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  • 152 KB
  • 26 gru 15 9:24
The Crusades:Almanac
The Crusades: Biographies
The Crusades: Primary Sources
Cumulative Index

The term “crusade” is commonly used today to refer to a dedicated, enthusiastic effort. It usually means a total, allout attempt to correct a problem, such as combating drunk driving or saving an endangered species from extinction. When people use the word “crusade,” though, they may not recognize its distinctly religious meaning and history, even though they might embark on their crusade with religious enthusiasm.


  • 268 KB
  • 26 gru 15 9:24
This authoritative and concise work surveys the range of warfare in the high Middle Ages while reflecting on the society that produced these military struggles. The book brings together for the first time a wealth of information on such topics as knighthood, military organization, weaponry and fortifications, and warfare in the East. In 1095 with the launching of the First Crusade, Europeans established a great military endeavour to save the Holy Land, an undertaking that remained a central preoccupation until the end of the thirteenth century. While the expeditions that went forth to fight the Muslims involved armies of exceptional size, much of the warfare within western Europe itself was conducted by small armies on behalf of landowners who were often neighbours and kin. In his approach to his subject, John France considers political, social, and economic development in the age of the crusades. He emphasizes the significance of four factors in shaping medieval warfare: the dominance of land as a form of wealth, the limited competence of government, the state of technology that favoured defence over attack, and the geography and climate of western Europe. His coverage of the castle and the knight in armour depicts the role of landowners in producing these characteristic medieval instruments of war. In addition, France provides an extensive analysis of battles in which he reconstructs a series of encounters in superb detail.


  • 365 KB
  • 26 gru 15 9:24
These essays take advantage of a new, exciting trend towards interdisciplinary research on the Charlemagne legend. Written by historians, art historians, and literary scholars, these essays focus on the multifaceted ways the Charlemagne legend functioned in the Middle Ages and how central the shared (if nonetheless fictional) memory of the great Frankish ruler was to the medieval West. A gateway to new research on memory, crusading, apocalyptic expectation, Carolingian historiography, and medieval kingship, the contributors demonstrate the fuzzy line separating “fact” and “fiction” in the Middle Ages.


  • 186 KB
  • 26 gru 15 9:24
W roku 1094 cesarz bizantyjski Aleksy I doszedł do wniosku, że działania wojskowe i zabiegi dyplomatyczne Bizancjum, mające na celu odzyskanie utraconych ziem w Anatolii, nie przynoszą spodziewanych rezultatów. Zdecydował się prosić o pomoc chrześcijańskie kraje Europy Zachodniej i zrobił to w następnym roku. Można doszukiwać się w tym genezy pierwszej krucjaty. Nie miała ona naczelnego dowódcy. Podobnie jej muzułmańscy przeciwnicy. Tylko cesarstwo bizantyjskie posiadało podlegający cesarzowi ujednolicony system dowodzenia.

Seria "Wielkie Bitwy Historii" to polska wersja słynnego cyklu "Campaign" oraz "Essential Histories" wydawnictwa Osprey Publishing. W ramach serii opublikowane zostaną omówienia wszystkich znaczących starć w konfliktach na przestrzeni dziejów.


  • 209 KB
  • 26 gru 15 9:24
Bezpośrednią przyczyną drugiej krucjaty było zdobycie przez muzułmanów miasta Edessy. Państwa założone przez krzyżowców nie miały ściśle wytyczonych granic, które by oddzielały je od muzułmańskich sąsiadów. Było to szczególnie widoczne na ziemiach leżących na styku Królestwa Jerozolimskiego i niezależnego emiratu Damaszku. Tereny nad górnym Jordanem, we wschodniej Galilei, na wzgórzach Golan i w regionie Hawran nad rzeką Jarmuk były właściwie ziemiami niczyimi, na których obie strony miały swoje twierdze, rywalizujące o kontrolę nad okolicznymi wsiami i plemionami arabskimi. Jednocześnie wewnętrzne napięcia polityczne w Królestwie Jerozolimskim sprawiły, że druga krucjata musiała zakończyć się niepowodzeniem, a samo królestwo upaść.


