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  • 697,6 MB
  • 15 lis 14 21:28
imagebam.comW sequelu Athalia prowadzi swoje wojowniczki do walki ze złym władcą.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 1,46 GB
  • 15 lis 14 21:28
imagebam.comimagebam.comCybil Richards has made an out-of-this-world film. An E.T. played by Vanesa Talor comes to our little world and is the kind of alien we all dream making first contact with. She befriends an easy earth girl played by Jacqueline Lovell (All-Century second team Eye Candy Hall of Fame) and thus begins a series of close encounters of the interesting kind. As our star treks through the big city, she finds nothing is forbidden on this planet in terms of sexuality. While this film features a whole galaxy of heavenly bodies, it is the scenes with Ms. Talor and Ms. Lovell that make the earth stand still. A classic.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 719,8 MB
  • 15 lis 14 21:28
imagebam.comLaBruce stars in this vaguely autobiographical look at a triple-X star-director caught in the downward spiral of his career. Remarks Googie, the art-house auteur who's either exploiting LaBruce or launching his comeback, "He was actually attempting to break down the whole subject-camera relationship... It was as if he was an existentialist trapped in a porno star's body." Well, almost.

Just as LaBruce's scrawny, hangover aesthetics challenge the conventions of gay porn's Wonder Bread desire, his newly adroit camera unsettles narrative assumptions. A dense weave of self-reflexive interviews, cynical vignettes, and outrageous cameos by "Kids In The Hall" Scott Thompson and drag goddess Vaginal Creme Davis - along with moments stolen almost verbatim from films like Fellini's 8 1/2 and Perry's Play It As It Lays - Super 8 1/2 still manages enough rude sex to keep the whole unruly narrative in your face.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 699,1 MB
  • 15 lis 14 21:28
imagebam.comimagebam.comThis smutty softcore film from Toei Studios and director Ikuo Sekimoto was one of the growing number of mainstream films to incorporate elements of the low-budget "pink films" which accounted for more than half of Japanese film production at the time. Masaru Shinga stars as Ryuken, a samurai who falls in love with a young virgin named Okoyo (Eiko Matsuda), but she is already marked for addition to the shogun's harem. Not to be deterred, Ryuken blackmails a pedophilic monk and gets into the palace through a secret passage. The plot, however, is essentially secondary to Sekimoto's panorama of imperial decadence. Like the even more vulgar epics about ancient Rome being cranked out in Italy around the same time, any character development is only an excuse for voyeuristic viewers to wallow in the hedonism of days gone.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 651,6 MB
  • 15 lis 14 21:28
imagebam.comIn this sci-fi sexploitation film, a spaceship appears in near-earth space with the intent of conquering the earth. It comes from another universe and runs on sexual energy. In order to power the invasion, much less the ship, they must make sex slaves of a percentage of the population and then trigger a worldwide orgy.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 702,7 MB
  • 15 lis 14 21:28
imagebam.comIgnacio Iquino fue, por producción y temática, uno de los reyes de la “Serie S”; y además pionero del género, como presume en uno de sus slogans inolvidables: “la primera película cómico-erótica producida en esta bendita tierra”. Quizá también le recuerden por cosas como 07 con el 2 delante (Agente: Jaime Bonet), Un colt para cuatro cirios o De Picos Pardos a la ciudad.

En esta ocasión, el público respondió relativamente bien, con lo cual parece que gustó. Atentos al argumento que hace de ella bloody planet: “Tras poseer, juntas y por separado, a cinco ardientes jovencitas nada reacias a prácticas lésbicas, un muchacho acabará tan hastiado que decide unirse eternamente a un homosexual”.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 699,2 MB
  • 15 lis 14 21:28
imagebam.comZ powodu choroby serca pani Lok, lekarz zabronił jej uprawiania seksu na jakiś czas. Jej zdesperowany mąż zwraca się o pomoc do szalonego magika Fonga z prośbą o rozwiązanie problemu. Ten sprzedaje mężczyźnie senne marzenia erotyczne stanowiące substytut prawdziwego współżycia za 1000 dolarów. Okazuje się jednak, że prawdziwa cena jaką zapłaci pan Lok za te krótkie chwile przyjemności, będzie nader wysoka...


