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  • 4,0 MB
  • 25 gru 13 22:10
Hitlers rise to power, Germanys march to the abyss, as seen by Americans-diplomats, military, expats, visiting authors, Olympic athletes-who watched horrified and up close.

Some of the Americans in Hitlers Germany were merely casual observers, others deliberately blind, a few were Nazi apologists.

But most began slowly to understand what was unfolding, even when they found it difficult to grasp the breadth of the catastrophe.

z chomika Ragnar3

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  • 25 gru 13 22:10
Najbardziej wyczerpująca biografia ministra propagandy Trzeciej Rzeszy, spisana przez Davida Irvinga, jednego z najbardziej kontrowersyjnych współczesnych historyków.
Książka oparta jest na odkrytych przez Davida Irvinga, autentycznych dziennikach Goebbelsa, spoczywających do 1992 r. w moskiewskim archiwum jako wojenne trofeum. Rozwiewa wiele mitów, dotyczących zarówno Josepha Goebbelsa, jak i Trzeciej Rzeszy.
Zawiera też mnóstwo nieznanych dotąd, niekiedy wręcz bulwersujących, faktów.
Bez tej książki nie obędzie się już żaden autor ani historyk zajmujący się Trzecią Rzeszą!

z chomika Ragnar3

  • 5,1 MB
  • 25 gru 13 22:10
Nazism is usually depicted as the outcome of political blunders and unique economic factors: we are told that it could not be prevented, and that it will never be repeated. In this explosive book, Guido Giacomo Preparata shows that the truth is very different: using meticulous economic analysis, he demonstrates that Hitler's extraordinary rise to power was in fact facilitated -- and eventually financed -- by the British and American political classes during the decade following World War I. Through a close analysis of events in the Third Reich, Preparata unveils a startling history of Anglo-American geopolitical interests in the early twentieth century. He explains that Britain, still clinging to its empire, was terrified of an alliance forming between Germany and Russia. He shows how the UK, through the Bank of England, came to exercise control over Weimar Germany and how Anglo-American financial support for Hitler enabled the Nazis to seize power. This controversial study shows that Nazism was not regarded as an aberration: for the British and American establishment of the time, it was regarded as a convenient way of destabilising Europe and driving Germany into conflict with Stalinist Russia, thus preventing the formation of any rival continental power block. Guido Giacomo Preparata lays bare the economic forces at play in the Third Reich, and identifies the key players in the British and American establishment who aided Hitler's meteoric rise.

z chomika Ragnar3

  • 6,8 MB
  • 25 gru 13 22:10
In this masterful narrative, acclaimed historian Giles MacDonogh chronicles Adolf Hitler’s consolidation of power over the course of one year. Until 1938, Hitler could be dismissed as a ruthless but efficient dictator, a problem to Germany alone; after 1938 he was clearly a threat to the entire world.

It was in 1938 that Third Reich came of age. The Führer brought Germany into line with Nazi ideology and revealed his plans to take back those parts of Europe lost to “Greater Germany” after the First World War. From the purging of the army in January through the Anschluss in March, from the Munich Conference in September to the ravages of Kristallnacht in November, MacDonogh offers a gripping account of the year Adolf Hitler came into his own and set the world inexorably on track to a cataclysmic war.

z chomika Ragnar3

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  • 25 gru 13 22:10
In this book, Weikart helps unlock the mystery of Hitler’s evil by vividly demonstrating the surprising conclusion that Hitler’s immorality flowed from a coherent ethic.

z chomika Ragnar3

  • 17,7 MB
  • 25 gru 13 22:10
Everyone with an interest in the Pacific War will find something stimulating in this thought-provoking study of what might have been.
–British Army Review
In war, victory can be held hostage to seemingly insignificant incidents–chance events, opportunities seized or cast aside–that can derail the most brilliant military strategies and change the course of history. What if the Japanese had conquered India and driven out the British? What if the strategic link between the United States and Australia had been severed? What if Vice Admiral Nagumo had launched a third attack on Pearl Harbor? What if the U.S. Navy’s gamble at Midway had backfired?
Ten leading military historians ask these and other questions in this fascinating book. The war with Japan was rife with difficult choices and battles that could have gone either way. These fact-based alternate scenarios offer intriguing insights into what might have happened in the Pacific during World War II, and what the consequences would have been for America.

z chomika Ragnar3

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  • 25 gru 13 22:10
Zwycięstwo albo śmierć. Tylko taki wybór mieli żołnierze Armii Czerwonej. Książka Merridale to wnikliwe spojrzenie za zasłonę stalinowskiej propagandy. To mistrzowskie dzieło odwróconej perspektywy opisuje wielką wojnę ojczyźnianą, widzianą oczami zwykłego radzieckiego żołnierza. Opowieść oparta na wywiadach z ponad dwustoma weteranami, listach, pamiętnikach, głęboko do tej pory utajnionych materiałach z archiwów wojskowych i NKWD. Obraz wojny, podczas której aktom bohaterstwa towarzyszyły tchórzostwo, grabieże i gwałty na niespotykaną skalę. Z obrazu tego stopniowo wyłania się prawda o losach czerwonoarmistów. Cała prawda.

