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  • 162,9 MB
  • 14 mar 13 18:12

Rok 1758 przyniósł Fryderykowi ciężką klęskę. Wojska rosyjskie carycy Elżbiety I ( 1741-1762 ) wkroczyły do Prus Książęcych, zajęły Prusy Królewskie z naszym Toruniem i wtargnęły do Brandenburgii. Mennica królewicka musiała na 3 lata zaprzestać produkcji fałszywej monety polskiej. W tym czasie , 1759-1761, okupant bije w niej specjalną monetę okupacyjną dla zajętych ternów. Weszła ona do numizmatyki polskiej jako kilkuletnia moneta obiegowa na naszych ziemiach północnych. Rosyjska emisja okupacyjna objęła ogółem osiem gatunków monety. Najbardziej popularne i do handlu z Polską przystosowane były tympfy , równe trzem szóstakom, oraz szóstaki i trojaki. Prócz nich bito jeszcze półguldeny i guldeny równe 1/6 i 1/3 talara. Z drobnych monet wymienić trzeba 2 grosze, grosze i szelągi, wszystkie trzy z poziomymi legendami na rewersach. Te okupacyjne emisje rosyjsko-pruskie włączamy do naszych zbiorów jako monety zarówno Torunia, jak i naszego Pomorza Mazurskiego. Jeszcze odrobina historii końcowej, w dniu 5 stycznia 1762 roku caryca Elżbieta umiera. Jej następcą, Piotr III, fanatyczny wielbiciel króla pruskiego, wycofuje wojska rosyjskie z okupowanych prowincji i zamyka działalność okupacyjną mennicy królewieckiej.


  • 6,2 MB
  • 14 mar 13 18:12

The crushing victory by Prussia and her German allies in the Franco-Prussian War, 1870–71, destroyed one empire and created another. It finally unified the German states into an empire under Prussian leadership – an empire proclaimed in the very halls of captured Versailles. In 1870 Prussia's reformed mobilization system put enormous armies into the field with unprecedented efficiency. The confidence which the victory encouraged among German militarists, and the intolerable humiliation it inflicted upon France, ensured that an even more destructive war was soon inevitable. This, the first of two titles, lists and illustrates the units of Prussia and her North German Confederation, the powerhouse of a formidable military machine.

Introduction · Chronology · Orders of battle · Ranks and distinctions · Uniforms & Equipment: Officers' uniforms, generalities · Staff command guards · Line cavalry · Line infantry · Artillery · Pioneers · Train · Medical · Reserve cavalry · Landwehr

Michael Solka
MICHAEL SOLKA, MA, is an author and historian. He works mainly for the media agencies interConcept and TXT, and is also involved with the ‘Word’ programme produced by the Bavarian Broadcasting Corporation. He has written 15 books on American Indians and American military history for a German publishing company. He lives in Upper Bavaria, Germany.


  • 31,5 MB
  • 14 mar 13 18:12

Regiments, uniforms, weapons, equipment, organisations and tactics of a major participant in the Napoleonic Wars


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  • 14 mar 13 18:12

Prussia, like much of nineteenth-century Germany, was governed by the belief that knowledge, and thus understanding, was best derived from direct observation and communicated through documentation. Justus Scheibert, an officer in the Royal Prussian Engineers, was therefore sent to the United States for seven months to observe the Civil War and report the effects of artillery on fortifications. His interests, however, surpassed that limited assignment, and his observations, as well as the writings translated in this work, went on to include tactics, strategy, logistics, intelligence, combined operations, and the medical service.
Scheibert, an expert on warfare, had access to the Confederate high command, including such luminaries as Robert E. Lee, J. E. B. Stuart, and Stonewall Jackson. He brought to the war not only the fresh perspective of a foreigner, but also the insightful eye of a career military officer and a skillful author and correspondent. Although he was personally sympathetic to the South, Scheibert researched both sides of the conflict in order to write unbiased, informed commentary for his fellow Prussian officers. His firsthand account of many aspects of the Civil War included a theoretical discussion of every branch of service and the Confederate high command, illustrated with his personal observations.
Sheibert's narrative portrays soldiers, weaponry, and battles, including the first, and one of the few, studies of combined operations in the Civil War. Trautmann combines two of Scheibert's publications, The Civil War in the North American States: A Military Study for the German Officer (1874) and Combined Operations by Army and Navy: A Study Illustrated by the War on the Mississippi, 1861-1863 (ca. 1887), which for decades influenced German military writing. Trautmann's translations evince the grace and achieve the readability of Scheibert's intricate and complex works.
A Prussian Observes the American Civil War makes an important addition to Civil War studies and will appeal greatly to professional historians and those interested in, and dedicated to, Civil War and military studies.


