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widziany: 31.07.2023 04:02

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4514 plików
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Ukryj opis
Pokochaj Fotografie
Adobe Photoshop Actions And Lightroom Presets For Photographe rs
Creative Album PSD Wedding Collection
OnOne.Photo Frame.v4.6. 2.Professio nal.Edition .incl.keyge n-REDT
[karl.taylo r]
[scott.kelb y]
10 Awesome Photoshop Tutorials (32 Issues) – A Must-Have Tutorial
100 Great Photoshop Video Tutorials
6 Amazing DVDs for Learning Adobe Photoshop from Essential to Advance Level – Interactive Tutorials
Adobe Photoshop CS5 Classroom in a Book – DVDRip Tutorials with Exercise Files
Akademia Fotografii National Geographic
Beauty & Hair Retouching High End Techniques - Series Two Disc 1
Beauty & Hair Retouching High End Techniques - Series Two Disc 2
Best of Photoshop User Magazine 10th Year
Building a Website with Adobe Photoshop and Dreamweaver – Interactive Tutorial
Calvinize - The Wrong Place for Pure Photography
CreativeLiv e Photoshop CS5 – Zero to 60 with Jason Hoppe Tutorial DVDRip
CreativeTec hs Complete 10-Week Photoshop Course – Video Tutorials + eBooks
Digital Portrait Lighting - Level 3 with Chris Grey
Drew Gardner - Location Lighting
Ed Pierce Photovision Kids Photography DVD
Ed Pierce PORTRAIT DVD 3 of 6
Elephorm - Learn Lighting for Studio Photography
Guy Gowan Photoshop Tutorial DVD - Retouching Workflow
Guy Gowan Photoshop Tutorial DVD Cosmetic Techniques
High End Industry Photoshop Retouching Techniques (Series One)
How to Design Your .COM – Interactive Tutorial
Joey L Tutorial Behind The Scenes The Complete Tutorial
Katrin Eismann – Image Restoration , Repair & Enhancement for Adobe Photoshop
Kurs Photoshop - Fotomontaże i efekty
Kurs Photoshop Lightroom
Magic Lantern DVD Guides - Great Photos with Your Digital SLR DVDRip Tutorial
Mark's 101 Totally Awesome Photo Tips in Photoshop CS
Masters Of Wedding Photography 1 i 2
Masters of Wedding Photogra phy 1
Masters Of Wedding Photogra phy 2
Mike Colon - On Location With Mike Colon - Toronto
Mike Colon Experience 4 Day Intensive Training in Wedding Photography
Mike Colon Reaching the High-End Bride
Motivationa l Light by Bert Stephani
Multimedial na Szkoła Fotografowa nia National Geographic
Nick Saglimbeni’ s Master Retouching 7 Levels – DVDRip (2010) Worth $430
OneLight Photography Workshop Interactive with Zack Arias
Perfect Composition The art of shooting great photographs
Photographi ng Models by Mary DuPrie
Photography 101 Professiona l Photography Tips – Tutorial DVDRip
Photorealis m – Photoshop Painting DVDRip Tutorial
Photoshop - Techniki pracy
Photoshop CS5 Trickery & FX [Book + CD]
Photoshop Top Secret Vol. 1 Interactive Video Tutorial
Photoshop Top Secret Vol. 2 Interactive Video Tutorial
Photoshop Top Secret Vol. 3 Interactive Video Tutorial
Photoshop Top Secret Vol. 4 Interactive Video Tutorial
Photoshop User TV Collection Volume 1
Photoshop User TV Collection Volume 2
Photoshop User TV Collection Volume 3
Photoshop with Matt Kloskowski DVDRip Tutorial
PixelPerfec t HDR - Expert Training Series with Photoshop
PixelPerfec t with Bert Monroy - Light It Up In Photoshop!
Planet Photoshop Tutorials – Over 150 All New Video Tutorials
Portrait Lighting Techniques with Bobbi Lane DVDRip Tutorial
Professiona l retouching with Chris Tarantino
PSD.TUTSPLU S.COM - Video Tutorials for Adobe Photoshop
RetouchPRO – Photoshop Video Tutorial + eBooks
Rolando Gomez - Posing Techniques for Glamour Photography
Sessions with Joey L – Awesome Photoshop Interactive DVD Tutorial
Szybki Kurs Fotografii FOTOMANIA PL
Tamara Lackey - Children's Portraiture
The Art of Dodge-Burn High End Industry Retouching Tech Series 3
The Video Guide to Professiona l Wedding Videography
Through The Eyes Of A Pro Advanced Techniques For DSLR Photographe rs – 2 DVD Tutorials
Total Training Adobe After Effects CS5 Essentials Interactive and Video Tutorial
Total Training Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended Essentials (2010) – Interactive Tutorial
Total Training Photo Retouching in Adobe Photoshop
VTC Adobe Photoshop CS5 Tutorials
VTC. com Adobe Photoshop CS5 Pro User Skill Set-JGTiSO
Watch and Learn – Photoshop Tips & Tricks Interactive Tutorials
Westcott Educational DVD Lighting For Different Photography
Will Crockett - Simple, Quick & Profitable - Portraits - Lighting, Shooting and More!
DŻEM -The Best
Muzyka klasyczna
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A visually stunning, action-packed educational DVD to inspire and inform photographers wishing to learn more about outdoor location lighting.
Join photographer Drew Gardner as he takes viewers behind the scenes on major location photo shoots and produces technically stunning images with expert use of light, lighting equipment and special effects.
This unique reality style DVD is aimed at professional and amateur photographers looking to improve location lighting techniques. Shot totally on location, Drew shows the challenges of creating fantastic lighting effects as he photographs beautiful models, a badger, and a water buffalo in stunning forest settings, it gives an insight into the inspiration, thought process and post production which go into these remarkable epic location shoots.
Drew says: 'When I talk about shoots I've been on, many people say they wish they could come along. This DVD is a way ot inviting them on set and seeing what is achievable. It is instructional, educational, a little quirky and fun. There is a high level of instruction which is transferable, even if using a modest lighting set up. I wanted to show people photography is exciting. I didn't want to do a more traditional lighting guide in a white studio talking about conventional lighting set ups. This is something completely different'.
Filled with practical shooting tips, Drew gives advice on using the Elinchrom Ranger autonomous lighting system and accessories, his favoured brand of equipment for his epic shoots.
Drew also demonstrates how to process the images and post production techniques using Phase One's Capture One Pro Version 4, which he describes as 'in my opinion, the best raw imaging software out there on the market'.
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