z chomika Ragnar3

  • 13,6 MB
  • 25 gru 13 22:10
Zbiorowa biografia ludzi z najbliższego otoczenia Stalina - i portret samego Stalina. Autor wykorzystał nowe dokumenty archiwalne, niepublikowane wspomnienia i wywiady ze świadkami wydarzeń, które przeprowadził w czasie swoich podróży do Rosji i byłego imperium radzieckiego.

z chomika Ragnar3

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  • 25 gru 13 22:10
In this compelling book Stanley G. Payne offers the first comprehensive narrative of Soviet and Communist intervention in the revolution and civil war in Spain. He documents in unprecedented detail Soviet strategies, Comintern activities, and the role of the Communist party in Spain from the early 1930s to the end of the civil war in 1939. Drawing on a very broad range of Soviet and Spanish primary sources, including many only recently available, Payne changes our understanding of Soviet and Communist intentions in Spain, of Stalin's decision to intervene in the Spanish war, of the widely accepted characterization of the conflict as the struggle of fascism against democracy, and of the claim that Spain's war constituted the opening round of World War II. The author arrives at a new view of the Spanish Civil War and concludes not only that the Democratic Republic had many undemocratic components but also that the position of the Communist party was by no means counterrevolutionary.

z chomika Ragnar3

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  • 25 gru 13 22:10
This widely acclaimed biography provides a vivid and riveting account of Stalin and his courtiers—killers, fanatics, women, and children—during the terrifying decades of his supreme power. In a seamless meshing of exhaustive research and narrative ?lan, Simon Sebag Montefiore gives us the everyday details of a monstrous life.We see Stalin playing his deadly game of power and paranoia at debauched dinners at Black Sea villas and in the apartments of the Kremlin. We witness first-hand how the dictator and his magnates carried out the Great Terror and the war against the Nazis, and how their families lived in this secret world of fear, betrayal, murder, and sexual degeneracy. Montefiore gives an unprecedented understanding of Stalin’s dictatorship, and a Stalin as human and complicated as he is brutal.

z chomika Ragnar3

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  • 25 gru 13 22:10
The Grand Alliance (Winston Churchill World War II Collection)
The Hinge of Fate (Winston Churchill World War II Collection)

z chomika Ragnar3

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  • 25 gru 13 22:10
The Gathering Storm (Winston Churchill World War II Collection)
Their Finest Hour (Winston Churchill World War II Collection)
Winston Churchill’s monumental The Second World War, is a six volume account of the struggle between the Allied Powers in Europe against Germany and the Axis. Told by British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, this book is also the story of one nation’s heroic role in the fight against tyranny. Having learned a lesson at Munich they would never forget, the British refused to make peace with Hitler, defying him even after France had fallen and it seemed as though the Nazis were unstoppable.

What lends this work its tension is Churchill’s inclusion of primary source material. We hear Churchill’s retrospective analysis of the war, but we are also presented with memos, letters, orders, speeches, and telegrams that give day-by-day accounts of the reactions as the drama unfolds. We listen as strategies and counter-strategies unfold in response to Hitler’s conquest of Europe, his planned invasion of England, and his assault on Russia. All contrive to give a mesmerizing account of the crucial decisions that must be made as the fate of the world hangs in the balance.

While in some ways a continuation of Churchill’s history of World War I, The World Crisis, The Gathering Storm is his attempt to understand the terrible circumstance that gave rise to Nazi Germany and a second, even more destructive world conflict. Churchill was perhaps the only person who held such prominent positions of power in both world wars and as such, was uniquely qualified to tell the story from war to peace and back again.

The Gathering Storm covers the Treaty of Versailles, the rise of Adolf Hitler, the capitulation of Munich and the entry of Britain into the war. This book makes clear Churchill’s feeling that the Second World War was a largely senseless but unavoidable conflict.

Churchill won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1953 in part because of this awe-inspiring work.

z chomika Ragnar3

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  • 25 gru 13 22:10
German general Erhard Raus was one of the most talented commanders to fight on the Eastern Front in Russia, where he was eventually appointed to army group command in early 1945. By the time the war ended, Raus had established a reputation as one of the German army's foremost tacticians of armored warfare, which made him a prized capture by U. S. Army intelligence. In American captivity, Raus wrote a detailed memoir of his service in Russia. His battlefield experience and keen tactical eye makes his memoir especially valuable. The Raus memoir-now translated, compiled, and edited by prominent World War II historian Steven H. Newton-covers the Russian campaign from the first day of the war to his being relieved of his command at Hitler's order in the spring of 1945. It includes a detailed examination of Raus's 6th Panzer Division's drive to Leningrad, his experiences in the Soviet winter counteroffensive around Moscow, the unsuccessful attempt to relieve Stalingrad and the final desperate battles inside Germany at the end of the war.

