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Prison Architect to strategia ekonomiczna, w której zadaniem graczy jest zarządzanie więzieniem. Grę opracowało niezależne brytyjskie studio Introversion, które ma na koncie produkcje takie jak Uplink, Darwinia czy Defcon.

Gra pełnymi garściami czerpie z tytułów pokroju Theme Park, Dungeon Keeper i Dwarf Fortress. Gracze wcielają się w naczelnika nowego więzienia. Zabawę rozpoczynamy od zaprojektowania placówki, a następnie naszym zadaniem jest zarządzanie nią oraz jej rozbudowa. Oczywiście, zaraz po ukończeniu konstrukcji zaczynają pojawiać się pierwsi więźniowie i naszym obowiązkiem jest zadbać o ich potrzeby. Musimy m.in. nakarmić ich, zapewnić im dostęp do prysznicy oraz umożliwić spacery. Jednocześnie trzeba też zatrudnić strażników do kontrolowania populacji skazańców. Ponadto, każde więzienie potrzebuje sieci elektrycznej i elektronicznych systemów bezpieczeństwa. Każdy dodatkowy przyjęty więzień zwiększa kwotę wpłacaną każdego miesiąca na nasze konto, ale jednocześnie niesie za sobą wydatki. Dlatego przy wykonywaniu obowiązków musimy cały czas pamiętać o odpowiednim zbilansowaniu budżetu.

Zamieszkujący placówkę skazańcy posiadają własne osobowości i sami decydują co robić w naszym więzieniu. Niektórzy okażą się karni i będą trzymali się na uboczu, pracowali w kuchni lub trenowali na siłowni. Inni natomiast wykażą się tendencją do wywoływania bójek, w wyniku których strażnicy i współwięźniowie mogą nawet pożegnać się z życiem. Jeśli zaniedbamy przez długi czas potrzeby skazańców to ostatecznie doprowadzi to do wybuchu wielkich zamieszek. W takim wypadku regularni strażnicy często odmówią interwencji i będziemy musieli wezwać ciężko uzbrojone oddziały. Nie zabrakło również prób ucieczki. Pomysłowi kryminaliści potrafią nocą udawać, że śpią, podczas gry w rzeczywistości spędzą ten czas na kopaniu tunelu, by potem podczas spaceru dyskretnie pozbyć się gruzu. Autorzy nie zapomnieli również o systemie pozwalającym więźniom łączyć się gangi oraz organizować kontrabandę.
  • 5.0
  • 119,1 MB
  • 31 sty 15 18:49

z chomika Altair21

  • 5.0
  • 112,1 MB
  • 31 sty 15 18:49

z chomika Altair21

  • 5.0
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  • 31 sty 15 18:49

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  • 3.0
  • 100,7 MB
  • 31 sty 15 18:49

z chomika Altair21

  • 275 KB
  • 31 sty 15 18:49
This requires Prison Architect alpha15 or higher!

Added a Staffroom grant
Cleaned up some code
Fixed a few more language issues

To install unzip the contents to your C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Introversion\Prison Architect\mods\ folder.

Go to your startmenu and click Run, or press the Windows Key + R.
Enter %localappdata%\Introversion\Prison Architect\
There should be a folder named mods, if not you need to make a new folder and name it mods.
Extract the download contents into the mods folder.

z chomika Altair21

  • 101,6 MB
  • 31 sty 15 18:49

z chomika Altair21

  • 96,6 MB
  • 31 sty 15 18:49

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  • 5.0
  • 116,4 MB
  • 31 sty 15 18:49

z chomika Altair21

  • 5.0
  • 116,2 MB
  • 31 sty 15 18:49

z chomika Altair21

  • 3.9
  • 114,6 MB
  • 31 sty 15 18:49

z chomika Altair21

  • 5.0
  • 110,9 MB
  • 31 sty 15 18:49
= Performance improvements & memory leaks
- Fixed numerous large memory leaks
- Water simulation significantly optimised
- Fixed performance bug in object rendering (calling profiler from within inner loop)
- Rendering soft material edges has been improved and optimised (eg grass growing onto pathway)
- Rendering garbage bags was sometimes very slow, is now quicker. Weight caption removed
- Nameplates now fade out as you zoom out (less clutter + quicker to render)
- Fixed performance bug when ordering large areas of construction

= Land expansion
- You can now purchase neighbouring plots of land, and thereby expand the area of your prison
- Must be unlocked by the accountant in the beauracracy screen
- Expanding to the right of the road is experimental, and is likely to break everything

= TimeLapse recording
You can now record a timelapse video of your prison during construction
Use the Options -> Timelapse menu to set the frame interval and the playback rate of the video
Start and Stop recording from the main menu
Whilst recording you will see a red circle icon in the top right of your screen
NOTE: Timelapse videos will be saved to your PA saves folder, subfolder 'Videos'
NOTE: We export the videos as OGV (ogg video) format

- Intelligent toolbar highlights
Icons in the main build toolbar will now highlight when appropriate, based on the rooms visible on screen
Eg if you are looking at a Workshop, the Saw/Press/Table will all highlight.
Eg if you are looking at a row of jail cells, the Bed/Toilet/JailDoor icons will all highlight

