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8 Point Rose - Primigenia (2010) [Flac] | Adamas - Evil All Its (2010) [Flac] | Aesthesia - Shattered Idols (2010) [Flac] |
Agincourt - Angels Of Mons (2011) [Flac] | Alarum - Natural Causes (2011) [Flac] | Altars of Destruction - Gallery of Pain (2010) [Flac] |
Amaze Me - Ultimate Collection (2011) [Flac] | Amethyst - Time Of Slaughters (2011) [Flac] | Andragonia - Secrets in the Mirror (2010) [Flac] |
Angeli Di Pietra - Anthems Of Conquest (2011) [Flac] | Anthriel - The Pathway (2010) [Flac] | Anubis - Legacy Of Humanity (2010) [Flac] |
Arcania - Sweet Angel Dust (2010) [Flac] | Arkayic Revolt - Death's River (2010) [Flac] | Armour - Sonichouse Tape Siamese Invasion (2011) [Flac] |
Artas - Riotology (2011) [Flac] | Arven - Music Of Light (2011) [Flac] | Assassin - Breaking The Silence (2011) [Flac] |
Astoryas - Darkness (2010) [Flac] | Athorn - Phobia (2010) [Flac] | Audiovision - Focus (2010) [Flac] |
Auras - New Generation (2010) [Flac] | Axis - Flame Burns On (2011) [Flac] | Backwater - Revelation 1984 & Final Strike 1985 (2010 Reissue) [Flac] |
Balrog - A Dark Passage (2010) [Flac] | Bangalore Choir - Cadence (2010) [Flac] | Battlecreek - Wake The Plague (2011) [Flac] |
Battlecross - Pursuit Of Honor (2011) [Flac] | Beehler - Messages To The Dead (2011) [Flac] | Before Eden - The Legacy of Gaia (2011) [Flac] |
Besieged - Victims Beyond All Help (2010) [Flac] | Big Ball - Hotter Than Hell (2010) [Flac] | Big Life - Big Life (2011) [Flac] |
Bitter End - Have A Nice Death! (2011) [Flac] | Black Rose - Cure For Your Disease (2010) [Flac] | Blackguard - Firefight (2011) [Flac] |
Blackstar Halo - Illuminated (2010) [Flac] | Blatant Disarray - Everyone Dies Alone (2010) [Flac] | Bloodshed Walhalla - The Legends Of A Viking (2010) [Flac] |
Bloodwritten - Thrashin' Fury (2010) [Flac] | Breathless - Thrashumancy (2011) [Flac] | Brian Robertson - Diamonds And Dirt (2011) [Flac] |
Bruce Kulick - BK3 (2010) [Flac] | Chris Ousey - Rhyme & Reason (2011) [Flac] | Chronology - The Eye Of Time (2011) [Flac] |
Circle Of Silence - The Blackened Halo (2011) [Flac] | Circles Of Mind - Revelation Insight (2010) [Flac] | Clusterhead - Grow (2011) [Flac] |
Cobra - Lethal Strike (2011) [Flac] | Communic - The Bottom Deep (2011) [Flac] | Conflicted - Never Be Tamed (2011) [Flac] |
Conspiracy - Hope Over Board (2011) [Flac] | Convicted - Convicted (2010) [Flac] | Crane - Refuge (2011) [Flac] |
Crawler - Knight Of The Word (2011) [Flac] | Creation's End - A New Beginning (2010) [Flac] | Crimes Of Passion - To Die For (Japan) (2011) [Flac] |
Crimson Fire - Metal Is Back (2010) [Flac] | Crimson Wind - The Wings Of Salvation (2011) [Flac] | Crosswind - Opposing Forces (2010) [Flac] |
Crow's Flight - The Calm Before (2011) [Flac] | Cruel Force - The Rise Of Satanic Might (2010) [Flac] | Cruel Force - Under The Sign Of The Moon (2011) [Flac] |
Crushing Blow - Cease Fire (2010) [Flac] | Cult Of The Fox - A Vow Of Vengeance (2011) [Flac] | Cyperus - Blow It Out Your Ass (2011) [Flac] |
Dagoba - Poseidon (2010) [Flac] | Danger Zone - Line Of Fire (2011) [Flac] | Dark Order - Cold War of the Condor (2010) [Flac] |
Dark Serpent - M.K.C. (2011) [Flac] | Darker Half - Desensitized (2011) [Flac] | Darking - Sons Of Steel (2010) [Flac] |