z chomika Gonzob

  • 1,83 GB
  • 15 lis 14 21:28
imagebam.comimagebam.comLady M (Myriam Mezieres) sings in some of the less well-known Paris clubs. She's a gifted performer and is quite beautiful, but her work is not the sort that invites popular acclaim. Despite the fact that she is unlikely to become famous, she enjoys her life as a performer who lives just outside the mainstream. Awaiting her backstage one evening is a Spanish painter who has seen her show and wants to make her acquaintance. They walk around Paris getting to know one another, and then the painter returns to Spain. Something about the man has moved Lady M to passion: she flies to meet him in Barcelona and he shows her his beloved Catalonia. This time, however, their relationship is as much about passionate lovemaking as it is about compatibility. So smitten is Lady M with her new man that when she discovers that the painter has a negro wife and child, she is only a little bit taken aback; she invites his whole family to join her in Paris. Surprisingly, they do, and the number of people sharing their love and sexual appetites changes from two to three. This story is allegedly based on the personal diaries of Myriam Mezieres, who narrates.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 702,5 MB
  • 15 lis 14 21:28
imagebam.comBohaterem jest przystojny i rozchwytywany producent telewizyjny, który pewnego dnia ląduje w łóżku z kolejną nieznajomą kobietą, która okazuje się jego maniakalną fanką i prześladowczynią. Dziewczyna więzi go i zaczyna nagrywać dokonywane na nim tortury.


z chomika Gonzob

  • 696,2 MB
  • 15 lis 14 21:28
imagebam.comimagebam.comAdaptacja powieści Henry Millera "Spokojnie dni w Clichy" w reż C. Chabrola

z chomika Gonzob

  • 522,1 MB
  • 15 lis 14 21:28
imagebam.comFabuła filmu nie jest zbyt skomplikowana. Szybko poznajemy pewną grupę nierobów, oddających się tylko przyjemnościom cielesnym (damsko - damskim, damsko – męskim), wśród których zauważamy Linę Romay i Ajitę Wilson, znaną nam z wielu filmów, chociażby Jesusa Franco. Po obowiązkowych scenach seksu, przywódca grupy wyłuszcza zebranym plan porwania córki bogatego tatusia, celem wyłudzenia okupu. Wszyscy ochoczo zabierają się do dzieła i urzeczywistniają niecny plan. W związku z tym, że żyjący w tej komunie ludzie opętani są seksem, porwana bardzo szybko zostaje wprowadzona w świat ich wyuzdanych fantazji. Porywacze nie przypuszczają jednak, że zakładniczka zasmakuje w ich propozycjach, owinie wokół palca przywódcę, namawiając go do zabicie pozostałych członków grupy...


z chomika Gonzob

  • 696,5 MB
  • 15 lis 14 21:28
imagebam.com"Prolific exploitation director Masaru Konuma made this first of Nikkatsu Studios' sadism-themed softcore roughies. Morio Kazama stars in this story of an upwardly-mobile banker whose boss introduces him to the adopted daughter of a wealthy client. He falls in love with the girl and wants to marry her, not knowing that she is involved in a kinky sadomasochistic relationship with her artist father. Konuma, who went on to direct Hana To Hebi (Flower and Snake) and the trash-classic Ikenie Fujin (Wife to be Sacrificed), keeps the story as interesting as the erotica, making an honest attempt to explore the dynamics of the girl's conflicted desires." - allmovie.com

z chomika Gonzob

  • 1,28 GB
  • 15 lis 14 21:28
The young, pretty and shy Angela Duvall is jailed for murder in some Latin American country. In the prison she gets brutally “initiated” by the other inmates. The nice, honest and handsome prison doctor believe she’s innocent and tries to help her out.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 618,4 MB
  • 15 lis 14 21:28
imagebam.comJane is a strange woman who releases electricity when she is sexually excited. She falls for her boss, but he is impotent. When she meets a doctor, he is immediately attracted to her, and gives her much needed special treatment. When she experiences her first sexual climax with the doctor, she finds she has another ability. When making love, she can see the winning numbers of the Mark Six Lottery!

z chomika Gonzob

  • 424,9 MB
  • 15 lis 14 21:28
imagebam.comimagebam.comDwóch kapłanów Tao walczy z czterema pięknymi wróżkami.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 1,36 GB
  • 15 lis 14 21:28
imagebam.comIn recent years we have seen a growing (cinematic) interest in Japan with cults, pseudo religions and with the trauma that these groups might leave on their own members and on their surroundings. As the media in Japan keep on briefing us about the trial of Aum Shinrikyo's infamous leader Shoko Asahara, films such as Akihiko Shiota's Canary (Kanaria, 2005) and the excellent documentary A (1998) by Tatsuya Mori, which was then followed by A2 (2001), might have been thought of as a primal glance into the all too human world of religious fanaticism.