  • 18,6 MB
  • 14 mar 13 18:12

Otto von Bismarck transformed Europe more completely than anybody in the nineteenth century--except for Napoleon. He unified--and indeed, created--the country at the center of two world wars that would transform the world.
This riveting biography illuminates the life of the statesman who unified Germany but who also embodied everything brutal and ruthless about Prussian culture. Jonathan Steinberg draws heavily on contemporary writings, allowing Bismarck's friends and foes to tell the story. What rises from these pages is a complex giant of a man: a hypochondriac with the constitution of an ox, a brutal tyrant who could easily shed tears, a convert to an extreme form of evangelical Protestantism who secularized schools and introduced civil divorce. Bismarck may have been in sheer ability the most intelligent man to direct a great state in modern times. His brilliance and insight dazzled his contemporaries. But all agreed there was also something demonic, diabolical, overwhelming, beyond human attributes, in Bismarck's personality. He was a kind of malign genius who, behind the various postures, concealed an ice-cold contempt for his fellow human beings and a drive to control and rule them. As one contemporary noted: "the Bismarck regime was a constant orgy of scorn and abuse of mankind, collectively and individually."
In this comprehensive and expansive biography--a brilliant study in power--Jonathan Steinberg brings Bismarck to life, revealing the stark contrast between the "Iron Chancellor's" unmatched political skills and his profoundly flawed human character.


  • 17,7 MB
  • 14 mar 13 18:12

Die preußische Armee unter Friedrich Wilhelm II. und Friedrich Wilhelm III. 1786 - 1807. / L'Armée prussienne sous Frédéric-Guillaume II et Frédéric-Guillaume III. / The prussian Army und Frederick WilliamII and Frederick William III.


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  • 14 mar 13 18:12

Die preussische Armee 1840 - 1871 / L'Armée prussienne 1840 - 1871 / The prussian Army 1840 - 1871.


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  • 14 mar 13 18:12

Die preussische Armee 1808 - 1839.


  • 21,6 MB
  • 14 mar 13 18:12

The German Empire was founded in triumph in 1871 and crashed in disaster at the end of the First World War. Imperial Germany focuses on the domestic political developments of the period, putting them into context through a balanced guide of economic and social background, culture and foreign policy. It explores the tension caused within an empire that was formed through war, against the prevailing liberal spirit of the age. Recent debates on the topic are made accessible to English-speaking readers, and the book summarizes the important controversies and competing interpretations of imperial German history. This important study poses many questions:
* Was the desire to unify Germany the cause of the aggressive foreign policy leading to the First World War?
* To what extent was Bismarck's Second Reich the forerunner of Hitler's Third?
* Did Bismarck's authoritarian rule permanently hinder the political development of Germany?
Chronologically structured, Imperial Germany provides indispensable background reading on an important chapter in German history.


  • 4,4 MB
  • 14 mar 13 18:12

This volume covers a fascinating period in the history of the German army, a time in which machine guns, airplanes, and weapons of mass destruction were first developed and used. Eric Brose traces the industrial development of machinery and its application to infantry, cavalry, and artillery tactics. He examines the modernity versus anti-modernity debate that raged after the Franco-Prussian war, arguing that the residue of years of resistance to technological change seriously undermined the German army during World War I.


  • 21,3 MB
  • 14 mar 13 18:12

Lynn Abrams provides a concise and accessible introduction to this important period in German history. The author examines the political, economic and social structures of the Empire and how Bismarck consolidated his regime, as well as the period leading up to the outbreak of the First World War. This book does not only provide a history of the events of the time but also provides a discussion of social and cultural developments. This second edition has: been fully updated and expanded with all the latest research in the area a new introduction, further reading section including useful websites.