  • 203 KB
  • 26 gru 15 9:24
Trzecia krucjata była jednym z tych wydarzeń, które przeczą twierdzeniu, że świat średniowieczny był sztywno podzielony na cywilizację chrześcijańskiej Europy i cywilizację muzułmańską i że obie miały na siebie niewielki wpływ. Nie była też trzecia krucjata "zderzeniem cywilizacji", jak twierdzą niektórzy. Była wydarzeniem znacznie bardziej złożonym, a wzięły w niej udzieł różne grupy polityczne i kulturowe, których działania wcale nie prowadziły do powstania dwóch jednolitych bloków cywilizacyjnych: wschodniego i zachodniego. Charakterystyczne dla trzeciej krucjaty są liczne spory wewnątrz tak zwanego obozu chrześcijańskiego i tak zwanego obozu muzułmańskiego, co prowadziło do nieoczekiwanych zmian sojuszy.


  • 176 KB
  • 26 gru 15 9:24
"Ostatnie kilometry dzielące od Świętego Miasta krzyżowcy przebyli w szczególnie podniosłym nastroju. Uczucie wielkiej radości mieszało się z dumą i satysfakcją. Czuli się prawdziwymi wybrańcami Boga. Oto oni - ciągle jeszcze liczni, ale w jakże pomniejszonej liczbie, niż chociażby pod Antiochią, nie mówiąc już o chwili, gdy wstępowali na azjatycki brzeg - dotarli wreszcie do celu podróży. Czyż to nie wyroki boskie pozwoliły im dokonać tylu nadzwyczajnych czynów i zachować życie w obliczu ostatniego już wysiłku: zdobycia Jerozolimy i …


  • 480 KB
  • 26 gru 15 9:24
The Order of the Hospital of St John was among the most creative and important institutions of the Middle Ages, its history provoking much debate and controversy. However, there has been very little study of the way in which it operated as an organisation contributing to the survival of the Christian settlement in the East, a gap which this book addresses. It focuses on the impact of the various crises in the East upon the Order, looking at how it reacted to events, the contributions that western priories played in the rehabilitation of the East, and the various efforts made to restore its economic and military strength. In particular, the author shows the key role played by the papacy, both in the Order's recovery, and in determining the fate of the crusader states. Overall, it offers a whole new perspective on the connections between East and West.


  • 32 KB
  • 26 gru 15 9:24
This is a general account of the history and architecture of Crusader castles in the Kingdom of Jerusalem, County of Tripoli and Principality of Antioch between 1099 and 1291, the years during which the Crusaders had a permanent presence on the Levantine coast. Extensive use is made of contemporary chronicles to show the reasons why castles were built and how they were used in peace and war. The book is fully illustrated by photographs, drawings and plans, and contains a comprehensive bibliography.
1. Prologue to the study of crusader castles; 2. Fortification in the east and west before the First Crusade; 3. Castles in the twelfth-century Kingdom of Jerusalem; 4. Twelfth-century castles in the northern states (County of Tripoli, Principality of Antioch and County of Edessa); 5. Siege warfare in the crusader lands; 6. Nobles, Templars and Teutonic knights in the thirteenth century; 7. The Hospitallers in Tripoli and Antioch; 8. Muslim castles of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries; Postscript: crusader castles and the west.


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  • 26 gru 15 9:24


  • 181 KB
  • 26 gru 15 9:24
In the early 12th century AD, a large part of what we now think of as France was not under the direct control of the French King who's authority stretched little further than Paris. One region of Southern France, the Languedoc, became the centre of Catharism - heresy in the eyes of the Pope - who ordered a crusade against the region. The crusading army of French knights seized the opportunity to gain land and riches and the crusade was a viciously waged. The inhabitants of the Languedoc had always relied for their safety upon as series of strongly fortified walled cities - Albi, Carcassonne, Beziers, Toulouse - as well as a large number of fortified hill-top villages and castles, 'castra', which dotted the countryside. This book will describe the so-called 'Cathar castles', why they were positioned where they were, how they were built, how well those they withstood the realities of the Albigensian Crusade.


  • 98 KB
  • 26 gru 15 9:24
David Nicolle was born in 1944 and worked for the BBC, including the overseas broadcasting service, before returning to university, obtaining his PhD in Edinburgh. He subsequently taught at Yarmouk University in Jordan. He now devotes himself to writing, and is a specialist in medieval arms and armor. He is also a frequent contributor to numerous specialist journals and international conferences. The author lives in Leicestershire, UK.

Adam Hook studied graphic design, and began his work as an illustrator in 1983. He specializes in detailed historical reconstructions, and has illustrated Osprey titles on the Aztecs, the Greeks, several 19th century American subjects, and a number of books in the Fortress series. His work features in exhibitions and publications throughout the world.Adam Hook lives in East Sussex, UK.


