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! 💎 PROGRAMY PC 2020
! 💎 PROGRAMY PC 2019 lipiec-sierpień
! 💎 Adobe Master Collection CC 2020 ( 25.10.2019 )(1)
# ❗ 𝐀𝐝𝐨𝐛𝐞 𝐂𝐂 𝟐𝟎𝟏9 FULL 2019
# 𝐀𝐝𝐨𝐛𝐞 Photoshop CC 2018 𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋 𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋 H-111
# 𝐀𝐝𝐨𝐛𝐞 Photoshop Lightroom 2018 NAJNOWSZE 𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋 𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋 H- 111
# ❗ 𝐀𝐝𝐨𝐛𝐞 𝐂𝐂 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟖 𝐂𝐳𝐞𝐫𝐰𝐢𝐞𝐜 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟖
# ❗ 𝐀𝐝𝐨𝐛𝐞 𝐂𝐂 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟖 𝐙𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐣𝐞𝐬𝐭� �𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐞
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# ❗ 𝐀𝐝𝐨𝐛𝐞 𝐂𝐂 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟖 FULL 2018
# ❗ 𝐀𝐝𝐨𝐛𝐞 𝐂𝐂 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟖 Kolekcja (x64)
# ❗ 𝐀𝐝𝐨𝐛𝐞 𝐂𝐂 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟖 - Collection April 2018 [x64] H 111
# ❗ 𝐀𝐝𝐨𝐛𝐞 𝐀𝐝𝐨𝐛𝐞
# G R A F I K A
### SCRAP Dodatki PNG do Ozdabiania i Robienia Kartek, Ramek, Tapet h-marek
◄►PHOTOSHOP---EPS - AJ h-123
◄►PHOTOSHOP---MAL ARSTWO Photoshopem out of bounds
♦ Tapety - 4D
Photoshop Magic
◄►PHOTOSHOP---PNG -PSD h-marek
► kształty ( Shapes)
◄FOTOGRAFIA ◄ 400.000 ◄ S U P E R -------- Z D J Ę Ć
◄FOTOGRAFIA- czar portretu, urok krajobrazu
◄FOTOGRAFIA- miłość w obiektywie
Fotografia ślubna - kurs Video po polsku (video tutorial PL)
❗ 💎 - 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐌𝐘 𝐏𝐂 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟖
❗ 💎 - 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐌𝐘 𝐏𝐂 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟖(1)
❗ 💎 - 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐌𝐘 𝐏𝐂 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟗
❗ 🚗 - 𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐏𝐀 .𝐀𝐏𝐊 𝐄𝐔_𝐏𝐋 𝟏𝟖𝟎𝟔
❗ 🚗 - 𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐏𝐀 𝟔.𝟐𝟒 𝐄𝐔_𝐏𝐋 𝟏𝟖𝟎𝟔
❗ 🚗 - 𝐌𝐀𝐏𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐏 𝟏𝟎.𝟗 𝐏𝐋 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟖.𝐐𝟐
❗𝐆𝐑𝐘 𝐏𝐂 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟖
DLA DZIECI ✿h-marek
E-BOOKI h-123
Herbarz Polski - ułożył i wydał Adam Boniecki - 16 tomów Aaron-Madalińs cy (1899-1913)
Mam Talent
Mam Talent - zwierzęta
Manipulacja w praktyce
Mapay Świata HQ
Maski ramki
PROGRAMY h-marek
PROGRAMY✦ ▀▀▀▀h-marek
RÓŻNE h-123
ROZUM h-marek
RYSUNEK !!!h-123
Teatr PR
Ukryta Kamera
🎥 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐌𝐘 🎥 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐌𝐘- h-marek
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  • 1,19 GB
  • 5 sty 20 9:13

Organic Juice Mockup & Hero Image Scene Generator 19731811

Organic juice scene generator is set of 65+ isolated images prepared to be combined in unlimited ways. This template will help you to create awesome hero images that can be used for print or digital for website headers. You just need to drag & drop HQ original photos into premade psd files and you will generate graphic in just several minutes.