z chomika Ragnar3

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  • 25 gru 13 22:10
Revealing for the first time Heinrich Himmler's master plan for Europe, this book discusses his dream of an SS empire with no place for either the Nazi Party or Adolf Hitler. His astonishingly ambitious plan depended on the recruitment of tens of thousands of "Germanic" peoples to build an "SS Europa." This book, researched in archives all over Europe and using first-hand testimony, exposes Europe's dirty secret—that nearly half a million Europeans and more than a million Soviet citizens enlisted in the armed forces of the Third Reich—to fight a crusade against "Jewish-Bolshevism." No other historian has examined the connections between these SS "foreign legions" (both police and Waffen-SS) and the Holocaust. Even today, some apologists claim that the foreign volunteers were merely soldiers "like any other" and fought a decent war against Stalin's Red Army. Christopher Hale demonstrates conclusively that these surprisingly common views are mistaken.

z chomika Ragnar3

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  • 25 gru 13 22:10
Until now, many sinister events that transpired in the clash of the world’s superpowers at the close of World War II and the ensuing Cold War era have been ignored, distorted, and kept hidden from the public. Through a meticulous examination of primary sources and disclosure of formerly secret records, this riveting account of the widespread infiltration of the federal government by Stalin’s “agents of influence” and the damage they inflicted will shock readers.
Focusing on the wartime conferences of Teheran and Yalta, veteran journalist M. Stanton Evans and intelligence expert Herbert Romerstein, the former head of the U.S. Office to Counter Soviet Disinformation, draw upon years of research and a meticulous examination of primary sources to trace the vast deception that kept Stalin’s henchmen on the federal payroll and sabotaged policy overseas in favor of the Soviet Union. While FDR’s health and mental capacities weakened, aides such as Lauchlin Currie and Harry Hopkins exerted pro-Red influence on U.S. policy—leading to massive breaches of internal security and the betrayal of free-world interests. Along with revealing the extent to which the Soviet threat was obfuscated or denied, this in-depth analysis exposes the rigging of at least two grand juries and the subsequent multilayered cover-up to protect those who let the infiltration happen. Countless officials of the Roosevelt and Truman administrations turned a blind eye to the penetration problem. The documents and facts presented in this thoroughly researched exposé indict in historical retrospect the people responsible for these corruptions of justice.

z chomika Ragnar3

  • 55,7 MB
  • 25 gru 13 22:10
This text is Jones's account of his part in British Scientific Intelligence between 1939 and 1949. It was his responsibility to anticipate German applications of science to warfare, so that their new weapons could be countered before they were used. Much of his work had to do with radio navigation, as in the Battle of the Beams, with radar, as in the Allied Bomber Offensive and in the preparations for D-Day and in the war at sea. He was also in charge of intelligence against the V-1 (flying bomb) and the V-2 (rocket) retaliation weapons and, although the Germans were some distance behind from success, against their nuclear developments.

z chomika Ragnar3

  • 6,8 MB
  • 25 gru 13 22:10
Sam dźwięk imienia Stalina wywołuje jednoznaczne skojarzenia: krwawa tyrania, kult jednostki, przemoc – wszystko to, co składa się na pojęcie stalinizmu. Lecz stalinizm to coś więcej. Stara prawda mówi, że pierwszą ofiarą niesprawiedliwości pada właśnie sama prawda. Stalin zdołał zdeformować wszelkie idee, zastąpić własnymi mitami i odcisnąć w ludzkiej świadomości dogmatyczne schematy – i to być może jest jego największą zbrodnią. Zbrodnią przeciwko myśli.
Autor z niedostępnych przez lata archiwów – z korespondencji Stalina, rozporządzeń dyktatora, wspomnień ludzi z jego otoczenia – czerpał materiał do portretu tyrana, usiłując zrozumieć jego fenomen.
Dlaczego właśnie Stalin został następcą Lenina? Jak to się stało, że sterroryzował cały naród? Jak to możliwe, że przez ponad trzydzieści lat był panem życia i śmierci milionów ludzi?
Stalin lepiej niż inni poznał tajemnicę władzy w rękach jednostki. Potrafił sprawić, by ludzie wiedzieli tylko to, co chciał, żeby wiedzieli, i myśleli tylko to, co chciał, żeby myśleli. Na kłamstwie zbudował najpotworniejszy system w dziejach. Na tym polega istota jego triumfu, który stał się tragedią narodów.

z chomika Ragnar3

  • 1,1 MB
  • 25 gru 13 22:10
Autor, historyk angielski o światowej sławie, porównuje życiorysy dwóch dyktatorów oraz systemy totalitarne, które stworzyli - faszyzm i komunizm - i dochodzi do wniosku, że miały one wiele cech wspólnych.

z chomika Ragnar3

  • 2,0 MB
  • 25 gru 13 22:10
Autor, historyk angielski o światowej sławie, porównuje życiorysy dwóch dyktatorów oraz systemy totalitarne, które stworzyli - faszyzm i komunizm - i dochodzi do wniosku, że miały one wiele cech wspólnych.

z chomika Ragnar3

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