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Adblock Plus v1.2.1.337 build 337[update].apk

MASSIVE-MX-2016 / ► Programy / ■ ANDROID PROGRAMY 2015 / Adblock Plus v1.2.1.337 build 337[update].apk
Download: Adblock Plus v1.2.1.337 build 337[update].apk

3,24 MB

0.0 / 5 (0 głosów)
Przetestowana (aplikacji brak w sklepie "wuja Toma").
Android 2.3+..
Brak danych o zmianach.
Features :

● If the device is rooted, Adblock Plus will filter all web traffic out of the box.
● On non-rooted devices running Android 4.1.2, 4.2.1 and higher, Adblock Plus will filter all WiFi traffic, but it needs to be configured as a proxy server manually. Detailed instructions are provided by Adblock Plus for not experienced users.
● On non-rooted devices running Android 3.1 and higher, Adblock Plus will filter all WiFi traffic out of the box.
● On non-rooted devices running Android 3.0 and older, Adblock Plus needs to be configured as a proxy server manually. Some devices do not support proxy configuration, and Adblock Plus does not work on those.


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Inne foldery z plikami do pobrania
Inne pliki do pobrania z tego chomika
obrazek Nie testowana. Aktualizacja :18 września 2014. Android O/S :3.0+... FEATURES : • Covers all the important management issues in cardiology. • Includes special topics such as pregnancy and heart disease, the use of anticoagulants in heart disease, and the perioperative evaluation of heart disease patients. • Each chapter written by experts in the field. • Logically organized into six sections : - Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease, Ischemic Heart Disease, Arrhythmias, Valvular Disease, Cardiomyopathy and Heart Failure, and Systemic Diseases and the Heart. • Consistent chapter presentation includes Essentials of Diagnosis, Clinical Findings, Diagnostic Studies, Treatment, Prevention, and Prognosis. • More than 235 illustrations, including ECGs, imaging studies, drawings, graphs and charts. • NEW CHAPTER on Antiplatelet Therapy • Emphasis on must-know information makes it perfect for board review. Essential for experienced physicians, cardiology fellows, students and residents, nurses, technicians, and other health care staff who provide care for the cardiology patient.
obrazek Nie testowana. Aktualizacja :21 września 2014. Android O/S :2.1+... What's in this version : ● [IMPROVEMENT] Improved start up speed . ● [IMPROVEMENT] Improved search speed. ● [NEW] Added APP search ● [NEW] Added the ability to configure fast switch for bottombar button in dialpad , long press on the contact icon on dialpad to configure. ● [NEW] Added fast dialpad access for each screen, double tap on icon on bottom bar to trigger. ● [BUGFIX] Some bug fixes.
obrazek Nie testowana. Aktualizacja :20 września 2014. Android O/S :2.3.3+... What's in this version : * Nowa funkcja wyszukiwania notatki. * Edycja tytułu notatki od wewnątrz notatki. * Przycisk Home na górze listu. * Spójny wygląd we wszystkich wersjach Androida. * Automatyczne wykrywanie rodzaju uwaga jest teraz domyślnie wyłączona (można zmienić w ustawieniach).
obrazek Nie testowana. Aktualizacja :17 września 2014. Android O/S :1.5+... What's in this version : * added drivers for about 20 new Epson printers. * fixed some document rendering issues. * bugs fixed.
obrazek Nie testowana. Aktualizacja :11 września 2014. Android O/S :4.0 +... What's in this version : ●Dropped support for android version older than 4.0.3. ●Added new translations Latvian , Estonian , Norwegian , Galician (Spain). ●Added auto configuration settings for various providers. ●Various bug fixes. ●Improvements in message view.
obrazek Nie testowana. Aktualizacja :20 September 2014. Android O/S :2.2+... What's in this version : ● Cast to Android Wear. Say “OK Google. Start tinyCam Monitor” or use “Cast to Android Wear” menu item to start casting. ● Tasker/Locale automation plugin for tasks and states. ● RTSP over UDP (unicast and multicast) protocols. ● 2x performance increase for SW MPEG-4/H.264 decoder. Less battery drain. ● Temporarily disarm alarms. Press on motion detection icon to disarm/arm alarm. ● Don't show multiple cameras if only 1 camera enabled. obrazekobrazek
obrazek Nie testowana. Aktualizacja :16 września 2014. Android O/S :zależy od urządzenia. What's in this version : ● View and follow live tracks in the app. Any tracks you open from email, twitter, facebook or the website are now viewable in the app. Still for Android Wear HR support on Samsung Gear Live and Moto360 email support to install wear app manually.
obrazek Nie testowana. Aktualizacja :24 września 2014. Android O/S :2.1+... What's in this version : ●fix inserting numbers from call log.
obrazek Nie testowana. Aktualizacja :September 28, 2014. Android O/S :2.3.3+... What's in this version : ● Changed tag display. ● Added home screen shortcut for folder and tag.
obrazek Nie testowana. Aktualizacja :23 września 2014. Android O/S :2.3+... What's in this version : ● We made Premium features “Edit OCR results of any doc’s single page and export as .txt file” available to paid app users. ● We made Paid app features “Add unlimited annotations” available to free app users. ● Create doc collage to display multiple docs in one page (Premium only). ● Options to auto upload docs to Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, Evernote, and OneDrive (Premium only). ● Set doc link expiration date when sending it to others (Premium only). ● Reorganized the Settings options.
więcej plików z tego folderu...
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W ramach Chomikuj.pl stosujemy pliki cookies by umożliwić Ci wygodne korzystanie z serwisu. Jeśli nie zmienisz ustawień dotyczących cookies w Twojej przeglądarce, będą one umieszczane na Twoim komputerze. W każdej chwili możesz zmienić swoje ustawienia. Dowiedz się więcej w naszej Polityce Prywatności