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  • 84 KB
  • 9 sty 13 22:27
This fictionalized life of the notorious queen is told from the point of view of her younger sister, Mutnodjmet. In 1351 B.C., Prince Amunhotep secretly kills his older brother and becomes next in line to Egypt's throne: he's 17, and the 15-year-old Nefertiti soon becomes his chief wife. He already has a wife, but Kiya's blood is not as royal, nor is she as bewitching as Nefertiti. As Mutnodjmet, two years younger than her sister, looks on (and falls in love), Amunhotep and the equally ambitious Nefertiti worship a different main god, displace the priests who control Egypt's wealth and begin building a city that boasts the royal likenesses chiseled in stone. Things get tense when Kiya has sons and the popular Nefertiti has only daughters, and they come to a boil when the army is used to build temples to the pharaoh and his queen instead of protecting Egypt's borders. Though sometimes big events are telegraphed, Moran, who lives in California and is making her U.S. debut, gets the details just right, and there are still plenty of surprises in an epic that brings an ancient world to life.


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  • 9 sty 13 22:27
In his runaway bestseller Guns, Germs, and Steel, Jared Diamond brilliantly examined the circumstances that allowed Western civilizations to dominate much of the world. Now he probes the other side of the equation: What caused some of the great civilizations of the past to fall into ruin, and what can we learn from their fates?

Using a vast historical and geographical perspective ranging from Easter Island and the Maya to Viking Greenland and modern Montana, Diamond traces a fundamental pattern of environmental catastrophe—one whose warning signs can be seen in our modern world and that we ignore at our peril. Blending the most recent scientific advances into a narrative that is impossible to put down, Collapse exposes the deepest mysteries of the past even as it offers hope for the future.

“Diamond’s most influential gift may be his ability to write about geopolitical and environmental systems in ways that don’t just educate and provoke, but entertain.” —The Seattle Times

“Extremely persuasive . . . replete with fascinating stories, a treasure trove of historical anecdotes [and] haunting statistics.” —The Boston Globe

“Extraordinary in erudition and originality, compelling in [its] ability to relate the digitized pandemonium of the present to the hushed agrarian sunrises of the far past.” —The New York Times Book Review


  • 175 KB
  • 9 sty 13 22:27
This collection of essays makes a major contribution to the growing debate on British foreign policy before the First World War, and mounts a sustained critique of the received interpretation that invites comparison with the work of Fritz Fischer on the foreign policy of Imperial Germany. The Policy of the Entente presents a realistic assessment of British priorities in the years before 1914, and considers the fundamental and conflicting pressures that determined the formulation of foreign policy. The author concludes that British policy, far from being increasingly Eurocentric, was emphatically imperial: indeed many of the difficulties faced by Britain's rulers stemmed from their inability to live up to this Imperial self-image.


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  • 9 sty 13 22:27
Since its first appearance in Brazil in 1949, Victor Nunes Leal's Coronelismo, Enxada e Voto, here entitled Coronelismo: the Municipality and Representative Government in Brazil, has come to be recognized as a classic analysis of the system that emerges from 'the superimposition of structural forms evolved through the representative process on an inadequate social and economic structure'. The text is here published without any substantial change or addition, according to the author's wish. His insights and approach remain as suggestive as when they first appeared; as Barbosa Lima Sobrinho pointed out in the preface to the second Brazilian edition, the work is not only the analysis of a structure, but the record of that structure and of the arguments about it at a certain time, a record important in itself. Its place in the development of political analysis in Brazil is set out in Alberto Venancio Filho's introduction: 'a divide in the history of political science in Brazil...the first landmark of the study of politics in our Universities'. The work is recognized everywhere as an essential text for the student of that country.


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  • 9 sty 13 22:27
During the eighteenth century European governments began systematically using an international credit structure whose centre was the Amsterdam capital market. This book reconstructs that system and surveys its principal effects on the European and especially the Dutch economies. Eighteenth-century states borrowed chiefly to finance wars and, increasingly toward the century's end, debts from earlier wars. Military and naval spending and debt service together consumed up to eighty percent of peacetime revenues and more in war. Borrowing on international markets stabilised previously disruptive deficit financing techniques and moderated the economic consequences of sharply irregular war spending. This development however, eased the problems of war-making more than it developed national economies or enhanced prosperity. The Dutch, heretofore seen as having squandered the advantage of cheap credit, actually faced the difficult problem of finding productive uses for their savings at satisfactory returns.