Main features of Juice Maker scene generator

Front view – we photographed all from front view. Can be used for websites for organic food shops, healthy food restaurants, organic food farms, hipster coffee shops, natural juices stores and more. It’suitable for making print graphic like posters, flayers, editorials, magazines etc. Can be used for beach parties posters, banners, ads, juice presentations and lot more. Idea was to make scene generator that allows easy and quick making professional print graphic that will make your clients wow-face. And you do it in 5 minutes. :)
65+ isolated images – juices and smoothies, fruits, vegetables and more – all items we choose to help to combine any kind of juice or smoothie. Take juice recipe and make graphic for it – all ingredients are here. For complete aesthetic joy we add non-fruit & vegetable items like honey, cinnamon sticks, pots etc.
10 premade scenes – 10 in front view, print ready high resolution 4000×2500px, 300dpi – to make all this more easier for you we prepared 10 premade scenes. In this premade scenes just add your/client logo over double-click smart object, export it for web or print and you are done. No more than that. :)
11 prepared and changeable textures and backgrounds – 5 textures & 6 backgrounds, color changeable solid background (choose any color you wish) – change and choose textures and backgrounds that fit best to your hero image. We choose and prepare them to be in trend with new web design tendencies. You just choose again.
6 Photographic color presets – Desaturated, Vibrant, Faded, Moody, Wanm and B&W – make mood as you like. By turning on/off layers with color presets make emotions that you need achieve with your design. Also you can combine them and change opacity to make some new color preset that we didn’t make and that will present your work in best view.
Prepared layers for juice color changing – if you can not find juice or smoothie by your wish in our prepared juices – you can make it. Just choose similar juice and change it’s color over hue/saturation layer.

All graphic is included.

z chomika grecjana54

  • 1,64 GB
  • 5 sty 20 9:13

Burger&Beer Mock-up Scene Creator 3231078

Burger&Beer Mock-up / Scene Creator - Front View

This mock-up and scene generator allows you to create your own original scene, or use our pre-made scene. You can also just dragging and dropping items in Photoshop and made your own scene. All items are photobased, front view, in big resolution and excellent quality, that allows you to create really huge scenes, can be used for big screens and for print projects. Smart object mock-ups allows you to customize the items. You can use it for Websites, Banners, Hero Images, Header Images, Facebook Covers, Presentations, Apps, Book Covers, Flyers, etc. Ideal for burger and beer shops, fast food restaurants, bars, etc.

Full Feature List:

60+ front view objects
Photo based elements
High resolution objects
All object & shadows separated
10 changeable background
10 PSD pre-made scenes ready to use

z chomika grecjana54

  • 537,6 MB
  • 5 sty 20 9:13

Nature Creation Kit 3370721


You have the freedom creating awesome logo templates, patterns, frames, badges and more!
This Product Includes 95 elements in total

50 Elements
15 Scenes
15 Logo Templates
15 Font Combinations
Help file

z chomika grecjana54

  • 0,89 GB
  • 5 sty 20 9:13

Baby Edition – Custom Scene 490018

An edition specially made for those who want to celebrate a new arrival in the family, sell their product for the baby public, build a mockup for their baby designs, create their baby shower invite or any baby mood design! It’s fully packed of isolated baby objects and made perfect to generate or build your own scene.

Main Features

160+ isolated objects (PSD and PNG files)
6 Pre-made Scenes Scenes (PSD files)
Photograph based
High Resolution at 300dpi
Standard Resolution at 72 dpi
3 Scenes and 7 Backgrounds.
High Resolution Scenes at 6000x4000px, 4000x6000px and 4000x4000px
Standard Resolution Scenes at 2400x1600px, 1600x2400px and 1600x1600px
Add your content with smart objects
Customize color object
Organised layers and folders
Separate all objects and shadows
Dynamic Shadow
Changeable background
Instruction PDF file

z chomika grecjana54

  • 466,9 MB
  • 5 sty 20 9:13

ULTIMATE TOYS Bundle & SCENE Creator 791273

This is the biggest and best fun-diddely-spun ULTIMATE bundle of TOYS and Scene Mockup Creator ever seen! In this FUNtastic kit you have everything you need to create the TOYS scenes of your dreams!
Step right up Ladies and Gentlemen we are about to announce whats inside the TOY box!
First you are going to unwrap a PSD collection of all 20 toys + BONUS 26 hand carved Alphabet Blocks as freebies!
And since you have been good all year long, you are also going to unwrap 4 TOYS Scenes that have been pre-created for you! Which includes the totally spectacular GREETING CARD-O-FUN scene!