Yet in fact, cult mania is not entirely something new to Japanese cinema. Akio Jissoji's Mandala portrays a story of the same kind, namely that of an evil cult. Mandala is the mid part of Jissoji's Buddhist trilogy which opened with This Transient Life (Mujo, 1970) and sealed with Poem (Uta, 1972). While each part shows a strong thematic commitment with several Buddhist ideas, each one is also cinematically and narratively unique in itself.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 700,4 MB
  • 15 lis 14 21:28
imagebam.comTuula's husband Jukka takes care of all domestic chores. Tuula seems to have no idea that her husband spends his evenings working as a major league ice hockey referee. She also finds out about his extra-marital affair with a female rally driver. In revenge, Tuula starts seeing her gynecologist Timo Paasi, a married man with six children.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 0,97 GB
  • 15 lis 14 21:28
Seattle filmmaker Karl Krogstad took a stab at pornography with THE LAST BATH, but this pretentious exercise, despite some intriguing photography and occasionally interesting segments is a bust. After Hours Cinema recently resurrected it as an example of the "San Francisco avant garde", which it's not.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 744,4 MB
  • 15 lis 14 21:28
imagebam.comimagebam.comThe film tells the tragic story of a woman who finds herself in the woods with no memory of what has happened before. She meets a strange figure whom she recognizes and feels a weird sort of attraction towards, but what is this figure? Or who is it? Told in a very unique way and making the visuals lead the way, this film breaks a lot of ground.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 623,4 MB
  • 15 lis 14 21:28
imagebam.comChi Kit worked in a stock company. One day, the stock market crashed and Chi Kit ran into bankruptcy. He called his girlfriend Siu Suen and told her everything. Siu Suen loved Chi Kit so much that she took all her savings and ran away with him to Singapore to hide away from their debts. Unfortunately, Chi Kit met a wealthy woman with an interesting proposal, and it changed everything.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 682,2 MB
  • 15 lis 14 21:28
imagebam.comKristen and Sean are a married couple who work together as licensed marriage counselors, using the therapy sessions to keep their own relationship spicy. New clients Valerie and Brad are a married couple who don't have any big problems, but want to improve their relationship. The counselors guide the couple through a sexual and relationship therapy session, discussing various topics and using stories about previous clients as examples. Kristen takes Valerie aside so that she can explore her desire to try sex with another female, and the couple later try to decide if they're ready to try a threesome.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 701,9 MB
  • 15 lis 14 21:28
imagebam.comMostly the whole film is narrated by Cindy (played by an actress only called "Margo") who practices witchcraft. She contacts an ancestor--a real Salem witch named Abigail. Abigail escorts Cindy through a series of sexual adventures (pretty mild) which Cindy loves. But then things get too extreme and Cindy rejects Abigail. To retaliate Abigail goes after Cindy's brother Mark (who takes over the narration here) and turns him into a sex vampire! Basically it has the actor wearing the fakest fangs I've EVER seen! If it sounds strange you should see it! The camera is constantly throwing colors and visions at you (mostly dime store fright masks with glowing eyes) and the narration is absolutely hysterical. The "acting" wavers between bad and atrocious. There's also plenty of female nudity but the picture is R rated (which is mysteriously shown to us at least twice). Along with bright colors and visions there is also a soundtrack consisting of classical music ("Night on Bald Mountain" pops up quite a bit) mixed with rock music. I can't say I liked this...but I couldn't stop watching! It's so over the top and ridiculous you sort of watch in fascination and try to think of what these people thought they were doing. It gets an 8 because it is a true one of a kind. This is one of those rare movie that's so bad it's good!

z chomika Gonzob

  • 1,03 GB
  • 15 lis 14 21:28
imagebam.comA young prostitute tries to understand why she suffers from melancholy and benumbed feelings. Against a background of sexual liberation and political subversion, this latest libertine work by radical film director M. Adachi is one of the very few existing feminist erotic films. Masao Adachi's personality and films deserve careful consideration. Relatively unknown as yet to Western audiences, he happens to be one of the most radical film-makers around in recent years. Gushing Prayer, shows the influence of Koji Wakamatsu, another enfant terrible of Japanese cinema whom Adachi assisted on many films. Gushing Prayer does not hesitate to show the resentments and dissatisfactions of someone who ought to be nothing more than an object of fantasies. Highly pertinent, with a bold avant-garde style, he sets the record straight as far as the sexual desires of supposedly liberated Japanese women are concerned. One of the rare feminist films of the 70's, it audaciously evokes sexual liberation and political subversion.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 699,9 MB
  • 15 lis 14 21:28
imagebam.comimagebam.com"Love - 0 = No Limit" (1994) - pewien lekarz wynajmuje dziwnego włóczęgę, aby ten śledził jego żonę. Tak zaczyna się seksualna znajomość kobiety i śledzącego ją mężczyzny, a w mieście dochodzi do kilku zabójstw. Wiele wskazuje na to, że winną może być kochanka - współczesna wampirzyca, poddana niegdyś jakimś eksperymentom. W tle cały czas przewija się zaś dziwna para eksperymentująca z ?transfuzją? i problem AIDS, znajomość kochanków nabiera zaś obsesyjnego charakteru...

