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  • 2 paź 11 12:43
obrazekIt could happen tomorrow . . .

An electromagnetic pulse flashes across the sky, destroying every electronic device, wiping out every computerized system, and killing billions.
Alex hiked into the woods to say good-bye to her dead parents and her personal demons. Now desperate to find out what happened after the pulse crushes her to the ground, Alex meets up with Tom - a young soldier - and Ellie, a girl whose grandfather was killed by the EMP.

For this improvised family and the others who are spared, it's now a question of who can be trusted and who is no longer human.

Author Ilsa J. Bick crafts a terrifying and thrilling novel about a world that could be ours at any moment, where those left standing must learn what it means not just to survive, but to live amidst the devastation.

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  • 2 paź 11 12:43
obrazekThe national bestselling author presents the long-awaited new fantasy novel set in the world of Mithgar - his most renowned and acclaimed creation.

The myth of a lost city carved of precious jade has proven irresistible to many in Mithgar. Now Aravan, captain of the Elven ship Eroean, has undertaken a quest to find it. With his true love Aylis, the Magekind Seeress, beside him and a crew of men and dwarves, he sets sail to follow the lure of legend.

The journey will be long and perilous - and the voyagers will find more than treasure awaiting them in the City of Jade. They will find dark sorcery and great danger, and some among them will find death.

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  • 2 paź 11 12:43
obrazekBook 2 in the quartet, A Trial of Blood and Steel, picking up the story of the brave and independent heroine, Sasha, now living in the port city of Petrodor. Away from the hills of her Lenayin homeland, Sasha is making a new life in the dark alleys and wealthy houses of Petrodor. An influential trading centre, Petrodor holds the key to preventing the coming war between Lenayin and the mighty Bacosh. Together with her old mentor Kessligh, Sasha attempts to navigate the political intrigues of the port city and find a way to stop the war. It is the serrin, the beautiful but dangerous people from beyond the Bacosh, who will be the pivotal point in this struggle. How much can Sasha trust her old serrin friend Errollyn? And how much can she trust herself?

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  • 2 paź 11 12:43
obrazekThe Vikings are laying siege to Paris. As the houses on the banks of the Seine burn a debate rages in the Cathedral on the walled island of the city proper. The situation is hopeless. The Vikings want the Count's sister, in return they will spare the rest of the city. Can the Count really have ambitions to be Emperor of the Franks if he doesn't do everything he can to save his people? Can he call himself a man if he doesn't do everything he can to save his sister? His conscience demands one thing, the demands of state another. The Count and the church are relying on the living saint, the blind and crippled Jehan of St Germain, to enlist the aid of God and resolve the situation for them. But the Vikings have their own gods. And outside their camp a terrifying brother and sister, priests of Odin, have their own agenda. An agenda of darkness and madness. And in the shadows a wolfman lurks. M.D. Lachlan's stunning epic of mad Gods, Viking and the myth of Fenrir, the wolf destined to kill Odin at Ragnorok, powers forward into a new territories of bloody horror, unlikely heroism, dangerous religion and breathtaking action.

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  • 2 paź 11 12:43
obrazekThe high-powered sequel to VETERAN sees an unlikely hero make an even more unlikely return to take the reader back into a vividly rendered bleak future. But a bleak future where there are still wonders: man travelling out into the universe, Bladerunneresque cities hanging from the ceilings of vast caverns, aliens that we can barely comprehend. Gavin Smith writes fast-moving, incredibly violent SF thrillers but behind the violence and the thrills lies a carefully thought out story and characters who have far more to them than first meets the eye. Never one to avoid controversy Gavin Smith nevertheless invites you to think beyond the initial shock of what you have just read. But in the meantime? Another fire-fight, another chase another flight of imagination.