  • 205 KB
  • 26 gru 15 9:24
In 1209 Simon of Montfort led a war against the Cathars of Languedoc after Pope Innocent III preached a crusade condemning them as heretics. The suppression of heresy became a pretext for a vicious war that remains largely unstudied as a military conflict. Laurence Marvin here examines the Albigensian Crusade as military and political history rather than religious history and traces these dimensions of the conflict through to Montfort's death in 1218. He shows how Montfort experienced military success in spite of a hostile populace, impossible military targets, armies that dissolved every forty days, and a pope who often failed to support the crusade morally or financially. He also discusses the supposed brutality of the war, why the inhabitants were for so long unsuccessful at defending themselves against it, and its impact on Occitania. This original account will appeal to scholars of medieval France, the Crusades and medieval military history.


  • 115 KB
  • 26 gru 15 9:24
The recapture of Jerusalem, the siege of acre, the fall of Tripoli, the effect in Baghdad of events in Syria; these and other happenings were faithfully recorded by Arab historians during the two centuries of the Crusades. First published in English in 1969, this book presents 'the other side' of the Holy War, offering the first English translation of contemporary Arab accounts of the fighting between Muslim and Christian.

Extracts are drawn from seventeen different authors encompassing a multitude of sources:
The general histories of the Muslim world,
The chronicles of cities, regions and their dynasties
Contemporary biographies and records of famous deeds.
Overall, this book gives a sweeping and stimulating view of the Crusades seen through Arab eyes.


  • 161 KB
  • 26 gru 15 9:24
The capture of Jerusalem by the First Crusade in 1099 signalled the beginning of an armed struggle in Palestine and throughout the Eastern Mediterranean which lasted until the fifteenth century. It was a war dominated by the building, securing and besieging of castles rather than by pitched battles. Kristian Molin covers the military history of the crusades on a wider geographical scale than previous historians, taking in Armenia, Cyprus and Greece as well as the Holy Land. He also shows the role of castles as administrative, judicial and social centres in times of peace as well as in war. Unknown Crusader Castles provides a fresh perspective on the history of the crusades.


  • 58 KB
  • 26 gru 15 9:24
Modern study of the Hospitallers, of other military-religious orders, and of their activities both in the Mediterranean and in Europe has been deeply influenced by the work of Anthony Luttrell. To mark his 75th birthday in October 2007, twenty-three colleagues from ten different countries have contributed to this volume. The first section focuses on the crusading period in the Holy Land, considering the Hospital in Jerusalem, relations with the Assassins, finances, indulgences, transportation and the careers of the brothers and knights. The second and third sections move to the later Middle Ages, when the Hospitallers had their centre on Rhodes, and military and charitable activities in the East had to be supported with men and money from the West. The papers in the second section consider the Hospitallers on Rhodes, relations between Rhodes and the West and plans for crusades, while the third section includes papers on the Hospitallers in the Iberian Peninsula and in Hungary, the territorial administration of the Order of Montesa in Valencia, a plan to transfer the headquarters of the Teutonic Order from Prussia to Frisia, and a Hospitaller reconsideration of warfare and learning on the eve of the council of Trent. The final paper proposes new definitions and guidelines for future work on the military-religious orders. The authors include both well-known experts and younger scholars who promise to follow in the footsteps of Anthony Luttrell and to continue research into the Hospitallers and their fellow orders, these peculiar European communities avant la lettre.


  • 152 KB
  • 26 gru 15 9:24
This is a study of the appearances of the Knights Templar, Knights Hospitaller and Teutonic Knights in the French, German and English epic and romance literature of the Middle Ages. It examines their religious roles, such as caring for the sick, their warrior role of fighting Muslims, and examines the role of "Templars" in the Grail romances. It traces how these roles developed over time and considers what function the appearances of these military religious orders performed in the composition of a work of fictional literature. The frequent appearances of the Military Orders in medieval fictional literature are of interest both to historians and to literary specialists. This study considers the subject in depth across the medieval period. It is aimed at academics interested in the history of the Military Orders and of the Crusades; medieval literary specialists working on texts which include the Military Orders; and all those with an interest in the Grail legend.

About the Author
Helen J. Nicholson, Ph.D. (1990) in History, University of Leicester, is Senior Lecturer in History at Cardiff University, Wales. She has published on the Crusades and the military orders, including Chronicle of the Third Crusade (Ashgate, 1998).


  • 90 KB
  • 26 gru 15 9:24
This ground-breaking study of the role of crusading in late-medieval and early modern Denmark argues that crusading had a tremendous impact on political and religious life in Scandinavia all through the Middle Ages, which continued long after the Reformation ostensibly should have put an end to its viability within Protestant Denmark.


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