Kolejny interesujący pink Sato - dziwny, zagmatwany, mroczny. Wampiry i (trudno tutaj jednoznacznie stwierdzić czy chodzi o wampiryzm seksualny, czy to bardziej-mniej klasyczne ujęcie - wiemy, że żądza krwi jest obecna i narasta - niezależnei od tego, czy jest ona potrzebą psychiczną, czy fizyczną) AIDS to mieszanka dziwaczna, ale fascynująca zarazem. Problem, albo raczej największa zaleta Sato tkwi w tym natomiast, że jego nie wystarczy oglądać, jego trzeba interpretować co niejednokrotnie okazuje się sporym wyzwaniem. Jest ponuro, zatłoczone ulice zostają przeciwstawione mrocznym zakamarkom, wysypisku, tajemnicza kobieta w okularach, być może mszcząca się za swoją krzywdę, pewien specyfik i do tego wirus HIV, tradycyjnie nie mogło zabraknąć 'ważnej' dyskusji na szczycie wieżowca.... "Iyarashii hitozuma: nureru" robi wrażenie i jest kolejnym wartym uwagi dziełem Sato, więc ja również tradycyjnie - polecam.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 0,85 GB
  • 15 lis 14 21:28
imagebam.comimagebam.comW tej włoskiej komedii, nauczanie i wydarzenia z życia Chrystusa są przedstawione z punktu widzenia palestyńskiego złodzieja, który został ukrzyżowany obok niego. Wśród cudów Chrystus uzdrawia z trądu Deborah (Edwige Fenech), prostytutkę.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 723,3 MB
  • 15 lis 14 21:28
imagebam.comHistoria samotnej matki, która dla zapewnienia swojej córce jak najlepszego bytu pracuje jako striptizerka i prostytutka. Gdy jej styl życia zaczyna zagrażać bezpieczeństwu jej córki, postanawia wyrwać się z podziemia usług seksualnych

z chomika Gonzob

  • 699,5 MB
  • 15 lis 14 21:28
Newlyweds Deborah (Baker) and Marcel (Sorel) visit Geneva where an old acquaintance (Pistilli) accuses Marcel of murdering a former girlfriend (Galli). Trying to escape from threatening phone calls to a villa in Nice they meet a strange new neighbour (Hilton)...

Solid Carol Baker vehicle in the style of her Lenzi ones; great cast of genre stalwarts, script by Ernesto Gastaldi, and a nice score by Nora Orlandi.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 1,53 GB
  • 15 lis 14 21:28
imagebam.comLuźna adaptacja przygód Sweet Gwendoline, komiksowej postaci autorstwa Johna Willie'ego. Tytułowa bohaterka (Tawny Kitaen) i jej przyjaciółka Beth (Zabou Breitman) w Chinach poszukują śladów ojcach Gwendoline - naukowca, który zaginął podczas poszukiwań rzadkiego gatunku motyla. Dziewczęta w chytry sposób zdobywają pomoc ze strony miłośnika przygód, zawadiaki Willarda (Brent Huff). Ten obiecuje zaprowadzić je do krainy plemienia Yik-Yek, gdzie żyje tajemniczy gatunek owada.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 746,2 MB
  • 15 lis 14 21:28
imagebam.comAkcja dzieje się na nocnej zmianie w szpitalu psychiatrycznym, gdzie pracują 3 sexowne pielęgniarki, grasuje seryjny morderca i wiele się może wydarzyć...

z chomika Gonzob

  • 1,46 GB
  • 15 lis 14 21:28
imagebam.comDwoje Amerykanów - psychiatra (Art Garfunkel) i piękna dziewczyna o swobodnych obyczajach (Theresa Russell) - spotykają się w Wiedniu. Dochodzi do zbliżenia. Garfunkel za wszelką cenę chce utrzymać ten związek...


z chomika Gonzob

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944,92 GB


edenhazard17 napisano 17.01.2020 11:47

zgłoś do usunięcia



halina21 napisano 12.09.2020 12:35

zgłoś do usunięcia


Witam życzę miłego dnia i zapraszam na moją stronę... Halina.


statym napisano 18.10.2020 16:45

zgłoś do usunięcia

runner07 napisano 5.02.2021 20:36

zgłoś do usunięcia

DZIACHO1966 napisano 19.02.2021 08:47

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mewegac817 napisano 6.04.2022 20:48

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Super chomik

mimakas165 napisano 4.12.2022 22:33

zgłoś do usunięcia
Super chomik

DZIACHO1966 napisano 1.03.2023 08:01

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Witam serdecznie i zapraszam

KevinPL8181 napisano 27.12.2024 01:23

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