Darklight - Bleeding For Metal (2011) [Flac] | David Mark Pearce - Strange Ang3ls (2011) [Flac] | David Rock Feinstein - Bitten By The Beast (2010) [Flac] |
Decimator - Bloodstained (2011) [Flac] | Delirion - Lotus (2010) [Flac] | Demonica - Demonstrous (2010) [Flac] |
DesDemon - Through the Gates (2011) [Flac] | Desert - Star Of Delusive Hopes (2011) [Flac] | Detente - Decline (2010) [Flac] |
Devastation - Leather Jack Maniac (2011) [Flac] | Devastation Device - Nation of Extinction (2011) [Flac] | Distance Call - Distance Call (2011) [Flac] |
Distant Past - Alpha Draconis (2010) [Flac] | Doogie White - As Yet Untitled (2011) [Flac] | Double Cross - II (2010) [Flac] |
Drakher - Rejector (2010) [Flac] | Eagleheart - Dreamtherapy (2011) [Flac] | Electrik Dynamite - Hair,Denim,Sex,Metal (2011) [Flac] |
Elm Street - Barbed Wire Metal (2011) [Flac] | Elmsfire - Thieves Of The Sun (2010) [Flac] | Endovein - Waiting For Disaster (2010) [Flac] |
Enemy Of The Sun - Caedium (2010) [Flac] | Epic - Zombie Hunters Inc (2011) [Flac] | Epysode - Obsessions (2011) [Flac] |
Essence - Lost In Violence (2011) [Flac] | Evenstorm - The Return Of The Storm (2011) [Flac] | Evil One - Militia Of Death (2010) [Flac] |
Fallen Sanctuary - Malevolent Symmetry (2010) [Flac] | Firecracker - Born Of Fire (2010) [Flac] | Firefly - Ruined World (2010) [Flac] |
Fireland - God N' Evil (2010) [Flac] | Force Majeure - Saints Of Sulphur (2011) [Flac] | Forefather - Last Of The Line (2011) [Flac] |
Forka - Enough (2010) [Flac] | Gae Bolga - Violent MetalStorm (2011) [Flac] | Gallows End - Nemesis Divine (2010) [Flac] |
Gallows Pole - Revolution (2010) [Flac] | George Lynch - Kill All Control (2011) [Flac] | Gonoreas - Apocalypse (2011) [Flac] |
Great White - The Essential Great White (2CD) (2011) [Flac] | Gurd - Never Fail (2011) [Flac] | Gypsy Pistolero - Duende - Last Of The Pistoleros (2011) [Flac] |
Hardcore Circus - Wake up Call (2010) [Flac] | Headless Beast - Forced To Kill (2010) [Flac] | Headquakes - Fallout Diaries (2011) [Flac] |
Headshot - Synchronicity (2011) [Flac] | Heathen Foray - Armored Bards (2010) [Flac] | Helgrind - Inquisition (2011) [Flac] |
Hell - Human Remains (2CD) (2011) [Flac] | Hell In The Club - Let The Games Begin (2011) [Flac] | Hellcannon - Infected With Violence (2010) [Flac] |
Helloween - 7 Sinners (2010) (Reissue 2020) [Flac] | High Spirits - Another Night (2011) [Flac] | Highway Killer - Lost Metal Tales (2010) [Flac] |
Holy Rage - Holy Rage (2010) [Flac] | Human Head - Inside The Head (2010) [Flac] | Hungryheart - The Ticket to Paradise (2010) [Flac] |
ICS Vortex - Storm Seeker (2011) [Flac] | In Cold Blood - A Flawless Escape (2011) [Flac] | Infinight - Like Puppets (2011) [Flac] |
Infinita Symphonia - A Mind's Chronicle (2011) [Flac] | Infinite Translation - Impulsive Attack (2010) [Flac] | Injury - Unleash The Violence (2011) [Flac] |
Inmoria - A Farewell to Nothing (2011) [Flac] | Inner Axis - Into The Storm (2011) | Instanzia - Ghosts (2010) {Flac] |
Iron Kingdom - Curse Of The Voodoo Queen (2011) [Flac] | Johnny Lokke - Promises and Lies (2010) | Juggernaut - Ground Zero Conflict (2011) [Flac] |
Kaktus Project - Superstition (2011) [Flac] | Karmic Link - Esoterica (2010) [Flac] | Kat - 666 & Metal And Hell (2CD) (2011) [Flac] |