z chomika grecjana54

  • 6,56 GB
  • 5 sty 20 9:13

Sushi Bar Scene Generator 2099604

Sushi Bar is a scene and mock-up generator that will make your web site or print graphics look awesome in just few minutes of working. You just need to drag & drop HQ original objects, rearrange them as you wish, replace the smart objects on mock-ups with your graphic. Just can’t not to love these things
Hero images are essential in trending web design. Everybody use it as major visual impact when user visit site. You can combine the objects and backgrounds with no additional retouching on images. We made it in high resolution so you also can used them in graphic design for web or printing.
You don’t need to be expert in Photoshop to make hero images. Just drag & drop isolated objects, choose one of the backgrounds by your wish and you are done. Piece of cake Even more a lot of objects in the generator are also editable mockups and you can add your design in branding mockups to make presentation of your own work.
Top view – all is photographed from top view. It’s best for presentation, can be used for websites like restaurants sites, food order sites, restaurant banners, ads and even presenting on social networks. When it comes to it, it contains pre-made instagram banners too. Boom, even more cool, isn’t it?
It’s also great for making printing graphics like posters, flyers, editorials and a lot more. Idea was to make scene generator that allows easy and quick making professional presentations that will make your clients wow-face. And you do it in 5 minutes

385+ isolated objects – all items were choose to help to combine any graphic in relation with sushi bars and restaurants.

15 premade scenes – print ready high resolution – to make all this more easier for you. In this premade scenes just add your graphic, your/client logo over double-click smart object, export it for web or print and you are done. No more than that

You have no logo for presentation? No problem, we also made 15 original logo design that you can use as you want. + Our best selling font style, also free to use.
10 changeable background texture – change and choose textures that fit best to your hero image or mock-up. We choose and prepared them to be in trend with new web design tendencies. Or put some of your textures as background if you want. All is possible.

Bunch of branding mockups with smart objects. If you are a designer and you want to present your work this is for you. Over double-click smart object you can put your design in few minutes.

Just drag & drop your design in smart object, save it and your beautiful design will look even more beautiful in our scene generator.

z chomika grecjana54

  • 1,11 GB
  • 5 sty 20 9:13

Fruits - Isolated Food Items

This part of my product “Kitchen Scene Generator” is for everyone who just needs fruit related items. By choosing from over 130 fresh & high resolution items and placing them per drag&drop you can create awesome images in seconds ! Theres a PSD with all items having prescaled proportions so you can get started quickly without wasting time on scaling items to fit to each other. Of course you can also use it for web purposes or without photoshop, since every item also comes as transparent PNG.


130+ Items
Isolated & Transparent Shadows
PSD and PNG Files
7 Premade Scenes (Textures included) – 3000×2000
3 Seamless Fruit Patterns – 2000×2000
High Resolutionn
Drag & Drop Placement
Organized Layers

z chomika grecjana54

  • 1,22 GB
  • 5 sty 20 9:13

Travel Mock-up 10 PSD Pack

Easy to use mock-up pack to present your design. High quality guaranteed. Cropping, changing perspectives and layer masking are not needed, simply pop in your new screenshot and everything is automatic.


10 Photoshop PSD-file
Very Easy to edit by Smart Object
Layered and Grouped PSD
High quality mock-ups
Beautiful photo filters included
Size: 3000x2000px at 300dpi

z chomika grecjana54

  • 1,24 GB
  • 5 sty 20 9:13

Kitchen Scene Creator Volume 1

This scene creator includes 6 premade PSD scenes and 52 high-resolution photos, making it easy to create kitchen themed header and hero images, mockups, or other graphics with ease.

This photo-based set features transparent PNG files so you can drag and drop objects directly into your own documents.

You can also start with 1 of the 6 premade PSD templates, then customize individual items and text.

The premade scenes are 3,000 x 2,000 pixels, while some of the PNG objects weight in at over 5,000 pixels wide, so you'll have no trouble creating graphics of any size.

