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Opis został ukryty. Pokaż opis
  • 73 KB
  • 5 maj 11 17:51

z chomika Mariul

  • 10 KB
  • 5 maj 11 17:51
Nazwa mówi sama za siebie, daje możliwość zbierania potworków i zwierząt, bardzo przyjemny modzik w 100% działa.:D

z chomika Mariul

  • 128 KB
  • 5 maj 11 17:51
Teoretycznie dodaje budowniczych, którzy budują swoje domki, lecz u mnie to nie działa.:/

z chomika Mariul

  • 2,9 MB
  • 5 maj 11 17:51
Dodaje BARDZO wiele zwierzaczków około 25 nowych tekturek i odgłosów SERDECZNIE POLECAM! UWAGA! Prawdopododobnie gryzie się z "+hummans" ale nie mam stu procentowej pewnosci


z chomika Mariul

  • 69 KB
  • 5 maj 11 17:51
Sprawia że działają mody, instalujemy jako pierwszy.

z chomika JedenascieT

  • 8 KB
  • 5 maj 11 17:51
Opis po angielsku:

Adds a GUI to all mob spawners, that will allow you to pick what mob to spawn. I also reallowed mining spawners. Should be compatible with all mobs, but don't expect the mobs with special spawn conditions to work everywhere. Animals require grass, Monsters require darkness, Slimes require being in their special chunks, and 0-16 depth. Requires ModLoader Beta 1.3_01

z chomika JedenascieT

  • 5 KB
  • 5 maj 11 17:51
Opis po angielsku:

Type [time] into a sign, and it will show the current time. You can also type [x], [y], or [z] and find the current position of the sign in regards to that axis. [a|b] is a redstone input function for signs, where text replacing 'a' will be shown when the sign is powered, otherwise 'b' is shown. Type [light], and it will show you the current light level of the sign's position. [biome], [temp], [humid] each tell you the biome you're in, the temperature of that area, and the humidity of that area, respectively. [temp], [humid] will no longer function in Nether. [chunk] will tell you where to find the chunk file for this chunk.

z chomika JedenascieT

  • 5 KB
  • 5 maj 11 17:51
Opis po angielsku:

This item when used opens up a GUI of every recipe that can be done. The items can not be touched, but you can read tool tip. Left click moves to next recipe. Right click moves to previous recipe. The recipe for recipe book is 1 book, 1 ink sac. It's a shapeless recipe. Requires ModLoader Beta 1.3_01

z chomika JedenascieT

  • 1 KB
  • 5 maj 11 17:51
Opis po angielsku:

This mod makes buckets and food stackable up to 16 in stack, saddles, doors, and signs up to 8 in a stack, minecarts and boats up to 4 in a stack. When stacked, food and buckets are unusable, however, everything else is. This is great for storage and for using workbenches, chests, or furnaces, as you no longer will dump the bucket or consume your food! Requires ModLoader Beta 1.3_01

z chomika JedenascieT

  • 2 KB
  • 5 maj 11 17:51
Opis po angielsku:

The Light Sensor mod adds a new craftable block, that is a new input for redstone mechanisms. It turns on if it is hit with a 12 light levels. It is crafted with five redstone powder in a + shape, with four iron, one in each corner. Requires ModLoader Beta 1.3_01

z chomika JedenascieT

  • 1 KB
  • 5 maj 11 17:51

z chomika JedenascieT

  • 11 KB
  • 5 maj 11 17:51
Opis po angielsku:

Floodgate block can be used as either a floodgate, allowing toggleable water and lava falls, or as a trapdoor. When you place the floodgate control block, it will place a gate in front of the control block in the direction you are facing. Appling redstone power to this will remove the gate. Use the control block to open the GUI where you can place supporting blocks that will replace how the gate looks. The recipe is 8 solid(smooth) stone around 1 redstone.

z chomika JedenascieT

  • 3 KB
  • 5 maj 11 17:51
Opis po angielsku:

When you die, if you have a chest in your inventory, it will be placed where you die, or in the closest available spot. The chest will be filled with as many items as possible. Items stored in the crafting slot are still lost, as usual, and any excess that won't fit in the chest will be dropped.

z chomika JedenascieT

  • 3 KB
  • 5 maj 11 17:51
Dodaje falowanie terenu.

z chomika JedenascieT

  • 45 KB
  • 5 maj 11 17:51
Opis po angielsku:

AudioMod is an upgrade of sorts, and a modder's utility. Included in this mod is CodecIBXM, created by Paul at www.paulscode.com, who is the creator of the sound system used in Minecraft. It allows Minecraft to play (in addition to ogg, wav, and mus files), xm, s3m, and mod files. The only readily available feature of this mod is the ability to add new music, however, it adds support for modders to add new records and sound effects. There is a slight increase in load time when using this mod. Using this, you can also use custom sounds, alongside the originals. Custom music and sound goes into the resources folder, music in mod/music. Custom sounds go into mod/sound. For example, if I were to add a new footstep sound effect to stone, I'd put the new stone1.ogg in mod/sound/step. In game, the new sound would occasionally be played, alongside the originals. Custom sounds for things like the menu click and water do not always work, at the moment.

z chomika JedenascieT

  • 17 KB
  • 5 maj 11 17:51
Opis po angielsku:

The Elemental Arrows mod adds four new types of arrows; explosive arrows, fire arrows, ice arrows, and a joke weapon, egg arrows.. They are crafted the same way as normal arrows, but the head is replaced based on the element; gunpowder for explosive, coal for fire, snowball for ice, and egg for, well, egg. Crafting an explosive arrow only gives you one arrow, and it explodes upon impact. Crafting a fire arrow gives you one arrow, that will ignite stuff upon impact. Crafting an ice arrow gives you one arrow, that will freeze water into ice, lava springs into obsidian, put out fire, and break torches. Egg arrows spawn chickens upon impact with the ground, but there's a secret too. Includes custom icons for the arrows! Homing bow recipe is same layout as regular bow, but diamond instead of sticks. Requires ModLoader Beta 1.3_01

z chomika JedenascieT

  • 42 KB
  • 5 maj 11 17:51
Świetny mod pokazujący mini mapkę świata, z dużą ilością opcji, między innymi zaznaczaniem różnych punktów!


Klawiszologia i inne przydatne sprawy tutaj:

z chomika JedenascieT

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17 plików
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TheSkowyt napisano 16.02.2019 20:30

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TheSkowyt napisano 16.02.2019 20:31

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TheSkowyt napisano 16.02.2019 20:37

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edenhazard17 napisano 10.01.2020 15:25

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rahare6958 napisano 23.03.2022 08:32

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alekosmos napisano 26.03.2022 20:28

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meyepas293 napisano 12.02.2023 03:02

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ArnoldSzwajceneger napisano 16.03.2023 08:50

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Witam cyknij do mnie

kapalo3500 napisano 25.05.2023 02:02

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