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Українська мова для іноземців (Podręcznik).rar

Lilutka_UA / Języki obce / język UKRAIńSKI / Українська мова для іноземців (Podręcznik).rar
Download: Українська мова для іноземців (Podręcznik).rar

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Author: Н.О.Лисенко, Р. М.Кривко, Є.І.Світлична, Т.П.Цапко
Publication date: 2010, Київ
Language: Українська, Англійська, Французька
Number of pages: 240
Format|Quality: PDF


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Materiały do nauki języka ukraińskiego
język ukraiński
Inne pliki do pobrania z tego chomika
Publisher: Innovative language Publication date: 2011 Format / Quality: MP3 128kbbs Master Ukrainian with Learn Ukrainian - Word Power 2001. This e-book is a completely new way to learn Ukrainian vocabulary fast! Start speaking Ukrainian in minutes with the powerful learning methods you will master in this book. The vocabulary words you’ll find in Learn Ukrainian - Word Power 2001 were hand-selected by our Ukrainian language teachers as the top 2001 most frequently used words in the Ukrainian language. With each entry, you’ll see the word and a vibrant image to help remember the meaning. You’ll hear the word (separate free download) to master the pronunciation. Then you’ll see how the word is actually used in everyday speech with sample sentences and phrases. Learning Ukrainian vocabulary has never been easier!
Enfin un livre qui présente la langue et la culture ukrainiennes. Certes, l'ukrainien est une langue slave écrite avec l'aphabet cyrillique, mais les différences avec le russe sont nombreuses et l'intercompréhension n'est pas spontanément possible entre locuteurs des deux langues. Cet ouvrage présente aussi bien un rappel de l'histoire de l'Ukraine que des caractéristiques de la grammaire de l'ukrainien, des éléments de conversation courante, des textes typiques de la culture ukrainienne et toutes les explications souhaitables sur les thèmes les plus divers de cette culture (noms de personnes et de lieux, instruments de musique, etc.). Quelquess textes bilingues ainsi que des lexiques ukrainien©français et français©ukrainien complètent cet ouvrage. L'auteur, M. Victor Koptilov est professeur à l'Université de Kiev et chargé de cours à l'INALCO. Il a traduit en ukrainien plusieurs oeuvres de poésie française et publié à Kiev une dizaine d'ouvrages en ukrainien sur les problèmes de la traduction.
Pugh S.M., Press I. Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar London - New York, 2005. - 315 p. The authors have consulted a great number of sources, in addition to a wide range of native speakers. The result is the first true reference grammar of Ukrainian to be published outside Ukraine, it will be the standard reference work for years to come. The volume is organized to enable students of the language to find the information they seek quickly and easily, and to promote a thorough understanding of Ukrainian grammar. It presents the complexities of the language in a systematic and user-friendly form. Features include: - detailed tables in each chapter for easy reference - numerous examples throughout - thorough descriptions of all parts of speech - list of grammatical terms in English and Ukrainian - complete descriptions of the word-formational processes of Ukrainian - an overview of past and present changes in the language.
Ukrainian for Speakers of English Workbook Author: Roma Franko Date: 1994 Pages: 174 Format / Quality: scanned book in PDF / Excellent Size: 2,8 MB Language: Ukrainian/English
Author: Roma Franko Date: 1994 Pages: 220 Format / Quality: scanned book in PDF / Excellent Size: 7,44 MB Language: Ukrainian/English
Author: Halyna Isaïvna Makarova Date: 1975 Page: 255 pages Language: Ukrainian (for English Speakers) Publisher: Vyshcha Shkola Publishing House Instructional Level: Beginners File Type: RaR <-_-> pdf
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