Fonts are not included, but a list of fonts used, complete with links, is provided if you want to use the same typefaces shown in the preview images.

z chomika grecjana54

  • 1,30 GB
  • 5 sty 20 9:13

Gemstone Logo Creator

Included in this kit

185 vector crystal shapes (.ai, .eps, .pdf, .png)
30 premade logos (you can see them all in action on the 5th slide) BONUS:
Watercolour, gold + silver and neon textures (51 Photoshop styles and Illustrator swatches)

FONTS: The fonts are not included in the kit but you will find a list of all download links inside the kit.

SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT: Adobe Illustrator CS4+ or Adobe Photoshop CS4+ (Please note, that working with vectors offers more freedom, so Illustrator offers more editing options than Photoshop)

Create Endless Magic

With 185 gemstones you can create an almost indefinite number of combinations. You can put the gems together or put them apart. Colour them with textures or solid colors. Use them for your logo, patterns, and stationery, and keep your branding consistent.

z chomika grecjana54

  • 9,52 GB
  • 5 sty 20 9:13

Workspace Mockup Creator

This scene creator is a package of isolated workspace and decoration items that can be used to create awesome and unique scene compositions with a front view look. With categories like gadgets, food, frames, sport, office, art and more, the pack offers a great variety of items to let you follow your creativity.
The high resolutions of the 190 items allows you to create images for 8k monitors or even large prints. Moreover, plenty of items have cutomizable parts, so that you can easily choose your own colors or place your own designs. For the latter, there are many print and display mockups like laptops, monitors, frames, calendars and more.
To get started as quickly as possible, the pack includes 20 table base images for you to place your items on, as well as 15 backgrounds for a more unique and realistic look. For those who don't want to fiddle around with the items on their own, there are 22 premade scenes to use immediately.
Of course the items are layered and the shadows are isolated, realistic and adjustable. Since all items also come as PNGs, you can even use them in web-based tools like Canva.


190 Items (12 Categories)
20 Table Base Images (4500x3000px)
22 Premade Scenes
15 Background / Textures
Drag & Drop Placement
PSD and PNG Files
Replaceable Designs
Changeable Colors (75+ Items)
High Resolution (for up to 8k monitors)
Isolated & Transparent Shadows
Organized Files

z chomika grecjana54

  • 1,07 GB
  • 5 sty 20 9:13

Construction Scene Creator 17194617

Construction Scene Creator Photoshop file is designed for graphic and web designers for creating a hero, header images for web sites and other web elements such as banners, 404 pages, layer sliders… This file have multi-purpose use. It can be used for other marketing purposes, such as creating flyers, brochures, business cards and even billboards. High resolution 5000×3200 pixels composed with high quality photos allows you to be sure. Hero, header images is very popular and this is currently trend in web design. All objects and items in this Construction Scene Creator is separated layers and you can animate layers via layer sliders for Word Press or other plugins for CMS’s. More than 110 items will help you to make desired scene, and each object you can move, rotate and reduce the size on scene. You can add your design on device display (iPhone, iMac, Apple Watch, iPad, MacBook Pro). Mockup with Photoshop smart objects allows you to in a few clicks promote work and impress your clients.

What you can do:

– Move objects around the scene
– Create high resolution images (5000×3200 pixels)
– Choose a man or woman hand
– Change color of some devices
– Choose 7 backgrounds or add your own
– Use prepared photo filters and adjustments
– Full layered and easy to use scene creator for video or layer slider

Construction Scene Creator features:

– Size 5000×3200 px, 300dpi
– RGB color
– 110+ items
– 5 devices
– 19 desk items
– 81 construction tools
– 4 different man and woman hands
– Man and woman hand
– 7 table textures
– 21 prepared effect
– Full layered

z chomika grecjana54

  • 785,3 MB
  • 5 sty 20 9:13

Marine Scene Creator

Collection of various marine objects for you scenes

72 Files (PSD, PNG, JPG)

33 isolated marine objects: 15 Stones, 13 Little shells, 3 Big shells, 1 Starfish,1 Souvenir

PSD Files:
All Objects (4000x4000px, 350 dpi)
Marine Scene Creator (6000x4000px, 350 dpi)

PNG files:
33 Objects with shadows (507x515px – 2754-2727px)
33 Objects without shadows (362x463px – 2723-2690px)

JPG Files:
2 Seamless textures (6000x6000px, 350 dpi)
2 Scenes (6000x4000px, 350 dpi)

z chomika grecjana54

  • 3,55 GB
  • 5 sty 20 9:13

Wedding Mockup Creator Vol. 2 2646818

Wedding Day Mockup Creator is great for displaying your design card and invitation designs, to showcase your poster frame presentations, website headers, Etsy, Instagram, Facebook or Behance projects by just dragging and dropping items in Photoshop!
Create your own themed wedding scenes with moving objects. This top view scene creator includes a range of wedding themed props that you can create your own images with. It includes 70 moveable objects, 4 items with smart objects and 20 backgrounds.
You can change the design and colors of the envelope, paper, notebook and label. Very easy to use, simply paste your image in a Smart Object!

