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Tonnes Bekker-Nielsen - Ancient Fishing and Fish Processing in the Black Sea Region (2004).jpg

kubiasz84 / E-book / Książki historyczne / 01. Starożytność / Starożytna Grecja / Greckie miasta-kolonie handlowe na wybrzeżu Morza Czarnego / Tonnes Bekker-Nielsen - Ancient Fishing and Fish Processing in the Black Sea Region (2004).jpg
Greckie miasta-kolonie hand... - Tonnes Bekker-Nielsen - Ancient Fishing and ...ish Processing in the Black Sea Region 2004.jpg
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This volume challenges the orthodox view that fishing and fish played only a marginal role in the economy of the ancient world. In fact, there is archaeological evidence for ancient fish processing on a commercial scale not only in the Mediterranean itself, but also on the Atlantic coast and in the Black Sea region, especially the Crimea. Our literary sources testify to the widespread culinary and medicinal use of salted fish and fermented fish sauces in antiquity, and especially in the first centuries AD. In this book, the authors assess the present state of research on ancient fishing and discuss its implications for the history of the Black Sea region, especially the period of Greek colonization along its shores. While grain has traditionally been viewed as the main export commodity of the Pontic colonies, the existence of salting-vats on the coast of the Crimea indicate production of salt-fish or fish sauce on a large scale, presumably for export. However, many questions remain unanswered: for instance concerning ownership and organization of the processing facilities, or how the finished product was transported to distant markets.


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Inne pliki do pobrania z tego chomika
Greckie miasta-kolonie hand... - Tonnes Bekker-Nielsen - Ancient Fishing and ...ish Processing in the Black Sea Region 2004.jpg
This volume challenges the orthodox view that fishing an ...
This volume challenges the orthodox view that fishing and fish played only a marginal role in the economy of the ancient world. In fact, there is archaeological evidence for ancient fish processing on a commercial scale not only in the Mediterranean itself, but also on the Atlantic coast and in the Black Sea region, especially the Crimea. Our literary sources testify to the widespread culinary and medicinal use of salted fish and fermented fish sauces in antiquity, and especially in the first centuries AD. In this book, the authors assess the present state of research on ancient fishing and discuss its implications for the history of the Black Sea region, especially the period of Greek colonization along its shores. While grain has traditionally been viewed as the main export commodity of the Pontic colonies, the existence of salting-vats on the coast of the Crimea indicate production of salt-fish or fish sauce on a large scale, presumably for export. However, many questions remain unanswered: for instance concerning ownership and organization of the processing facilities, or how the finished product was transported to distant markets.
Greckie miasta-kolonie handlowe na wybrzeżu Morza... - Vincent Gabrielsen, John Lund - T...regional Economic Exchanges 2007.jpg
This volume addresses a wide range of issues concerning ...
This volume addresses a wide range of issues concerning the economic exchanges that took place within the Black Sea region and between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean from about 600 BCE to 200 CE. Seeking to shed light on several central aspects of the economic relationship that existed between these two eminently important regions in antiquity, the contributors, who are scholars of ancient history and archaeology, consider old and new evidence, propose novel approaches and propound a number of fresh interpretations. Key issues are the types of commodities traded and the relative volume of that trade from one period to the next; the relations existing between points of production and points of consumption; the institutional settings defining the organization of exchanges; the impact of fiscal exactions (e.g. toll payments at the Bosporus Straits) on trade, etc. The overarching question is whether the Black Sea and the Mediterranean complemented each other in economic terms, and were thus organically linked.
Greckie miasta-ko... - David Braund, S. D. Kryzhitskiy - Classical Olbi...e Sixth Century BC to the Second Century AD 2008.jpg
The study of Olbia has always been set apart through the ...
The study of Olbia has always been set apart through the outstanding results of its excavations and the splendor of individual finds there. This volume focuses on the interaction of the city of Olbia and the population around it, embracing both the Scythian and the classical worlds. Chapters consider the progress of archaeology at Olbia, Herodotus' account of Olbia and its environs, interaction between Greeks and non-Greeks, and Olbia's situation under the early Roman Empire. Offering the opportunity to engage with some of the most pressing current issues in this field, this volume will be essential reading for scholars and students engaged with the ancient history and archaeology of the Black Sea. ----------------------------------------------------------- Olbia została założona w pierwszych latach VI wieku p.n.e. przez osadników z greckiego Miletu. Stała się dużym ośrodkiem handlu zbożem i rybami. W okresie największego rozkwitu w IV wieku p.n.e. w mieście otoczonym murami żyło do 40 tys. mieszkańców. Olbia bogaciła się głównie na pośrednictwie w handlu ze Scytami. W V wieku p.n.e. Olbię odwiedził prawdopodobnie Herodot, a w 95 n.e. stoicki filozof Dion Chryzostom, który dał szczegółowy opis Olbii w Mowie borystynejskiej. W III wieku p.n.e. miasto zaczyna chylić się ku upadkowi z powodu pojawienia się na scytyjskich stepach Sarmatów, którzy przerwali regularne dostawy zboża, a samo miasto nękali najazdami.
Greckie miasta-ko... - Black Sea Studies, Vol. 1 - Pia Guldager Bilde -...ceglov on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday 2004.jpg
In this book, 23 scholars from Ukraine, France, Great Br ...
In this book, 23 scholars from Ukraine, France, Great Britain, Russia, and Denmark celebrate the 70th birthday of the archaeologist, A.N. Sceglov. Sceglov is one of the pioneers in the investigation and history of ancient Crimea, as well as a widely recognized authority in the studies of northern Black Sea antiquities. The Tarchankut expedition established by Sceglov in 1959 explored a number of sites of the remote chora of Tauric Chersonesos. Panskoe I ranks among the most prominent of them, and Sceglov has devoted more than 30 years of his life to this unique and exceptionally well-preserved Greek settlement. The contributions to this publication shed new light on a vast range of Black Sea issues: from the earliest settlements and their functions to the formation of a Russian science of classical antiquities. In focus are the important Greek cities Histira, Olbia, Chersonesos, and Herakleia Pontike, the cities' material culture and their relationship to their own rural territory and to their non-Greek neighbors. Until now most research in this area has been conducted solely by Russians and published in Russian, but now the rest of the world is able to get a glimpse of the Black Sea area during antiquity.
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