Katra - Out Of The Ashes (2010) [Flac] | King Lizard - Viva La Decadence (2010) [Flac] | Klootzak - Bloodlust (2011) [Flac] |
Kottak - Attack (2011) [Flac] | Kottak - Rock & Roll Forever (2010) [Flac] | Kraken - Abandoned (2010) [Flac] |
Labyrinth - As Time Goes By (Compilation) (2011) [Flac] | Lance King - Moment in Chiros (2011) [Flac] | Legacy - Legacy (2010) [Flac] |
LICH KING - World Gone Dead (2010) [Flac] | Lorenguard - Eve Of Corruption - The Days Of Astasia, Part One (2011) [Flac] | Malefice - Awaken the Tides (2011) [Flac] |
Malison Rogue - Malison Rogue (2011) [Flac] | Martiria - On the Way Back (2011) [Flac] | Masquerade - Cybernetic Empire (2010) [Flac] |
Megahera - Metal Maniac Attack (2011) [Flac] | Merging Flare - Reverence (2011) [Flac] | Metalety - March To Hell (2010) [Flac] |
Michael Monroe - Sensory Overdrive (2011) [Flac] | Midnight Chaser - Rough And Tough (2011) [Flac] | Mistheria - Dragon Fire (2010) [Flac] |
Morgana - Rose Of Jericho (2011) [Flac] | Mortician - Mortician (2011) [Flac] | Morton - Come Read The Words Forbidden (Japan) (2011) [Flac] |
MotorJesus - Wheels Of Purgatory (2010) [Flac] | Mysticity - Ambassadors Of The Hidden Sun (2010) [Flac] | Nasty Tendency - Hello Suckers! (2011) [Flac] |
Neonfly - Outshine The Sun (2011) [Flac] | NeverNight - NeverNight (2010) [Flac] | Newman - The Art Of Balance (2010) [Flac] |
Newman - Under Southern Skies (2011) [Flac] | Nick Marino - Freedom Has No Price (2010) [Flac] | Nightmare - Misterium Przeklenstw (2011) [Flac] |
Nuclear Test - Biohazard (2011) [Flac] | Nuclear Warfare - God Of Aggression (2010) [Flac] | Odyssey - Reinventing The Past (2010) [Flac] |
OverMaster - Madness Of War (2010) [Flac] | Painside - Dark World Burden (2010) [Flac] | Panzer Princess - Get Off My Back (2011) [Flac] |
Pastore - The Price For The Human Sins (2010) [Flac] | Pentagram - Last Rites (2011) [Flac] | Perfect View - Hold Your Dreams (2010) (2012 Reissue) [Flac] |
Pessimist - Call to War (2010) [Flac] | Poison Sun - Virtual Sin (2010) [Flac] | Pollution - Modern Warfare (2010) [Flac] |
Power Theory - Out of the Ashes, Into the Fire (2011) [Flac] | Powerstorm - Act I (2011) [Flac] | Prematory - Suiciety (2010) [Flac] |
Private Angel - Nailed! (2011) [Flac] | Psychopath - Avaritia (2011) [Flac] | Push UK - Strange World (2010) [Flac] |
Rakel Traxx - Bitches Palace (2011) [Flac] | Raven Tide - Echoes Of Wonder (2011) [Flac] | Rawkfist - Chryseus (2011) [Flac] |
Reece-Kronlund - Solid (2011) [Flac] | Revoker - Revenge For The Ruthless (2011) [Flac] | Revolution Hazy - Radio Slaves (2011) [Flac] |
Rezet - Have Gun, Will Travel (2010) [Flac] | Rock Sugar - Reimaginator (2010) [Flac] | Rocka Rollas - The War Of Steel Has Begun (2011) [Flac] |
Rosae Crucis - Fede Potere Vendetta (2010) [Flac] | Royal Jester - Night Is Young (2010) [Flac] | Sacrificed - The Path Of Reflections (2011) [Flac] |
Salem - In The Beginning... (2CD) (2010) [Flac] | Saratan - Antireligion (2010) [Flac] | Savatage - Still The Orchestra Plays (2CD) (2010) [Flac] |
Scheepers - Scheepers (2011) [Flac] | Sebastien - Tears of White Roses (2010) [Flac] | Secret Illusion - Illusion (2011) [Flac] |
Section A - Sacrifice (2010) [Flac] | Semblant - Last Night of Mortality (2010) [Flac] | Seven - Freedom Call (2011) [Flac] |
Shining Line - Shining Line (2010) [Flac] | Silent Call - Greed (2010) [Flac] | Silverdollar - Morte (2011) [Flac] |