70 carefully isolated objects (PSD, PNG files)
20 Pre-made scenes (PSD and JPG files)
Editable enabled by Photoshop smart-objects
Customize color some objects
Scenes high resolution (landscape, square) small 3407*2271 pixels, big 4368 – 2912 pixels.
Organised layers and folders
Separate all objects and shadows. Items and shadows are isolated on their own layers.

Download Includes:
3 PSD files of 70 isolated objects
70 PNG items with and without shadow
20 PSD+JPEG pre-made scenes at high resolution (300dpi)
20 backgrounds
TXT file

z chomika grecjana54

  • 2,47 GB
  • 5 sty 20 9:13

Wedding Day Mockup Creator 2392217

Photoshop PSD, PNG
Create your own themed wedding scenes with moving objects. This top view scene creator includes a range of wedding themed props that you can create your own images with. It includes 37 moveable objects, 4 items with smart objects and 15 pastel backgrounds.

You can change the design and colors of the envelope, paper, notebook and label. Very easy to use, simply paste your image in a Smart Object!

41 isolated items (PNG files)
3 Photoshop Files with items with shadow. (in Layers)
15 PSD scenes ready to use (+15 JPEG files)
15 Pastel Paper Background
Instruction TXT file

z chomika grecjana54

  • 434,1 MB
  • 5 sty 20 9:13

Wedding Scene Creator - Top View

A beautiful wedding themed scene creator with moveable objects and changeable backgrounds. This top view scene creator includes a range of wedding themed props that you can create your own images with. It includes 24 moveable objects and 5 different backgrounds. The objects include two card mockups and one frame mockup. This wedding photo creator is perfect for presenting your card and invitation designs, displaying your prints, promoting blog posts, creating headers, social media posts, websites and much more!
This scene creator works best with Photoshop. It may work with some free editing software, such as PhotoPea, however the smart object features may not work. Please note that I personally have only tested this with Photoshop so cannot guarantee it will work with other software.

z chomika grecjana54

  • 1,35 GB
  • 5 sty 20 9:13

Canvas Mockups - Frames Mockups v 54

This canvas, frames and walls mockups pack allows you to quickly display your designs and layouts into a digital photo realistic showcase.
This pack contains fully customizable mockups.

Main Features
Easy editable with smart objects
1 view
Walls type1: 32 different walls
Walls type2: Use smart object to place your own wall wallpaper or art
Walls type3: Pick your custom solid color
31 Floors included
Movable and customizable objects
230+ Accessories you can use.
Resolution 3840 pixels X 2160 pixels uhd resolution per mockup
33 canvas mockups on floor (moveable)
33 canvas mockups on wall (moveable)
Unlimited frames mockups (moveable and fully customizable)
Perfectly isolated shadows, objects and backgrounds
Changeable colors for all elements with 1 click.
Help File Included
You can move the items, remove/add effects and place your own background image.
Frames Features:
Automatically fit every size of your posters, paintings, photography etc
4 Frame thickness sizes
10 wood types per frame mockup
You can choose your own color for the frame mockup
Unlimited frames mockups
Reflections on/off

z chomika grecjana54

  • 3,47 GB
  • 5 sty 20 9:13

Coffee & Barista Mock-up Creator

What you'll get with this toolkit:

Main PSD template in huge resolution (5600 x 4291 pixels) with prepared scenes - just replace your background, elements, texts and play with effects. Also 3 coffee mockups included: place your shape or letter into espresso, cappuccino or cappuccino with cinnamon dust
lot of coffee types included in PSD template & also as transparent PNG files
small PSD template where you can create letters or shaps from coffee beans - examples of use
all elements also in hi-res transparent PNG files (+ separate PNG for shadows)
all background textures in hi-res JPG files
3 custom fonts are also included in this bundle: Lovesurely script (multilanguage + lot of alternates), Momoco grunge & Arbatosh grunge display fonts.