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  • 14 mar 13 18:12

First published in Germany to popular and critical acclaim, this is a unique portrait of the life and work of Theodor Fontane, the great historical novelist, critic, poet, and travel writer of nineteenth-century Germany. Gordon A. Craig, one of our foremost scholars of German history, interpolates a cohesive historical biography of Fontane with his own reflections on the art, culture, and politics of Fontane's world.
The ideas and impressions of Fontane and Craig echo one another throughout the book in compelling and fascinating ways. Fontane's travel accounts of England and Scotland are enriched by Craig's discussion of Germany's increasingly national vision of itself and the world at the time of unification. Similarly, Craig's mastery of German military history dovetails remarkably well with Fontane's reportage on Germany's wars with Denmark, Austria, and France. Craig's expert commentary on German foreign policy and European politics likewise informs Fontane's personal correspondence with Otto von Bismarck. Readers are not likely to find a more intelligent summation of German--and especially Prussian--society at the twilight of the nineteenth century.


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  • 14 mar 13 18:12

Surveying the rise of Prussia from the early seventeenth century to 1740 and the role of its rulers, the author takes into account international relations, social and economic structures, as well as domestic pressures, ethical and cultural influences, idiosyncratic personalities and terrain and boundaries. In this pamphlet Margaret Shennan surveys the rise of Prussia from the early seventeenth century to 1740, highlighting and evaluating the role of its rulers, in particular of Frederick William I, the Great Elector, and his two successors. The author takes into account international relations and social and economic structures, as well as domestic pressures, ethical and cultural influences, idiosyncratic personalities and terrain and boundaries.


  • 27,5 MB
  • 14 mar 13 18:12

The Prussian army of King Frederick II, 'the Great', became so renowned as a result of its campaigns, principally during the Seven Years' War, that it was regarded as a model for many of the other armies of Europe. In this first of two volumes exploring Frederick the Great's splendid army, Philip Haythornwaite examines the organisatin, tactics and uniform of his cavalry troops, in a text backed by numerous illustrations including eight full page colour plates by Bryan Fosten.


  • 26,2 MB
  • 14 mar 13 18:12

Throughout the wars undertaken by Frederick the Great, probably his greatest resource was his infantry. It is a mark of the king's determination that despite wars which almost destroyed both Prussia and its army (such as the Seven Years' War), he was able to maintain its numbers – even if the quality declined as the attritional campaigns took their toll. Philip Haythornthwaite examines the uniforms, tactics and organisation of Frederick's infantry in detail – a fighting force that contested battles such as Mollwitz, Hohenfriedberg, Kesselsdorf, Liegnitz, Burkersdorf and the siege of Prague.


  • 21,9 MB
  • 14 mar 13 18:12

Frederick the Great was not renowned as a great artillery enthusiast, however he did recognise the importance of artillery and greatly expanded the arm. Frederick was also aware of the value of strong fortifications as barriers against the manoeuvres of enemy armies, and as places of security for troops and magazines; some of these were of vital significance in the survival of Prussia during the Seven Years' War. This fascinating volume by Philip Haythornwaite examines the artillery, engineers and others specialist troops of Frederick the Great's army.


  • 10,3 MB
  • 14 mar 13 18:12

Few statesmen in history have inspired the imagination of generations of Germans more than the founder of the Kaiserreich, Otto von Bismarck. The archetype of charismatic leadership, the Iron Chancellor maintained his pre-eminent position in the pantheon of Germany's political iconography for much of the twentieth century. Based on a large selection of primary sources, this book provides an insightful analysis of the Bismarck myth's profound impact on Germany's political culture. In particular, it investigates the ways in which that myth was used to undermine parliamentary democracy in Germany after the Great War, paving the way for its replacement by authoritarian rule under an allegedly 'Bismarckian' charismatic leader, Adolf Hitler. As one of the most powerful weapons of nationalist agitation against the Weimar Republic, the Bismarck myth was never contested. The nationalists' ideologically charged interpretation of Bismarck as the father of the German nation-state and model for future political decision-making clashed with rivalling - and thoroughly critical - democratic and communist perceptions of the Iron Chancellor. The quarrel over Bismarck's legacy demonstrates how the clash of ideologies, particularly between 1918 and 1933, resulted in a highly political fight for the 'correct' and universal interpretation of the German past. Essential reading for anyone interested in modern German history, this book sheds new light on the Weimar Republic's struggle for survival and the reasons for its failure.


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