z chomika pchlaszachraika

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  • 2 paź 11 12:43
obrazekThree hundred years in our future, in a world of alien infiltrators, religious hackers, a vast convoying nation of Nomads, city sized orbital elevators, and a cyborg pirate king who believes himself to be a mythological demon Jakob is having a bad day: "Nothing gets in the way of a hangover like being reactivated by your old C.O and told to track down an alien killing machine. The same kind of killing machine that wiped out my entire squad. And now it's in my hometown. My name is Jakob Douglas, ex-special forces. I fought Them. Just like we've all been doing for 60 bloody years. But I thought my part in that was done with. My boss has other ideas. If I didn't find the infiltrator then he'd let the Grey Lady loose on me. And believe me; even They've got nothing on her. So I took the job. It went to shit even faster than normal. And now I'm on the run with this teenage hacker who's had enough of prostitution. The only people I can rely on want to turn the internet into God. And now it turns out that They aren't quite what we'd all thought. I've been to the bottom of the sea and the top of the sky and beyond trying to get to the truth. And I still can't get far enough away from the Grey Lady. All things considered I'd rather be back at home deep in a whiskey bottle." Veteran is a fast paced, intricately plotted violent SF Thriller set in a dark future against the backdrop of a seemingly never ending war against an unknowable and implacable alien enemy.

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  • 2 paź 11 12:43
obrazek‘Blood Song is set in a pseudo-medieval world of castles and courts, gowns and princesses. Amentia, where my heroine Zeraphina comes from, is a cold, gloomy sort of place. The castle is run down and the grounds are overgrown. Another winter is setting in and the harvest has failed. It’s not a happy place to be. That’s one way Zeraphina convinces her sister Lilith that they should travel northwards—not only to meet her future husband, but also to escape another dreary winter of ice and snow. Castles aren’t known for their cosiness and insulation, after all.

North is Pergamia, many miles and three weeks travel away by coach. It’s the very antithesis of Amentia—a large, rich, sunny kingdom, full of fertile farmland and olive groves, and lined by sandy beaches. The palace is a bustling place filled with marble and elegantly coiffured courtiers. There are markets to explore, and parties nearly every night.

But there are ominous goings on as well. No one believes in monsters here, but they are lurking in the darkness of the night sky just the same. Maybe even in Zeraphina.

And then there’s Lharmell, that strange place across the sea with the sharp black trees and sweet-voiced singers who are calling out for something. Or someone.

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  • 2 paź 11 12:43
From New York Times #1 bestselling author Patricia C. Wrede, the second in the series of magic on the western frontier.

Eff is an unlucky thirteenth child - her twin brother, Lan, is a powerful seventh son of a seventh son. And yet, Eff is the one who saved the day for the settlements west of the Great Barrier. Her unique ways of doing magic and seeing the world, and her fascination with the magical creatures and land in the Great Plains push Eff to work toward joining an expedition heading west. But things are changing on the frontier.

There are new professors of magic for Eff and Lan to learn to work with. There's tension between William and his father. And there are new threats on the frontier and at home. To help, Eff must travel beyond the Barrier, and come to terms with her magical abilities--and those of her brother, to stop the newest threat encroaching on the settlers.

With wit, magic, and a touch of good pioneer sense, Patricia C. Wrede weaves a fantastic tale of the very wild west.

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  • 2 paź 11 12:43
obrazekFantasy author David Dalglish begins his series of the half-orc brothers, whose struggles will soon bathe the land of Dezrel in demon fire... Five hundred years ago, brother gods devastated their world with civil war. When they were imprisoned, their conflict ended without a victor. Centuries passed while their followers secretly continued the war, a war that will soon have an end. The gods have found their paragons. ------ Book Description: When half-bloods Harruq and Qurrah Tun pledged their lives to the death prophet Velixar, they sought only escape from their squalid beginnings. Instead, they become his greatest disciples, charged with leading his army of undead. While they prepare, Harruq trains with an elf named Aurelia, to whom he owes his life. She is a window into a better world, but as war spreads between the races, their friendship takes a dire turn. Velixar orders them to fight alongside the humans, changing Aurelia from friend to foe. To protect her, Harruq must turn against his brother and fight the killing nature of his orcish heritage. THE WEIGHT OF BLOOD by David Dalglish To side with one means to turn on another. No matter Harruq's decision, someone he loves will die.

