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Cactus | Cain - A Pound Of Flesh (1975) | Camel - Camel (1973) FLAC |
Can | Canterbury fair - Canterbury fair (1967-1969 )[1999] | Capability Brown |
Captain Beefheart & the Magic Band - Strictly personal (1968) | Caravan | Carmen - Fandangos In Space (1973) |
Carmen Eric - Eric Carmen (1975) | Carol Of Harvest - Carol Of Harvest ( 1978) | Catapilla |
CCS | Cerebrum - Eagle Death (1970) | Chango - Chango (1975) |
Charge - Charge (1973) | Charlee - Charlee (1972) | Chase |
Chocolate Watch Band - No Way Out (1967) | Christie | Christmas - Christmas (1970) |
Cinderella - Cinderella (1970) | Circus 2000 | Clark Hutchinson - A Mh2 (1969) |
Clear Blue Sky - Clear Blue Sky (1970) | Cochise - Cochise (1970) | Color Humano - Color Humano II (1973) |
Coloured Balls - Heavy Metal Kid (1974) | Colours - Colours (1968) | Corpus - Creation A Child (1971) |
Cos - Postaeolian Train Robbery (1974) | Coven - Witchcraft Destroys Minds And Reaps Souls (1969) | Coyote - Coyote (1970) |
Crabby Appleton - Crabby Appleton (1970) | Cravinkel | Crazy Mabel - Crazy Mabel (1971) |
Creation Of Sunlight - Creation Of Sunlight ( 1968 ) | Creepy John Thomas - Creepy John Thomas,Brother Bat Bone (1969-70) - | Cressida |
Crispian St Peters - Follow Me (1966) | Crosscut Saw - Mad, Bad And Dangerous To Know (1975) | Cryan Shames |
Cuby & The Blizzards | Culpeper's Orchard - Culpeper's Orchard (1971) | CWT - The Hundredweight (1973) |
Czar - Czar (1970) | Keith Cross & Peter Ross - Bored Civilians (1972) |
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