Sinheresy - The Spiders and the Butterfly (2011) [Flac] | Six Magics - Behind The Sorrow (2010) [Flac] | Skiltron - The Highland Way (2010) [Flac] |
Skirmish - Through the Abacinated Eyes (2011) [Flac] | Skull Daze - Skull Daze (2010) [Flac] | Skull Hammer - Pay It In Blood (2010) [Flac] |
Slasher - Pray For The Dead (2011) [Flac] | Snew - We Do What We Want (2010) [Flac] | Sonic Altar - No Sacrifice (2011) [Flac] |
Sons Of Liberty - Brush-Fires Of The Mind (2010) [Flac] | Soul Of Steel - Destiny (2011) [Flac] | Soulhealer - The Kings Of Bullet Alley (2011) [Flac] |
Sparta - Use Your Weapons Well (2CD) (2011) [Flac] | Spartan Warrior - Behind Closed Eyes (2010) [Flac] | Spider Kickers - Alcoholic (2010) [Flac] |
Spitfire - Time And Eternity (2010) [Flac] | Stargazery - Eye On The Sky (Japan) (2011) [Flac] | State Of Rock - A Point Of Destiny (2010) [Flac] |
Steel Horse - In The Storm (2011) [Flac] | Steel Maid - Raptor (2010) [Flac] | Stonehand - Black Babylon (2011) [Flac] |
Stonehand - New World Order (2010) [Flac] | Stuka Squadron - Tales Of The Ost (2011) [Flac] | Suidakra - Book Of Dowth (2011) [Flac] |
Swashbuckle - Crime Always Pays… (2010) [Flac] | Symfonia - In Paradisum (2011) [Flac] | T.I.R. - Heavy Metal (2011) [Flac] |
Tension - Epitaph (2011) [Flac] | Terra Nova - Come Alive (2010) [Flac] | Territory - Killer Instinct (2011) [Flac] |
The Damned Things - Ironiclast (2010) [Flac] | The Force - Nations Under Attack (2011) [Flac] | The Gate - Earth Cathedral (2011) [Flac] |
The Itch - Spreading Like Wildfire (2011) [Flac] | The Jasser Arafats - Condemnation (2010) [Flac] | The Magnificent - The Magnificent (2011) [Flac] |
Theatres des Vampires - Moonlight Waltz (2011) [Flac] | Theocracy - As The World Bleeds (2011) [Flac] | Thousand Year War - Tyrants And Men (2011) [Flac] |
Thrash Or Die - Poser Holocaust (2011) (2015 Reissue) [Flac] | Titans Eve - The Divine Equal (2010) [Flac] | Toby Hitchcock - Mercury's Down (2011) [Flac] |
Tormenter - Pulse Of Terror (2010) [Flac] | Tramortiria - Wrath Among The Dead (2011) [Flac] | Trillium - Alloy (2011) [Flac] |
Under Eden - The Science of Self-Defeat (2011) [Flac] | Under Silence - Memories Lost In Time (2010) [Flac] | Unearth - Darkness In The Light (2011) [Flac] |
Unruly Child - Worlds Collide (2010) [Flac] | Vega - Kiss Of Life (2010) [Flac] | Veloce Hystoria - Shining & Majestic (2010) [Flac] |
Versus Heaven - Behind The Perfect Mask (2010) [Flac] | Vindex - Ultima Thule (2010) [Flac] | Violet Sun - Loneliness In Supremacy (2010) [Flac] |
Voices From Beyond - The Gates Of Madness (2010) [Flac] | Voices Of Extreme - Break The Silence (2011) [Flac] | Voodoo Highway - Broken Uncle's Inn (2011) [Flac] |
We Are The Fallen - Tear The World Down (2010) [Flac] | Whyte Ash - I Will Remain (2010) [Flac] | Wicked Jester - Royalty Sux (2011) [Flac] |
Wikked Gypsy - Bed Of Flesh (2010) [Flac] | Wild Side - Speed Devil (2010) [Flac] | Wildpath - Underneath (2CD) (2011) [Flac] |
Wisdom - Judas (Japan) (2011) [Flac] | Witchery - Witchkrieg (Japan) (2010) [Flac] | Witchunter - Crystal Demons (2010) [Flac] |
Wolfcry - Glorious (2010) [Flac] | Wyvern - Lords of Winter (2010) [Flac] | Xorigin - State Of The Art (2011) [Flac] |
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