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Kobieta Momonga

widziany: 12.09.2024 16:20

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  • 30 lip 13 0:47
Estrin, Y. & Petrosan, T. - Zweispringerspiel im Nachzuge (1966) (djvu)
Schach-Archiv | 1966 | 112 S | ISBN: N/A | djvu | 2,51 MB

Scanned: color-24bit/gray-8bit - 300 dpi tif
Enhanced with SK 5.81 and converted to djvu: covers 300 dpi; text 600 dpi

z chomika Kamaila

  • 1,7 MB
  • 30 lip 13 0:47
Looking for Trouble: Recognizing and Meeting Threats in Chess
Publisher:Russell Enterprises, Inc | 2003 | ISBN: 1888690186 | Pages: 146 | PDF | 1.6 MB

I almost passed this one up but I'm sure glad I didn't. As a player rated in the 1600 - 1800 range, I'm often frustrated to see a "crushing" win swept away in one careless move. I get so wrapped up in my own plans that I often ignore those of my opponent. Ugh! Although it is easy to say "always try to understand what your opponent's move was threatening before making your move", I tend to play fast and impatiently (even when not in any time trouble). Heisman's book is great because it forces you to solve the problems in 2 stages - identify the threat, then figure out the remedy.

By working on these, I found that I started to automatically look more carefully at my opponent's moves. Heisman's examples also include some very common themes so I suspect "imprinting" these "tactical images" into my brain will also do me good. Great stuff!

By the way, as an earlier reviewer pointed out, I found that even some of the so-called easy challenges were sometimes difficult.

z chomika Kamaila

  • 1,3 MB
  • 30 lip 13 0:47
Nesis, G. & Blehtsin, I. - Spanisch - richtig gespielt (1990) (djvu)
TBV | 1990 | 88 S | ISBN: 3891680171 | djvu | 1,05 MB

Scanned: color-24bit/gray-8bit - 300 dpi tif
Enhanced with SK 5.81 and converted to djvu: covers 300 dpi; text 600 dpi

z chomika Kamaila

  • 11,4 MB
  • 30 lip 13 0:47
School of Chess Excellence 2: Tactical Play
Publisher: Edition Olms | 2002-06 | ISBN 328300417X | Pages: 264 | PDF | 11 MB

Dvoretsky's book is for advanced players. In order to get maximum benefit one should probably have a rating of at least 2000 FIDE (app. 2100 USCF).

z chomika Kamaila

  • 6,6 MB
  • 30 lip 13 0:47
The Grand Prix Attack (The Tournament Player's Repertoire of Openings)
Publisher:B.T. Batsford Ltd | 1985 | ISBN:0713445904 | Pages: 144 | PDF | 6.5 MB

z chomika Kamaila

  • 47 KB
  • 30 lip 13 0:47

z chomika Kamaila

  • 4,8 MB
  • 30 lip 13 0:47
The Middle Game in Chess
Publisher:Dover Publications | 1980 | ISBN: 0486239314 | Pages: 224 | PDF | 4.6 MB

Znosko was the Silman of our time and one of the strongest GMs of the early part of the 20th Century. In his day he was considered one of the best chess teachers and it's amazing his books have held up for over 50 years. This book is still standard reading by the Soviet school of chess and actually covers almost all of the key concepts covered by Silman in his Reassess your chess book. In fact it is recommended by the Dvoretsky school (Specifically mentioned in the Positional play book) why? Because the principles taught are still relevant, space, time, material balance, open lines and Tempo (Nowadays called development). The game examples are from the greats, Capa, Alekhine, Tarasch etc. Also some of the ideas have been forgotten and are now being revived. I think a newly minted International Master said it best " The reason I made the jump from Fide master to IM was mainly due to study of tactical variations and working through Znoskos's Middlegame book" Finally its written in Znosko's famous easy reading style.