All these PSD templates, PNG & JPG images are in really huge resolution so you can create also huge print projects with this toolkit...

z chomika grecjana54

  • 2,68 GB
  • 5 sty 20 9:13

Esoteric Scene Creator 2714449

Photoshop PSD, PNG, JPG
This scene creator will be perfect for creating unique scenes for product previews, blog posts, instagram posts, social media, websites etc. So, this is completely practical product, that can save a lot of your time and add an unusual magic look to your work.

All items are in .PNG already saved with shadows and in .PSD as well, if you want to change shadows or add any other effects. All shadows are added as a layer styles and could be edited (right mouse button click “Blending Options” “Drop Shadow”)


29 crystals
12 candles
15 incenses
6 horns
7 feathers
9 figurines and symbols
3 beads -2 terrarium
1 tibetan bowl
2 ancient paper
1 pocket with runes + 4 stones with bindrunes
3 napkins + 1 mandala cloth
4 shells
10 plants
13 wooden things (trays and chackras)
8 texture

z chomika grecjana54

  • 6,52 GB
  • 5 sty 20 9:13


An infinite number of options for any style... Envelopes, cards, flowers, accessories... Create your own design!)
555 isolated movable objects, 170 mockups with smart-objects, different textures for invitations and cards, customize color object, 10 changeable backgrounds - and this is just the beginning...

Envelope. Choose an envelope, change the color of the envelope, add your design to smart objects.
Wax stamp. Create your own wax stamp: change the color, add your design or text to smart object.
FLOWERS. Choose ready-made floral arrangements or create your own.
Accessories. Add accessories: choose ready-made objects, change the color of the ribbon and pencils.
◘ 80 x PSD-files. All individual elements are high-resolution (300dpi) on a transparent background.
◘ 385 x PNG-files. All individual elements are high-resolution (300dpi) on a transparent background.
◘ 20 x JPEG-files.

z chomika grecjana54

  • 722,5 MB
  • 5 sty 20 9:13

Christmas Scene Creator V.3


Movable isolated hi-res photo elements.

Create multiple stunning scenes in just seconds for your social media, online shop, blogs, scrapbooking, Pinterest..! The sky is the limit!

Just drag and drop any item on stage, move, rotate, and scale them as you want.

Move the items around, create headers, slides for your homepage or stunning post for your blog or social media accounts.

All items are made from real photography. I do not work with 3D elements. I prefer to work with elements that are not perfect but they are 100% real.


62 isolated png files. High-resolution items photographed and isolated by me.
5x7 cards and 8x10 sheets (portrait and landscape) with Photoshop smart layers included in all my scene creators as a bonus.
1 PSD layered file with all the elements with dynamic shadows (fully editable).
1 PSD file (blank stage) with a changeable background color. Just select any item from the stages and drag it to this blank stage.
6 JPG backgrounds.

z chomika grecjana54

  • 719,6 MB
  • 5 sty 20 9:13

Christmas Scene Creator V.1

DIGITAL STYLING PROPS COLLECTION Movable isolated hi-res photo elements.

Create multiple stunning scenes in just seconds for your social media, online shop, blogs, scrapbooking, Pinterest..! The sky is the limit!

Just drag and drop any item on stage, move, rotate, and scale them as you want.

Move the items around, create headers, slides for your homepage or stunning post for your blog or social media accounts.

All items are made from real photography. I do not work with 3D elements. I prefer to work with elements that are not perfect but they are 100% real.


68 isolated png files. High-resolution items photographed and isolated by me.
5x7 cards and 8x10 sheets (portrait and landscape) with Photoshop smart layers included in all my scene creators as a bonus.
1 Psd layered file with all the elements with dynamic shadows (fully editable).
1 Psd file (blank stage) with a changeable background color. Just select any item from the stages and drag it to this blank stage.
6 jpg backgrounds.

z chomika grecjana54

  • 1,52 GB
  • 5 sty 20 9:13

Halloween Scene Creator

43 isolated PNG files with and without shadows (for non-Photoshop users).
2 editable 5x7 size cards / 2 8x10 editable sheets.
1 PDS layered file with all the elements with dynamic shadows (fully editable).
1 PSD file (blank stage) with a changeable background color. Just select any item from the stages and drag it to this blank stage.
6 JPG backgrounds as a bonus.
Quick instructions.
All the elements and files come in two versions (300 dpi High-res / 72 dpi Low-Res).

