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(1836) The World of Fashion & Continental Feuilletons (January Issue) | (1836) World of Fashion & Continental Feuilletons (February Issue) | (1836) World of Fashion and Continental Feuilletons (December Issue) |
(1836) World of Fashion and Continental Feuilletons (March Issue) | (1836) World of Fashion and Continental Feuilletons (May Issue) | (1836) World of Fashion and Continental Feuilletons (October Issue) |
(1836) World of Fashion and International Feuilletons (November Issue) | (1836) World of Fashions and Conteinental Feuilletons (June Issue) | (1836) World of Fashions and Continental Feuilletons (April Issue) |
(1836) World of Fashions and Continental Feuilletons (August Issue) | (1836) World of Fashions and Continental Feuilletons (September Issue) | (1838) World of Fashion and Continental Feuilletons (August Issue) |
(1838) World of Fashion and Continental Feuilletons (December Issue) | (1838) World of Fashion and Continental Feuilletons (February Issue) | (1838) World of Fashion and Continental Feuilletons (June Issue) |
(1838) World of Fashion and Continental Feuilletons (May Issue) | (1838) World of Fashion and Continental Feuilletons (October Issue) | (1838) World of Fashion and Continental Feuilletons (September Issue) |
(1838) World of Fashion and Continental Fueilletons (November Issue) | (1838) World of Fashions and Continenal Feuilletons (April Issue) | (1838) World of Fashions and Continental Feuilletons (January Issue) |
(1838) World of Fashions and Continental Feuilletons (March Issue) | (1838) World of Fasion and Continental Feuilletons (July Issue) | (1864) Godey's Lady's Book (No.1) |
(1864) Godey's Lady's Book (No.10) | (1864) Godey's Lady's Book (No.11) | (1864) Godey's Lady's Book (No.12) |
(1864) Godey's Lady's Book (No.13) | (1864) Godey's Lady's Book (No.2) | (1864) Godey's Lady's Book (No.3) |
(1864) Godey's Lady's Book (No.4) | (1864) Godey's Lady's Book (No.5) | (1864) Godey's Lady's Book (No.6) |
(1864) Godey's Lady's Book (No.7) | (1864) Godey's Lady's Book (No.8) | (1864) Godey's Lady's Book (No.9) |
(1874) Fashion Book Debenham & Freebody, Novelties, Costumes, Mantles, Millinery, etc | (1879) Head-Gear Antique and Modern | (1880) Godey's Lady Book (January - June Issues) |
(1880) Godey's Lady's Book (July - December Issues) | (1881) Peterson's Magazine (79th Volume - January to June) | (1883) Peterson's Lady's National Magazine (June Issue) |
(1883) Peterson's Lady's National Magazine (March Issue) | (1896) Un Siecle de Modes Feminine 1794-1894 | (1905) Hart, Schaffner & Marx Style Book (Fall & Winter) |
(1907) Morse Made Clothing Adams Square | (1907) Styles for Men A Book Issued to Show Authoritatively What is Fashionable | (1913) Dame Fashion Paris - London (1786 - 1912) |
(1932) J.L.Taylor & Company Pure Wool Fabrics |
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