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Disc 2 - Financial Armageddon.avi

Download: Disc 2 - Financial Armageddon.avi

443,03 MB

Czas trwania: 46 min

0.0 / 5 (0 głosów)


It’s 2009 and millions of people have lost their jobs and homes while hundreds of banks have failed and Wall Street is reeling. Unfortunately, the worst is yet to come. Continuing from Part One, this DVD goes into greater detail on the many complicated financial catastrophes that have the world’s economies in critical condition. In easy-to-understand language, renowned economist David McAvlany explains the Four Financial Storms that are about to strike the U.S. and the other world economies; storms that will be impossible to stop but if we prepare now, possible to weather and prevail. Are you going to be caught with your pants down as we head into greater inflation, hyper-inflation, national bankruptcy, a more severe credit crisis, the death of the dollar and, ultimately, the complete collapse of federal and state governments?

Do not be fooled by what you are being told. The current economic crisis is not getting better and our leaders’ solutions of throwing bad money after bad money are bound to fail. Are you prepared to survivie total collapse? Don’t be a victim -- get smart and get prepared.

You will also receive invaluable survival tips on how to act now to protect you and your family from personal economic devastation. Learn how to diversify your portfolio, buy metals, invest internationally, get out of debt, get liquid, and get smart -- before it is too late.


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Disc 8 - Americas Collapse and Prophecy.avi play

A NON-RELIGIOUS LOOK INTO THE BOOK OF REVELATIONS WITH BIBLICAL SCHOLAR KEN KLEIN This non-religious and more eclectic examination of The Book of Revelations, by world-renowned biblical scholar Ken Klein, provides the viewer with a more spiritual twist on the classic Christian text and new insights into the Fall of America and the Western World. Whether you consider yourself religious or not, Mr. Klein’s bold, new take on The Book of Revelations will undoubtedly leave you hard pressed to deny that our world of falling empires, economic devastation, 24-hour surveillance, celebrity worship, TV addiction, and micro chipping (to name just a few) were in fact prophesized thousands of years ago. But religious arguments aside, Klein’s more important message is his insights into how to survive the social and political catastrophes headed our way by finding “the kingdom within” -- which will make you impervious to the evils of the Police State and Financial Armageddon.

Disc 9 - Survival Guide.avi play

HOW TO PROTECT YOU AND YOUR FAMILIY America and its allies are failing. You must act now to protect yourself and your family from what is coming our way. While each DVD in this series offers solutions and insights into our demise, this DVD goes into even greater detail, providing solutions and ideas on how to protect you and your family as you work to stop the slide toward your country’s total failure. From financial to political to spiritual, these unique insights will help you to stragtegize and prepare for your family’s financial, social and spiritual survival. Why would you be caught in a food line waiting with hundreds of angry, starving people with little money -- a victim of the police state -- when you could be at home with your family, safe from the chaos and brutality? Why wake up to find your bank has closed and all your money is trapped in it, when you could have plenty of money within reach? Why have no means to protect yourself when you could be prepared now? Featuring Alex Jones, G. Edward Griffin, Mark Crispin Miller, Mickey Z, Doug Casey, David McAlavany, Doug McIntyre, Karl Calhoun, Brian Kraft and David Icke.

Disc 7 - Our American Nightmare.avi play

A PATRIOT SPEAKS FEATURING CONSTITUTIONALIST JOSEPH FARAH Whatever happened to the original version of the Founding Fathers? Celebrated columnist and editor-in-chief of WorldNetDaily.com Joseph Farah reveals how Big Government has robbed us of our cherished rights and stripped us of our spirituality. In the exclusive interview, the author of "Taking America Back" and "Stop The Presses: The Inside Story of the New Media Revolution" demonstrates how our media -- the supposed watchdog of our government -- has in fact been corrupted by business and political agendas. Meanwhile, our two-party system has proven futile with both Republicans and Democrats leading us to socialist ruin. Learn how the government has seduced you into giving up your own free will as Farah exposes the revolution that may be coming to America.

Disc 6 - The Power Elite part2.avi play

PART TWO WITH DAVID ICKE - HOW THE FEW CONTROL THE MANY Revered by many, alarmed by even more, controversial author and lecturer David Icke explains how the few control the many, the history of the power elite, and how we are manipulated by fear. An impassioned, more mainstream appeal for action, this DVD will give you fresh insights into how and why we do what they say and why we must stop following to become truly free.

