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Michael Specter - Denialism; How Irrational Thinking Hinders Scientific Progress, Harms the Planet, and Threatens Our Lives (2009).jpg

bogg / 01 - USA(1) / Michael Specter - Denialism; How Irrational Thinking Hinders Scientific Progress, Harms the Planet, and Threatens Our Lives (2009).jpg
01 - USA1 - Michael Specter - Denialism How Irrational Thinking Hi...ogress, Harms the Planet, and Threatens Our Lives 2009.jpg
Download: Michael Specter - Denialism; How Irrational Thinking Hinders Scientific Progress, Harms the Planet, and Threatens Our Lives (2009).jpg

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Although denialists, according to Specter, come from both ends of the political spectrum, they have one important trait in common: their willingness to replace the rigorous and open-minded skepticism of science with the inflexible certainty of ideological commitment. Specter analyzes the consequences of this inflexibility and draws some startling and uncomfortable conclusions for the health of both individuals and society. For example, though every reputable scientific study demonstrates the safety of major childhood vaccines, opponents of childhood immunization are winning the publicity war; childhood immunizations are tumbling and preventable diseases are increasing, often leading to unnecessary deaths. Specter, a New Yorker science and public health writer, does an equally credible job of demolishing the health claims made by those promoting organic produce and all forms of alternative medicine. Specter is both provocative and thoughtful in his defense of science and rationality—though he certainly does not believe that scientists are infallible. His writing is engaging and his sources are credible, making this a significant addition to public discourse on the importance of discriminating between credible science and snake oil.


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01 - USA1 - Jan Nederveen Pieterse - Is There Hope for Uncle Sam, Beyond the American Bubble 2008.jpg
For over a century now, America has dominated global pol ...
For over a century now, America has dominated global politics and the global imagination. Yet as the dollar declines, inequality increases, rates of consumption are unprecedented and American unilateralism comes under fire, such hegemony is increasingly unsustainable. In this provocative new book, leading sociologist Jan Nederveen Pieterse asks whether it’s possible for America to chart a different course. In this book, he argues that correcting the course of decline would mean taking drastic steps. Only a reinvention of New Deal politics could address social inequality, while repositioning itself in world politics would mean adopting genuine multilateralism.
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