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[1994] Guarana Cupana EP.txt

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Inne foldery z plikami do pobrania
Inne pliki do pobrania z tego chomika
artist: NCB label: WAY TOO SICK RCRDS genre: Folk-tech version: rev-121511 http://www.waytoosick.com ******************************************************** NOTES ******************************************************** The recordings contained in this directory are intended to be listened to in order and in stereo. Do what you want, but it's much better that way, trust us. Headphones would be a good idea, if that's where you're headed with this. Ghost Notes and Chamomile feature guitars, bass & keyboards performed by Jamie Simpson and Gopal Hassin. ******************************************************** LYRICS ******************************************************** YES (none) TRANSIT Walked around in space Saw around the bend Checked out all the routes and timing Getting all around this place I'm back home... Back beside the water To the deep blue see again Taking all I've got The rest is safe to send Back now, all gone, what remains? When I gave all that I am All gone, back now, what remains... behind me? And I won't turn around Now, I don't think about it that way Then I rise, kiss the clouds How would I see it any other way? Would't wanna really see it any other way How would I see it any other way MANIFEST WHAT? And I really gotta go back home All because I gotta stay, I know So I guess I gotta take All because I gotta stake Now I really wanna save my home All alone This ego trip Bound to break the last of it LOOSE CONNECTION I saw my reflection on you Why Do we give what do you want? Fascinated, into the darkness Won't it get you into the number? BEOWULF One time an animal wreaked havoc The village rage of fiery ice Sounds of dread and peoples cries I walked by myself I fought by myself He fell on the ground Next night I chased his antecessor Under a lake I found the fight In the struggle, she would die I fought by myself She fell on the ground Years pass, as king, a dragon strikes us The fight would lead to our demise Skies on fire, eyes met mine I fought by myself We fell on the ground GHOST NOTES (inaudible) CHAMOMILE (none) L-BOMB It's all about to change Spread all throughout the range Of time, let's not go and be worried about it This time is not the same 'Cause I'm getting over The songs on repeat It all carries over To a crowded feeling Together we ought to learn However we take our turn The true love we know we have always wanted Is something that we must learn 'Cause I'm getting older And I've been ready With arms spread wide open To share this feeling POWERLESS TRUTH Oh be kind I got somethin' we gonna find Already done The rich don't need to have all the fun Oh behave That's the only thing they will say Watch TV That's the only thing you will be Ya ya ya ya ya ya No no no no no no No it's not Cause actually we got a lot Of soul, It's gold And it cannot be bought or sold Wrestle all the rich to the ground Let's see if our wishes be found Listen to the beat of the drum I wanna have some fun EGYPT ISN'T VERY FAR AWAY I'm going on and on I know they're wrong We're on and on This struggle keeps it on I'm going strong I know I keep it on I'm going on, my brother Move it on
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