Disc 5 - The Power Elite And The Death Of The Middle Class part1.avi play

PART ONE WITH ALEX JONES - WHAT THE ULTRA-POWERFUL ARE DOING TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY -- AND WHY Does and elite or super class of ultra-wealthy power brokers with selfish aims even exist, or is this just a groundless conspiracy theory? It’s a question as old as the hills, but these never-before-seen interviews shed new light on this enduring question. Join world-renowned filmmaker and radio personality Alex Jones, Professor Mark Crispin Miller, and author Mickey Z in these exclusive, hard-hitting interviews. Jones argues that an Elite group with selfish, even evil aims does in fact exist, and that they are planning to replace America, Great Britain and every other sovereign state with a “global solution” that will make Orwell turn in his grave. Adding to the debate, all three guests give new insights into the middle class and why we are essential for freedom to even exist. Packed with new insights on why and how the U.S. and other powers are being sacrificed on the altar of globalism and what this means for you, this DVD is a must - see for those who want to preserve freedom and prosperity for themselves and their children.

Disc 4 - The End of the Word as We Know it.avi play

FASCISM, SOCIALISM, AND OUR ORWELLIAN FUTURE FEATURING NAOMI WOLF AND DOUG MCINTYRE Celebrated author Naomi Wolf (”The End of America”) shows you how the U.S. Government is currently closing down our free society and quickly moving toward a fascist state. Joining Wolf in these exclusive, never-before-seen interviews are Professor Mark Crispin Miller, scholar David McAlvany, Paul Craig Roberts, Alex Jones, Mickey Z, David Icke, Doug Casey and G. Edward Griffin. As true patriots, the guests partake in a disturbing but engaged study of the many developments that are threatening to turn the American dream of freedom into a national nightmare involving: no fly lists, the arbitrary detention of America citizens and patriots, thought crime, thought police, police use of high-tech weaponry on its own citizens, unconstitutional arrests, torture, false confessions and martial law. This disc also features an extended exclusive interview with Doug McIntyre, a regular guest on The Lou Dobb's show on CNN. Mr. McIntyre discusses off shoring and globalism and offers up an insightful commentary on how apathy and failure in education has fractured our American identity and forced our culture to the brink of self-destruction.

Disc 3 - The Police State.avi play

THE POLICE STATE IS NOT COMING; IT IS ALREADY HERE (AND IT’S ABOUT TO GET WORSE!) When governments start to fail financially, they usually respond by doing two things: they start wars abroad to grab resources and wealth (Iraq anyone?) and they turn on their own citizens to try and keep what little wealth they have left “locked in”. They also try and quell dissent as things get ugly and the people become unruly. In other words, they close down their open society and turn it into a police state. While many critics say that this could never happen in countries like America, Britain or France, these exclusive interviews with the experts reveal that it already has -- and it’s only going to intensify. The Patriot Act, HR 1995, the weakening of habeas corpus, FEMA camps, RFID, a compromised mainstream media, free speech zones, micro chipping, electronic voting, the Military Commissions Act, private police forces, the destruction of the rule of law, and more anti-freedom developments are already in place. As the world’s leading powers lose more and more wealth and things start to really spin out of control in the years to come, the powers-that-be now have the laws in place to close us down and kill our freedom. Forever. These never-before-seen interviews with Alex Jones, David Icke, Mark Cripsin Miller, Mickey Z, Brian Kraft, Naomi Wolf, David McAlvany, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Doug Casey, Ken Klein and G. Edward Griffin will help you realize that individual freedom is only one more catastrophe away from being stolen from you.

Disc 1 - Part 1.avi play

MONEY, THE FEDERAL RESERVE, AND ECONOMIC ARMAGEDDON The world is now engaged in an epic battle of survival from the devastating financial crisis that is wreaking havoc on people of all nations. This crisis is the direct result of an economic model that enslaves the middle class even as it makes the super rich even wealthier. But after years of abuse, de-regulation, lies, greed, and denial this economic model is on its deathbed, leaving you with the most to lose. To understand what is currently happening and how to survive this coming financial Armageddon, we first must understand the nightmarish system of money we’ve been forced to live under and why it is doomed to fail. Join Federal Reserve Expert G. Edward Griffin; former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury and Father of Reaganomics Dr. Paul Craig Roberts; author of the most successful financial book in history (”Crisis Investing”) Doug Casey; David Icke; Doug McIntyre; economist David McAlvany; and activist Alex Jones of prisonplanet.com and learn all about The Federal Reserve, the history of money, banking cartels, government partnership with the elite, national debt and national bankruptcy; and how the death of the dollar, off-shoring, trade agreements, and globalism are all working to engineer a Greater Depression which will destroy America and the West in the months and years to come. Our undoing will most likely not come from Islamic terrorists abroad but from Western “financial terrorists” within. Do you have the knowledge necessary to help you sustain the attack on your finances?

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