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  • 2 paź 11 12:43
obrazekFantasy author David Dalglish continues his series of the half-orc brothers, whose struggles will soon bathe the land of Dezrel in demon fire... Five hundred years ago, brother gods devastated their world with civil war. When they were imprisoned, their conflict ended without a victor. Centuries passed while their followers secretly continued the war, a war that will soon have an end. The gods have found their paragons. ------ Book Description: Their prophet dead and their home lost, the half-bloods Harruq and Qurrah Tun form a strained alliance with a band of mercenaries outside the city of Veldaren. As the brothers and their allies wage a private war against powerful thief guilds, forces greater than them all threaten to tear them apart and ruin any hope for a better life. Harruq must defend his family at all costs, for Qurrah's love of a girl with a shattered mind and the power of a goddess may doom them all.

z chomika pchlaszachraika

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  • 2 paź 11 12:43
obrazekFantasy author David Dalglish continues his series of the half-orc brothers, whose struggles will soon bathe the land of Dezrel in demon fire... Five hundred years ago, brother gods devastated their world with civil war. When they were imprisoned, their conflict ended without a victor. Centuries passed while their followers secretly continued the war, a war that will soon have an end. The gods have found their paragons. ------ Book Description: Their prophet dead and their home lost, the half-bloods Harruq and Qurrah Tun form a strained alliance with a band of mercenaries outside the city of Veldaren. As the brothers and their allies wage a private war against powerful thief guilds, forces greater than them all threaten to tear them apart and ruin any hope for a better life. Harruq must defend his family at all costs, for Qurrah's love of a girl with a shattered mind and the power of a goddess may doom them all.

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  • 2 paź 11 12:43
obrazekThe war god Thulos marches across the world of Dezrel, recruiting soldiers into his demon army and annihilating all who stand against him. With the aid of three Kings, Harruq Tun and his friends must save the nation of Mordan, whose priest-king has sworn to the dark god, and will summon whatever nightmarish creatures necessary to maintain rule. Once freed, they can turn their attention east, to the war god's approach. Before the walls of Mordeina, and high above in the golden city of Avlimar, the last survivors make their stand against a world of death and conquest. A SLIVER OF REDEMPTION by David Dalglish The final battle has come.

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  • 2 paź 11 12:43
obrazekBoss, a loner, loved to dive derelict spacecraft adrift in the blackness of space...

But one day, she found a ship that would change everything - an ancient Dignity Vessel - and aboard the ship, the mysterious and dangerous Stealth Tech. Now, years after discovering that first ship, Boss has put together a large company that finds Dignity Vessels and finds "loose" stealth technology.

Following a hunch, Boss and her team come to investigate the city of Vaycehn, where fourteen archeologists have died exploring the endless caves below the city. Mysterious "death holes" explode into the city itself for no apparent reason, and Boss believes stealth tech is involved. As Boss searches for the answer to the mystery of the death holes, she will uncover the answer to her Dignity Vessel quest as well - and one more thing, something so important that it will change her life - and the universe - forever.

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  • 2 paź 11 12:43
obrazekNEW YORK, USSA - The steam-powered city of tomorrow where psychedelic beat-poets rumble with punk futurists in the rain-drenched alleys, and where mad science colludes with the monstrous plans of the Meccha-Fuhrer! NEW YORK, USS - City of dazzle and danger. Only here could we find The Blood Spider, Doc Thunderand the saint of ghosts known as El Sombra! NEW YORK, USS - The setting for a bloody battle ofsteel will and science gone wild in a contest to save the city of tomorrow - or end it!

