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Osprey - Campaign 13 - Christopher Gravett - Hastings 1066, The Fall of Saxon England (1992).jpg

laercjusz / Różne rzeczy od innych / Wikingowie(3) / Osprey - Campaign 13 - Christopher Gravett - Hastings 1066, The Fall of Saxon England (1992).jpg
Wikingowie3 - Osprey - Campaign 13 - Christopher Gravett - Hastings 1066, The Fall of Saxon England 1992.jpg
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Fought on 14th October 1066 between Duke William of Normandy and Harold Godwinson, king of England, the Battle of Hastings irrevocably changed the course of English history. William's victory ensured his accession to the English throne. Hastings was also decisive in another way: the horrendous casualties suffered by the English nobility both there and at the two earlier battles of Fulford and Stamford Bridge resulted in there being very few men influential enough to lead an English resistance once William had been crowned. William would survive long enough to successfully found a Norman dynasty of English kings.


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Inne pliki do pobrania z tego chomika
Wikingowie3 - Osprey - Fortress 13 - Christopher Gravett - Norman S...n Stone Castles 1, The British Isles 1066 - 1216 2003.jpg
It has been argued that the English castle began with th ...
It has been argued that the English castle began with the Anglo-Saxons (who by 1066 should perhaps be more properly termed the Anglo-Danes), pointing out that they sometimes occupied defensive structures. However, an opposing viewpoint holds that the English castle began with the Normans. Since a castle is a home as well as a stronghold, the communal burhs seen in England before the Norman Conquest, and designed to protect a number of people, do not qualify. Only a thegn's private dwelling, with ditch and palisades, suggests possible continuities with the castles of the Normans. Contemporaries of the Normans, such as Orderic Vitalis, certainly thought of castles as a novelty and the lack of them in pre-conquest England as a contributing factor to defeat; yet it may be only their use as centres of seigneurial administration by the Normans that truly sets them apart from the defended houses of the English thegns. The use of a tower to display the lord to his subjects, evident in some early Norman stone gateways, certainly seems to echo the Anglo-Saxon burhgeat with an opening in its upper storey.
Wikingowie3 - Osprey - Field of Glory 8 - Richard Bodley-Scott - Wolves from the Sea, The Dark Ages 2009.jpg
This book covers the Early Medieval period in western an ...
This book covers the Early Medieval period in western and northern Europe, commonly known as the "Dark Ages", from 496 AD until 1070 AD. Following the collapse of the Western Roman Empire at the end of the 5th century, the post-Roman world was divided into a number of kingdoms, each ruled by the "barbarian" grouping that had come to control it during the last days of die Empire. After the initial round of wars, the Franks held most of modern France and also controlled a substantial area of Germany, the Visigoths held Spain, the Ostrogoths held Italy and the Vandals held North Africa. Continuity with the Roman Empire, however, was at first considerable. Many of the "barbarian" armies, though of Germanic tribal origin, were in fact originally Late Roman field armies, and continued to use Late Roman methods of supporting the soldiers. Each soldier was assigned to share a portion of the land of a Roman landowner, from which he drew his pay. In the mid 6th century the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire launched a counter-offensive, reconquering Africa from the Vandals, Italy from the Ostrogoths and part of southern Spain from the Visigoths. Soon after, however, diey lost the north of Italy to the invading Lombards.
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