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Warmachine is a tabletop steampunk wargame produced by Privateer Press.

The game is played with white metal and plastic miniatures manufactured by Privateer Press representing military characters from the Iron Kingdoms D20 Role Playing Game setting. Battles are fought between warcasters from rival kingdoms, the large steam-powered warjacks that the warcasters control, and troops consisting of humans and fantasy races.

In 2004, Warmachine won the Origins Awards for Best Fantasy Miniatures Rules of 2003 and Best Fantasy Miniatures Series of 2003. In 2005 Warmachine won Game of the Year at Origins and Gamers Choice for Best Miniatures.

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  • 95,5 MB
  • 21 lut 11 19:50
Step into a world forged of iron and tempered by war.

In WARMACHINE, the very earth shakes during fierce confrontations where six-ton constructs of iron and steel slam into each other with the devastating force of a locomotive, where lead-spewing cannons chew through armor plating as easily as flesh, and where bold heroes set the battlefield ablaze with a tempest of arcane magic as they forge the fates of their unyielding nations in the fires of destruction.

WARMACHINE Prime: Mk II is the core rulebook for the second edition of the award-winning tabletop wargame WARMACHINE. The popular game now plays faster, easier, and more aggressively than ever before. Prime Mk II includes the rules for the game; detailed profiles and game stats for powerful characters, warjacks, and soldiers; histories of the nations of the Iron Kingdoms; and an instructional hobby guide that will help bring your tabletop battlefield to life.

Charge into the metal-on-metal action of WARMACHINE Mk II and brace yourself for battle like you’ve never experienced before!
  • 163,5 MB
  • 21 lut 11 19:34
"Borders will fall. Legends will rise!
A war is being fought on two fronts. As death looms, battle-scarred heroes struggle for glory, for victory, and for redemption. Caspia is invaded as Korsk’s cathedral is desecrated. Alliances made in the shadows bear bitter fruit. The clash of old rivals shapes the fate of nations...
…and the Iron Kingdoms enters a new era!"

Warmachine: Legends brings the saga of WARMACHINE to an earth-shattering climax and introduces new warcasters, additional epic warcasters, character warjacks, powerful solos, and battle-ready units and attachments. This book delivers 176 full-color pages that continue the WARMACHINE story, introduces many characters, and unveils exciting new options for your army!

- Warcaster Attachments are new models that accompany warcasters to protect them and augment their powers.
- Warjack Imprints allow new character ’jacks to spend focus to activate powerful new abilities.
- Tactics, Cohorts, and Affinities add new special abilities when these legendary models team up with your existing forces.

Warmachine: Legends ensures that, whether you are expanding your army or building a new one, no battle will ever be the same.
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W ramach Chomikuj.pl stosujemy pliki cookies by umożliwić Ci wygodne korzystanie z serwisu. Jeśli nie zmienisz ustawień dotyczących cookies w Twojej przeglądarce, będą one umieszczane na Twoim komputerze. W każdej chwili możesz zmienić swoje ustawienia. Dowiedz się więcej w naszej Polityce Prywatności