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  • 2 paź 11 12:43
obrazekForty year old Indie Taylor had long ago given up wondering why she was different. On her wedding day, a little over ten years before, Indie decided to focus her restless energy on creating the image of the perfect wife to her husband, Will, and later, mother to her beloved and eagerly awaited twins. However, things were surfacing that she could no longer ignore. First, was the simple fact that she’d seemed to stop aging. This, coupled with her well-hidden secret from childhood, that she never actually slept, was testing Indie’s ability to live the lie. But she was trying. And then he found her. The man who’d searched for her for a lifetime, to tell her of her incredible ancestry, and the serious nature of the job she was born to perform; the protection of Humanity. But Jackson Allen had another mission. He had come to claim what belonged to him; and what he claimed . . . was Indie!

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  • 2 paź 11 12:43
obrazekHere is an epic set in a far distant universe-a saga of faraway planets and of races strange and more fantastic than any ever seen on our world. Yet their struggles are universal: for justice, for freedom, for peace. Lucasfilm's Alien Chroniclesis a sweeping adventure that will transport you to another time, and to another place, where a legend is about to be born...

Lucasfilm's name carries a built-in fan base of millions
This trilogy introduces a completely new set of characters-the kind of strange and exciting alien creatures that Lucasfilm is famous for
Stunning cover art by Hugo Award-winning artist Bob Eggleton

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  • 2 paź 11 12:43
Glen Duncan has been hailed by the Times Literary Supplement (London) as one of Britain's twenty best young novelists, alongside such writers as Hari Kunzru and Zadie Smith. His new novel, I, Lucifer -- shortlisted for the Geoffrey Faber Award -- is a satirical tour de force fueled by a scorching, hyper-intelligent wit that burns up the pages. The End is nigh, and the Prince of Darkness has been given one last shot at redemption, if he can manage to live out a reasonably blameless life on earth. As a trial run, he negotiates a month of "trying without buying" in the body of struggling writer Declan Gunn. ("Incarnation, the angelic drug of choice. Unlike cocaine, not to be sniffed at.") Luce seizes the opportunity to binge on earthly delights, to straighten the biblical record (Adam, it's hinted, was a misguided variation on the Eve design), to celebrate his favorite achievements (Elton John, for one), and to try to get his screenplay sold, but the experience of walking among us isn't what His Majesty expected: instead of teaching us what it's like to be him, Lucifer finds himself understanding what it's like to be human.

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  • 2 paź 11 12:43
It's the beginning of senior year and Yuki's psychic awareness of ghostly spirits is threatening to ruin her life. Her ability to sense spirits of the dead isn't glamorous like the ghost hunting on television. SHE SMELLS THE DEAD. The smell impressions are becoming stronger. Yuki is being visited in her dreams, and she suspects that her friend Calvin is involved in something strange. To make matters worse her crush on Garrett is going unrequited, Yuki's friend Emma is on a rampage against bee oppression, and annoying Calvin Miller mysteriously disappears. Will Yuki be able to focus her powers in time to save the lost soul who is haunting her? Meanwhile, who will save Yuki from following the spirits into the light?

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  • 2 paź 11 12:43
obrazekMom touched my underdress - a gown made six hundred years before - and her eyes widened as she rubbed the raw silk between thumb and forefinger. She turned and touched Lia's gown. 'Where did you get these clothes?' Gabi knows she's left her heart in the fourteenth century and she persuades Lia to help her to return, even though they know doing so will risk their very lives. When they arrive, weeks have passed and all of Siena longs to celebrate the heroines who turned the tide in the battle against Florence - while the Florentines will go to great lengths to see them dead.But Marcello patiently awaits, and Gabi must decide if she's willing to leave her family behind for good in order to give her heart to him forever.

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  • 2 paź 11 12:43
Lisa Tawn Bergren's new YA series, River of Time, is romantic, historical fiction in which the plucky heroine doesn't have to fear a vampire's bite but must still fight for her life.