HIGH-QUALITY PROPS. All items are photographed in high resolution.
DRAG AND DROP the items to your scene. Move, resize, rotate...
EDITABLE SHADOWS. Realistic dynamic shadows on separate layers to adjust the strength according to the background color of the scene.
PNG FILES. With transparent background. Images with and without shadows for those who are not Photoshop users.
All items are prescaled to have realistic proportions in relation to each other.
Free JPG backgrounds and Photoshop blank stage with changeable background color.
Easy help file.

Just drag and drop any item on stage, move, rotate, and scale them as you want.
Move the items around, create headers, slides for your homepage or stunning post for your blog or social media accounts.
All items are made from real photography. I do not work with 3D elements. I prefer to work with elements that are not perfect but they are 100% real.

z chomika grecjana54

  • 1,10 GB
  • 5 sty 20 9:13

Vintage PSD Mockup Creator
Vintage PSD Mockup Creator template that can be easily customized via photoshop smart objects. This mockup is perfect for those who need to showcase their work for clients. The mockup is fully customizable via smart objects and contains a range of movable objects so you can display them the way you wanted them!


High Resolution 3000 x 2000x (300dpi)
Easy Customization via Smart Objects
Layered Photoshop (PSD) Files
Organized and well named layers
Show / Hide Layers
Full customizable color options
Changeable background
Perfect for light and dark designs
Professionally lit photography
Adobe Photoshop CS4 or higher
6 Ready scenes
Movable objects included

1 Psd file with 14 art supplies
1 Psd file with 16 writting supplies
1 Psd file with 18 tools supplies
1 Psd file with 28 miscellaneous
1 Psd file with 13 papers supplies
1 Psd file with 20 personal supplies
1 Psd file with 4 cameras supplies
1 Psd file with 15 travel supplies
1 Psd file with 5 backgrounds
1 Psd file with 20 vintage effects
1 Psd file with 8 vintage textures
6 Psd file with 6 ready scenes

z chomika grecjana54

  • 4,28 GB
  • 5 sty 20 9:13

Planner Edition - Custom Scene

This edition includes all of the essential items you would expect to find on the well styled desktop of a blogger, or for the individual who loves to get organized with the help of beautifully designed stationery and planners, with a metallic, feminine twist. Our most comprehensive and customisable edition yet; you can change the pattern, texture, text and colour of many of the items to truly reflect your brand and communicate your message. As standard, all objects feature dynamic shadow and are high resolution.
Main Features

Planner fully editable (color, add pattern, add text, foil effect in gold/copper/silver)
Mockups (laptops, magazines, frames, phones, mugs, etc.)
High resolution
Photographed based items
Other Features

444+ isolated objects
11 Pre-made Scenes Scenes (PSD files)
Standard Resolution at 72 dpi
Includes High Resolution at 300dpi
Add your content with smart objects
Customize color object
Organised layers and folders
Separate all objects and shadows
Dynamic Shadow
Changeable background
Instruction PDF file

z chomika grecjana54

  • 1,76 GB
  • 5 sty 20 9:13

Hero scenes isometric view Mockups

Hero scenes isometric view Mockups - 6 hero images with 2 variations each (Left & Centered) = 8:)
Themes: Art, Design, Programming/Coding, Management, Mobile apps, Photo studio, Writer/Copywriter. You can easily change colors, put your graphics in these scenes. You can adopt them to any other formats.