z chomika Kamaila

  • 4,1 MB
  • 30 lip 13 0:47
Understanding Chess Move by Move
Gambit Publications| ISBN 1901983412 | 2001-02-14 |djvw | 240 pages | 4.6 MB

John Nunn is one of the most highly regarded chess writers in the world. He has carefully selected thirty modern games to help the reader understand

z chomika Kamaila

  • 2,1 MB
  • 30 lip 13 0:47
A. Alekhine Vs. E. D. Bogoljubow : World's Chess Championship 1934
Dover Hill Press | 1967 | English | ISBN: B000NRC9CC | 57 pages | PDF | 2.5 Mb

z chomika Kamaila

  • 22 KB
  • 30 lip 13 0:47

z chomika Kamaila

  • 7,3 MB
  • 30 lip 13 0:47
Botvinnik: 100 Selected Games
Publisher: Dover Publications | 1960 | ISBN:0486206203 | Pages: 272 | PDF | 7.4 MB

This old Dover underpriced book is a bible of chess wisdom from one of the strongest players to ever lift a pawn! The book is cramed with some of the best writting about chess you will ever find.My rating went from 1500 to 1800 after i reread this book back in the 70s.Chess was Science&Art to this Chess God. You will learn Chess the way it should be played today by a close study of this logical Chess Thinking World Champ!

z chomika Kamaila

  • 50 KB
  • 30 lip 13 0:47

z chomika Kamaila

  • 9,6 MB
  • 30 lip 13 0:47
Games of Robert J. Fischer
Publisher: B.T. Batsford Ltd | 1992-09-05 | ISBN:0713473347 | Pages: 480 | PDF | 12.4 MB

z chomika Kamaila

  • 8,5 MB
  • 30 lip 13 0:47
Ideas Behind the Chess Openings: Algebraic Edition
Random House Puzzles & Games | 1990 | English | ISBN: 0812917561 | 192 pages | PDF | 8 Mb

In the opening, each player tries to control the center, set up a flexible pawn structure, develop the pieces rapidly and harmoniously, sometimes even go for direct attack. But there are so many complicated variations -- how can you memorize them all? You can't -- and you don't have to! If you understand the basic goals of the opening you're playing, you will know which moves fit logically into its overall scheme. This classic, best-selling volume, now completely reset in modern algebraic notation, explains everything you need to know to play the opening sensibly and successfully. Reuben Fine, an International Grandmaster, is one of the world's top players and a leading theoretician of chess. He is the author of over half a dozen books, including the definitive Basic Chess Endings.

z chomika Kamaila

  • 11,4 MB
  • 30 lip 13 0:47
My Best Games of Chess 1908 - 1923
David McKay Publisher | Pages: 152 | Date:1965 | ISBN:B000GU4W3K | PDF | 11.75 MB

z chomika Kamaila

  • 34 KB
  • 30 lip 13 0:47

z chomika Kamaila

  • 11,1 MB
  • 30 lip 13 0:47
Play The Open Games As Black
Publisher: Gambit Publications | 2000 | ISBN 1901983277 | Pages: 224 | PDF | 13 MB

I love to play the Marshall against the Ruy Lopez, but even at my level (USCF Expert), most players don't allow it. I find myself using the repertoire from this book in my games about ten times as often as what I use against the Ruy. I haven't found any junk in the book yet, although I prefer quieter lines against the Scotch. Another great thing about this book is that it is not just for players of the black pieces; I find the lines useful for White as well.

z chomika Kamaila

  • 30 KB
  • 30 lip 13 0:47

z chomika Kamaila

  • 6,6 MB
  • 30 lip 13 0:47
Tal-Botvinnik, 1960
Russell Enterprises| 2001| English | ISBN:1888690089 | 224 pages | PDF | 2.5 Mb

A very personal, enjoyable account of Tal's remarkable 1960 world championship Though the annotations and variations are detailed and full of chess

z chomika Kamaila

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