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(Warfare and History) Peter Wilson - German Armies. War And German Society, 1648-1806-Routledge (1998).pdf

Mdrone / Historia / Prusy i Niemcy / Armia / (Warfare and History) Peter Wilson - German Armies. War And German Society, 1648-1806-Routledge (1998).pdf
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German armies examines the diversity of German involvement in European conflict from the Peace of Westphalia to the age of Napoleon. Challenging assumptions of the Holy Roman Empire as weak and divided, this study provides a comprehensive account of its survival in a hostile environment of centralizing belligerent states. In contrast to the later german states, the Empire was inherently defensive, yet many of its component territories embarked on expansionist, militaristic policies, creating their own armies to advance their objectives. The author examines the resultant tensions and explains the structure and role of the different German forces. In addition, a number of wider issues are addressed, such as war and the emergence of absolutism, the rise of Austria and Prussia as great powers, non-violent forms of conflict resolution and the relative effectiveness of German military and political institutions in meeting the challenge of revolutionary France. Drawing on a range of sources, the author provides a detailed analysis of the German dimension of the great struggles against Louis XIV's France, competition for supremacy in the Baltic and Mediterranean and the prolonged wars with the Ottoman Turks. German armies extends the boundaries of military history by placing ancien regime warfare within a wider social, cultural and international context.


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Inne pliki do pobrania z tego chomika
This volume covers a fascinating period in the history of the German army, a time in which machine guns, airplanes, and weapons of mass destruction were first developed and used. Eric Brose traces the industrial development of machinery and its application to infantry, cavalry, and artillery tactics. He examines the modernity versus anti-modernity debate that raged after the Franco-Prussian war, arguing that the residue of years of resistance to technological change seriously undermined the German army during World War I.
This comprehensive history traces the Prussian and later German General Staff from its earliest beginnings in the Thirty Years' War to the German unconditional surrender in 1945. During the first decades of its existence, the Staff was led by idealists with constructive political conceptions. The emergence later of anonymous technicians, whose political convictions were either nonexistent or based on ambition, only aggravated a militaristic national temperament. Hitler's hostility caused many Staff members to be torn between their ethical responsibilities & the traditional military obedience dictated by their oath of office. In the end, Hitler succeeded in destroying the German General Staff, perhaps because it had become composed of so many different political and intellectual strains. Based on research & interviews with military staff who survived WWII.
This comprehensive history traces the Prussian and later German General Staff from its earliest beginnings in the Thirty Years' War to the German unconditional surrender in 1945. During the first decades of its existence, the Staff was led by idealists with constructive political conceptions. The emergence later of anonymous technicians, whose political convictions were either nonexistent or based on ambition, only aggravated a militaristic national temperament. Hitler's hostility caused many Staff members to be torn between their ethical responsibilities & the traditional military obedience dictated by their oath of office. In the end, Hitler succeeded in destroying the German General Staff, perhaps because it had become composed of so many different political and intellectual strains. Based on research & interviews with military staff who survived WWII.
The Politics of the Prussian Army won the Herbert Baxter Adams Prize of the American Historical Society in 1956.
The fourth offering in the series that includes Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe and Panzer, Kriegsmarine brings you the story of the naval forces of the Third Reich. Even without a large surface fleet, German ships like the Graf Spee, Bismarck and Tirpitz kept Allied forces occupied, while the U-boat fleet proved a formidable force beneath the waves. All categories of German vessels are explored, accompanied by an authoritative history of the Kriegsmarine.
W książce omówiono termodynamikę roztworów elektrolitów, procesy transportu w elektrolitach, potencjały elektrodowe i SEM ogniw. Podano teorie roztworów elektrolitów, wyznaczanie wielkości fizykochemicznych metodami joniki, zastosowanie elektrochemii w innych środowiskach oraz elektrochemiczne źródła energii.
W książce omówiono właściwości faz elektroda-roztwór elektrolitu, kinetykę i mechanizm procesów elektrodowych - omówiono też czynniki decydujące o przebiegu tych procesów. Ponadto przedstawiono elektrochemiczne metody badawcze, niektóre ważne procesy elektrodowe oraz elektrochemię stosowaną.
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