In Book One, American teenager Gabi Betarrini accidently finds herself in sixteenth-century Italy . . . Knights. Swords. Horses. Armor. And Italian hotties.

Most American teens want an Italian vacation, but the Bentarrini sisters have spent every summer of their lives there with their archeologist parents. Stuck on yet another hot, dusty dig, they are bored out of their minds. until they place their hands atop handprints in an ancient tomb and find themselves in the sixteenth-century - and in the middle of a fierce battle between knights bent on killing one another.

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  • 2 paź 11 12:43
obrazekChloe's older sister, Ruby, is the girl everyone looks to and longs for, who can't be captured or caged. When a night with Ruby's friends goes horribly wrong and Chloe discovers the dead body of her classmate London Hayes left floating in the reservoir, Chloe is sent away from town and away from Ruby.

But Ruby will do anything to get her sister back, and when Chloe returns to town two years later, deadly surprises await. As Chloe flirts with the truth that Ruby has hidden deeply away, the fragile line between life and death is redrawn by the complex bonds of sisterhood.

With palpable drama and delicious craft, Nova Ren Suma bursts onto the YA scene with the story that everyone will be talking about.

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  • 2 paź 11 12:43
obrazekSkyla Messenger is a dead girl walking.

When her newly remarried mother moves the family to Paragon Island, to a house that is rumored to be haunted, Skyla finds refuge in Logan Oliver, a boy who shares her unique ability to read minds.

Skyla discovers Logan holds the answers to the questions she's been looking for, but Logan's reluctance to give her the knowledge she desires leaves her believing Logan has a few secrets of his own.

Skyla's bloodlines may just be connected to the most powerful angelic beings that roam the earth, and the more she knows, the more danger she seems to be in.

Suddenly an entire faction of earthbound angels wants her dead, at least she still has Logan, or does she?

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  • 2 paź 11 12:43
obrazekHe didn't ask for the job, but now all that stands between us and chaos . . . is Colt.

Colt McAlister was having the summer of his life. He spent his days surfing and his nights playing guitar on the beach with friends. He even met a girl and got his first car. But everything changes when his parents are killed in a freak accident.

He's forced to leave his old life behind and move to Arizona with his grandfather. The only person he knows at the new high school is a childhood friend named Dani. And Oz, a guy he's sure he's never met but who is strangely familiar.

But what if his parents' death wasn't an accident? His mother, and invesitgative reporter, was going to expose a secret mind-control program run by one of the world's largest companies. Before she could release the story, what if agents from Trident Biotech made sure she couldn't go public?

Vowing to uncover truth, Colt gets drawn into a secret world of aliens, shapeshifters, flying motorcycles, and invisible getaways.

The invasion has begun.

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  • 2 paź 11 12:43
obrazekDuring the war against murderous, flesh-eating aliens, grimspace "jumper" Sirantha Jax decided to go it alone. The cost of her actions: the destruction of modern interstellar travel-and the lives of six hundred Conglomerate soldiers. Now she's on trial fro dereliction of duty, desertion, mass murder, high treason... and her life.

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  • 2 paź 11 12:43
Dakota Frost is back, and the ink is about to hit the fan-again.

Graffiti comes to life in the dark heart of Atlanta's oldest cemetery, slaying one of the city's best loved vampires before the eyes of his friend Dakota Frost. Deadly magick is at work on the city's walls, challenging even the amazing power of Dakota's tattoos to contain it. The hungry, graffiti magick loves to kill, and the Edgeworld is no longer safe from its own kind.

Dakota begins a harrowing journey to save those she loves and to discover the truth behind the spreading graffiti-even if that truth offends the vampires, alienates the werekin and creates police suspicion of her every action.

Saving Atlanta may cost her everything, including custody of her "adopted" weretiger daughter, Cinnamon. But failure is not an option. If the graffiti isn't stopped, Cinnamon could be the next victim.

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