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Mężczyzna La Papesse

widziany: 6.01.2024 17:54

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Opis został ukryty. Pokaż opis
  • 18,3 MB
  • 17 kwi 11 19:55

* Book III
* Book IV

z chomika morefaya2006

  • 42,6 MB
  • 17 kwi 11 19:55

* Book I
* Book II

z chomika morefaya2006

  • 231 KB
  • 4 lis 10 21:13
The so-called Fourth Book appeared in Latin some thirty years after Agrippa's death. Johann Weyer, a student of Agrippa's, denounced this work to be spurious (cf. Praestigiis Daemonum, 1563) and that evaluation has rarely been questioned. An exception to this is Stephen Skinner in his 1978 introduction to the facsimile edition published by Askin Publishers.
This book quotes from and expands on certain themes in Agrippa's Third Book of occult philosophy, to create a more concise and practical synopsis of the techniques for summoning spirits. The descriptions of the spirits seem to be derived from Liber Iuratus Honorii (The Sworn Book of Honorius) or a closely related text.
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  • 4 lis 10 20:27
The Ars Notoria is a Medieval Grimoire of the 'Solomonic Cycle'. Many Latin manuscripts are extant, the oldest are dated thirteenth century, and possibly earlier. Like Liber Juratus (also thirteenth century), the text centers around an even older collection of orations or prayers which are interspersed with magical words. The orations in Ars Notoria and those in Liber Juratus are closely related, and there is evidence that the Ars Notoria represents the earlier version, and Liber Juratus is dependent on it. The orations in both works are said to have mystical properties which can impart communion with God and instant knowledge of divine and human arts and sciences.
Robert Turner's 1657 edition of the Ars Notoria is evidently his own translation from the Latin, and is apparently based on the Latin version which was printed with Agrippa's Opera Omnia.
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  • 23 paź 10 21:27
Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa (1486-1535) is the most influential writer of Renaissance esoterica. His 'de occulta philosophia' appeared in three books. Written from 1509 to 1510 (he would have been 23 at the time), it circulated widely in manuscript form, and was eventually printed in 1533. It is a "systematic exposition of ... Ficinian spiritual magic and Trithemian demonic magic (and) ... treatised in practical magic" (I. P. Couliano in Hidden Truths 1987, p. 114).
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  • 23 sty 10 19:40
[part 3]
  • 480 KB
  • 23 sty 10 19:40
[part 2]
  • 509 KB
  • 23 sty 10 19:40
The Key of Solomon is the most famous and important of all Grimoires, or handbooks of Magic. [part 1]
  • 248 KB
  • 23 sty 10 19:27
First appearing in Latin in 1575, this book focuses on calling the 'olympick' spirits or angels. Known and used by John Dee. In many ways, Arbatel is unique among texts on magic. Unlike the vast majority of writings, it is clear, concise, and elegantly written. The practical instructions are straightforward and undemanding. When it first appeared in 1575, it attracted the attention of people with a surprisingly broad range of agendas, including some of the finest minds of the time. Often quoted and reprinted, both praised and condemned, its impact on western esoteric philosophy has been called “overwhelming.”
  • 97 KB
  • 23 sty 10 19:13
Tenth century Hebrew handbook of magic
  • 265 KB
  • 23 sty 10 19:13
Verus Jesuitarum Libellus. This little booklet was included in volume 2 of Scheible's Das Kloster. The date of 1508 is obvious spurious since the Jesuit Order wasn't created until 1554. Agrippa was only 22 at the time; his De Occulta Philosophia was finished in 1510.
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  • 23 sty 10 19:13
The earliest edition of this concise handbook of ritual magic appears to be Venice, 1496 (Lynn Thorndike (Magic and Experimental Science, vol. II, p. 925). It later appeared as an appendix of Agrippa's Opera, following Agrippa's Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy. The Heptameron ("seven days") details rites for conjuring angels for the seven days of the week.
  • 494 KB
  • 23 sty 10 19:13
Grimoirum papieża Honoriusza.
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  • 23 sty 10 19:13
One of the most famous and outrageous Grimoires of black magic. It probably dates not much earlier than the early 1800's. Eliphas Levi, the great 19th century French occultist, seems to have held some fascination for this work.
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  • 23 sty 10 19:13
  • 1,3 MB
  • 23 sty 10 19:13
  • 303 KB
  • 23 sty 10 19:13
Ósma Księga Mojżeszowa.
  • 308 KB
  • 23 sty 10 19:13
Pochodzący z XIX wieku tzw. "Czarny Kur".
  • 179 KB
  • 23 sty 10 19:13
Called "par excellence the magical book of Europe." There is some mystery about actual manuscripts of the Grimorium Verum. The French version, for instance, seems to have been printed from a very incomplete copy: in fact, from what could have been some magician's notes from the complete manuscript. The Italian versions, on the other hand, seem to have been compiled with reference to a very complete manuscript whose whereabouts is not now known.
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