- Prisoners now count down their remaining sentence whilst in your jail.
Once they have served their full jail term they are automatically released.
They will walk to the exit and be allowed to leave by your guards.
Their nameplate will flash "RELEASED"
NOTE: We count down sentences at an accelerated rate - otherwise nobody would ever be released
NOTE: We do not yet support early release due to Parole

- Guards assigned to a sector will no longer group together at the very centre of the sector.
Instead they will walk randomly around the sector.
Similarly, prisoners assigned to work within a room will now wander around the room if there is
nothing to do, instead of grouping together at the centre like chumps

- Hearses will now come to your prison to take away your dead bodies (four at a time)

- Dirty clothes will no longer lead to riots
Not all needs will push prisoners to physical violence
Currently Exempt: Clothing, Comfort
These needs still prevent those prisoners from feeling "well treated", but will not push them to anger

- Doctors/Paramedics will now prioritise Guards and Riot Police, and will not heal fighting/rioting prisoners

- Running the game in SAFE MODE now automatically scales the game spritebank down to 2048x2048
This should fix the missing/corrupted sprites bugs on some graphics chips (eg Intel HD 3000, Macbook Air etc)

- Prisoners now walk a bit faster when pushing laundry baskets

- Fixed: The clone tool was broken in alpha 10

- Fixed: The doctor/paramedic healing sound was looping forever

- Fixed: The Lockdown claxon would l

z chomika Altair21

  • 109,8 MB
  • 31 sty 15 18:49

z chomika Altair21

  • 5.0
  • 92,1 MB
  • 31 sty 15 18:49

z chomika Altair21

  • 5.0
  • 88,8 MB
  • 31 sty 15 18:49
"We've fulfilled the name in game and face in game tiers so some prisoners are now personalised. Guards are now the only characters that can open doors. This sounds small, but makes a massive difference to the gameplay. You now have to think a lot more about how many guards to use and where to deploy them. There's also a graphics option menu that should keep a lot of you happy!

= Name-in-the-game / Face-in-the-game
The community database of personalised Names and Faces has been imported into the game
You can view the full database from the main menu option "Names in the game"
Around 30% of all randomly generated prisoners will now include a custom name and bio taken from this database
You can manually transfer any prisoner from this list into your jail - they will arrive in the 8am delivery

= Only Guards can open doors
All locked doors must now be opened by Guards using their keys. Prisoners and staff must wait to be let in.
The exception is the doors on each jail Cell, which open automatically when the prisoner should be let out
Office doors are never locked - anyone can pass through at any time
You can right click on any door to open it manually
Doors can be blocked open but will gradually push blocking objects aside until they close

= Alarm buttons
Under 'Emergencies' there are two new "alarm" buttons:
LOCKDOWN immediately closes and locks all the doors in the prison
Guards will not open doors for anyone. However they will unlock doors on their way if you move them somewhere
BANGUP instructs all prisoners to return immediately to their cell (confusingly, this was called Lockdown in alpha6)
Prisoners will obviously ignore this alarm if they are misbehaving

= Game Options menu
From the main menu you can now access an 'Options' menu to control the application settings
Under GRAPHICS You can control the screen resolution, fullscreen/windowed setting and filtering mode
- Multisampling uses fullscreen anti-aliasing (4xMSAA) to improve the sprite render quality
- Supersampling renders everything at double resolution then downscales to your screen
Both improve the game visuals at the cost of reduced performance
There are also options for Sound, Game etc

- You can now press F11 at any time to toggle fullscreen

- You can press ctrl-p at any time to save a screenshot

- The game will no longer crash on launch if your previous save game was corrupted.
We have disabled autoload of previous saved games for now, until we can fix some loading issues.
(The game now launches with a new empty sandbox)

- Prisoners can now be re-categorised (Max/normal/Min) from their rap sheet

- All research times have been halved

- Fixed: Building lots of fences whilst paused caused endless delivery of empty boxes

- Fixed: Prisoners were no longer bothering to run around the yard whilst exercising

- Fixed: The main build toolbar was sometimes scaled wrongly at certain resolutions,
leading to an annoying scrollbar in the lists of objects/rooms etc

- Performance improvements:
Fixed a major performance bug in the renderer, causing occasional extreme frame lag
Many parts of the render system have been optimised

z chomika Altair21

  • 4.2
  • 83,9 MB
  • 31 sty 15 18:49
Alpha 6 wprowadza kategorię zagrożenia więźniów. Każda z nich posiada swój własny kolor uniformu, dzięki czemu łatwiej będzie nam ją rozpoznać. Więźniowie mają teraz swoje własne historie kryminalne, które wpływają na klasyfikację zagrożenia, jaką reprezentują. Jak na razie jest to faza wstępna, dlatego też statystyki mogą nie być dokładne. Oprócz tego rozgrywka została jeszcze bardziej usprawniona.

z chomika Altair21

  • 4.2
  • 81,5 MB
  • 31 sty 15 18:49

z chomika Altair21

  • 3.7
  • 80,1 MB
  • 31 sty 15 18:49

z chomika Altair21

  • 3.3
  • 79,9 MB
  • 31 sty 15 18:49

z chomika Altair21

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