Objects included in Mockupper:
Electronic devices (Apple iPhone, iPad, iMac, Macbook Air etc.; Wacom Intous, photo cameras, etc.)
Package (bags, badges, box, paper coffee cups)
Paper (corporate blanks, visit cards, envelopes, notepads, organizers, journals, catalogs etc.)
Stationery & Miscellaneous

z chomika grecjana54

  • 3,47 GB
  • 5 sty 20 9:13

Photo Mockup Scene Creator

This is a collection of various type of photo frames and decorative objects. rendered in high resolution and made easy to use with photoshop to create realistic scenes.
Photo frames includes both desk and wall types of frames. you can easily copy paste your own photos to frames with smart objects. all the backgrounds are transparent and will blend with backgrounds and as well as other objects in the scene.

high resolution
drag and drop edit.
works with CS2 or later versions
Photo realistic objects and shadows
editable backgrounds and colors

z chomika grecjana54

  • 2,02 GB
  • 5 sty 20 9:13

Christmas Scene Creator V.4

Movable isolated hi-res photo elements.
Move the items around, create headers, slides for your homepage or stunning post for your blog or social media accounts.
All items are made from real photography. I do not work with 3D elements. I prefer to work with elements that are not perfect but they are 100% real.
85 isolated png files. High-resolution items photographed and isolated by me.
5x7 cards and 8x10 sheets (portrait and landscape) with Photoshop smart layers included in all my scene creators as a bonus.
1 Psd layered file with all the elements with dynamic shadows (fully editable).
1 Psd file (blank stage) with a changeable background color. Just select any item from the stages and drag it to this blank stage.
6 jpg backgrounds.
You will need Photoshop CS4 or above to work with the layered files and smart objects.

z chomika grecjana54

  • 3,58 GB
  • 5 sty 20 9:13

Sweet Holidays Scene Creator

Choose between 100 christmas and winter holidays themed objects - everything from candles, cookies, ribbons, wreaths, ornaments, vintage notecards, gifts,... stack em', layer em', group 'em, rotate and arrange them in a gazillion of ways - the possibilities are really endless. :)
All objects have transparent background and dynamic shadows and there are also PNG's included for each element - with and without shadows - as well as premade "mini" PSD's showcasing groups of single elements. :) Open up one of the 5 "mini" PSD's and just drag and drop the desired items to your lovely scene, reposition, stylize, recolor if you like and you're good to go. :)

SHORT & SWEET: You will receive a total of 100 object PSD's and 200 PNG's. :)

z chomika grecjana54

  • 787,0 MB
  • 5 sty 20 9:13

Gentleman Scene Creator Top View

A gentleman themed top view scene creator full of masculine props and objects such as glasses, coffee, bow ties, wallet, keys, shoes and much more. Use this scene creator to create your own custom scenes and flat lay images to use for your blog, website, social media etc. It includes 32 movable props and 8 different backgrounds - mix and match to create your own unique photos and mockups.
You will receive:
1 x .psd file (Photoshop) with layers
32 .png files (individual objects) and 8 .jpeg files (individual backgrounds) You can use this scene creator with or without Photoshop!

z chomika grecjana54

  • Pobierz folder
  • Aby móc przechomikować folder musisz być zalogowanyZachomikuj folder
  • dokumenty
  • obrazy
  • pliki wideo
  • pliki muzyczne

101 plików
225,88 GB


adii132 napisano 4.09.2022 09:28

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Release__K83__ napisano 21.12.2022 17:56

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kixined324 napisano 21.01.2023 14:47

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Super chomik

monecki napisano 4.02.2023 22:17

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vagilaw468 napisano 13.05.2023 00:03

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radek9812 napisano 2.04.2024 14:10

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Filmy XXX - Tylko dla dorosłych, poniżej 18 lat WSTĘP WZBRONIONY Różne produkcje: Brazzers, Bangbros, Blacked, BrattySis, FamilyStrokes, Dorcel, HardX, JulesJordan,MYLF, Naughty America, Nubile Films, Private, Reality Kings, TeamSkeet, Tiny4K, Tushy, Vixen oraz wiele wiele więcej, wejdź a się przekonasz


czarnecki10 napisano 17.10.2024 18:02

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obrazek Zapraszam do odwiedzenia mojego niezwykłego chomika MUZYKA - ZDJĘCIA - FILMY i SERIALE - EROTYKA - KSIĄŻKI, GAZETY i KOMIKSY - GRY i PROGRAMY - a także WŁASNE AUTORSKIE TREŚCI i TREŚCI STWORZONE ZA POMOCĄ AI Pozdrawiam

KoCiK81 napisano 20.10.2024 02:12

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oprogramowanie.pro napisano 4.02.2025 18:55

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👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻Super, dziękuję, i pozdrawiam👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

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