPS] fix Channel Control [MIPS] fix GS on InpuDevice [all] add NTFS to HDD Manager and ntfs-3g support [MIPS] fix Start DLNA server [MIPS] fix time correct on xpeedlx1 [MIPS] fix showing CPU clock [ALL] add IPTV Player optimalisation [CUBEREVO] fix BootPlus [SH4] disable clear cache for UFS910 [MIPS] add missing renderer for better skins compatibility [SH4] add UFS913 [ALL] fix manual backup restore [MIPS] add mising files for LCD4Linux [ALL] many other bugfixes not included in this changelog Special THX to TDT, OpenPLI, OE-alliance and all betatesters. FTP login: root, passwd: pkteam Regards Pozdrawiamy Polish Koders Team
PKT Polish Koders Team PKT SVN-2860 HYPERION v4 Image SH4 Duckbox Project GIT-5580 Added by PKT: [SH4] Based on E2 PLI 13-11-2013 [SH4] BootSetup Fix 4 USB HUB working {ALL} added polish EPG updater in BP [SH4] set Framework Manager to Autoswitch mode [gm990] Fix kernel - now available full flash size [SH4] add ESI88 [SH4] crossepg GS fix - source openPLI [ALL] update djcrashUpdater v1.4.0 - add alternative server - reducing access time to the server when it is unreachable [SH4] new samba compilation [GM990] revert KEY_BACK in evremote2 {ALL} Front Panel v.1.5 {ALL} added 3rd event view in channelselection list {ALL} set Silver HD as default skin {ALL} ECM info optimization {ALL} picons update [ALL] update ShoutCast Radio with recording possibility [ALL] add compiled streamripper v1.64.6 [GM SH4] set correct eps "60" for greater angle [ALL SH4] keymap changes: - fix yellow button on Audio Selection Menu - fix InfobarEPGActions [GM990/7162] add KEY_T to keymap [ALL SH4] add KEY_PAGEUP & KEY_PAGEDOWN to keymap for EPGSelectActions [ALL] fix PKT_BackupManager [ALL] update PKT DLNA Setup v1.5: - add database direcory - fix running pid remove [ALL SH4] fix GS when trying deactivation 'Network Interface' [SH4] fix network setup is not save when using 1st wizard [ALL] update InstallManager v2.8.5 - fix status delay [SH4] fix GS when WLAN drivers is Enabled [SH4] fix GS in CIFS Manager when removing mount share [SH4] disable for default "read external txt/srt file" from main menu [ALL] add PKT SyncTime v1.3: -Enable/Disable time from transponder -Enable/Disable time from NTP server -add posibility to change server -add programing crontab to autoupdate -add autostart cron when autoupdate Enable -add Sync at startup [GM990, ADB] Enable ca1toca0 as default [SH4] remove WebMedia [SH4] fix samba startup [ALL] update channel list [ALL] many other bugfixes to increase stability Known Issues: [SH4] Using subtitles in media player should be deactivated before end of the movie Special THX to TDT, OpenPLI, all sh4 community and all betatesters. Extra THX goto data devil FTP login: root, passwd: pkteam
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