  • 251 KB
  • 9 sty 13 22:27
This is a unique account of working-class childhood during the British industrial revolution. Using more than 600 autobiographies written by working men of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries Jane Humphries illuminates working-class childhood in contexts untouched by conventional sources and facilitates estimates of age at starting work, social mobility, the extent of apprenticeship, and the duration of schooling. The classic era of industrialization, 1790-1850, apparently saw an upsurge in child labour. While the memoirs implicate mechanization and the division of labour in this increase, they also show that fatherlessness and large sibsets, common in these turbulent, high-mortality, and high-fertility times, often cast children as partners and supports for mothers struggling to hold families together. The book offers unprecedented insights into child labour, family life, careers, and schooling. Its images of suffering, stoicism, and occasional childish pleasures put the humanity back into economic history and the trauma back into the industrial revolution.


  • 338 KB
  • 9 sty 13 22:27
Magisterial in vision, sweeping in scope, this monumental work presents a seamless account of Japanese society during the modern era, from 1600 to the present. A distillation of more than 50 years' engagement with Japan and its history, it is the crowning work of our leading interpreter of the modern Japanese experience. Since 1600 Japan has undergone three periods of wrenching social and institutional change, following the imposition of hegemonic order on feudal society by the Tokugawa shogun; the opening of Japan's ports by Commodore Perry; and defeat in World War II. "The Making of Modern Japan" charts these changes: the social engineering begun with the founding of the shogunate in 1600, the emergence of village and castle towns with consumer populations, and the diffusion of samurai values in the culture. Jansen covers the making of the modern state, the adaptation of Western models, growing international trade, the broadening opportunity in Japanese society with industrialization, and the postwar occupation reforms imposed by General MacArthur. Throughout, the book gives voice to the individuals and views that have shaped the actions and beliefs of the Japanese, with writers, artists and thinkers as well as political leaders given their due. The story this book tells, though marked by profound changes, is also one of remarkable consistency, in which continuities outweigh upheavals in the development of society, and successive waves of outside influence have only served to strengthen a sense of what is unique and native to Japanese experience. "The Making of Modern Japan" takes us to the core of this experience as it illuminates one of the contemporary world's most compelling transformations.


  • 359 KB
  • 9 sty 13 22:27
This book examines the imaginative dimension of Irish-Indian imperial connections in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries by considerating the relationships between Irish and Indian nationalists, the construction of Irishmen as British imperial heroes, and Irish nationalist commemoration of the mutiny of a regiment of Irish soldiers in India.


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  • 9 sty 13 22:27
Gábor Betegh presents the first systematic reconstruction and examination of the Derveni papyrus and analyzes its role in the intellectual milieu of its age. Found in 1962 near Thessaloniki among the remains of a funeral pyre, it is one of the earliest surviving Greek papyri and is a document of primary importance for understanding religious and philosophical developments of the time of Socrates. The book will appeal strongly to classicists, philosophers and historians of religion.


  • 164 KB
  • 9 sty 13 22:27
This illustrated volume is an articulate series of essays by distinguished authors on themes which are central to the work of Brenda Bolton as a scholar and teacher: Innocent III, the city of Rome, the late medieval Church and the urban context of the Italian peninsula in the twelfth to fourteenth centuries. The essays combine groundbreaking new analyses with careful reading of the sources to demonstrate the vibrancy of the study of the ecclesiastical and social history of the Mediterranean in the late Middle Ages.


  • 19 KB
  • 9 sty 13 22:27
This anthology is based on the premise that authors from the former Yugoslavia have yet much to teach us about their country's tragedy. The result is a collection of rich insights drawn from the history of Ottoman rule through the burdens of implementing the Dayton Accords. Specialists will particularly applaud articles revealing the critical importance of the current opposition press in Croatia and Serbia. Susan Woodward (Brookings), the single non-Yugoslav contributor, adds an excellent chapter on foreign involvement in the early phases of the conflict. Other contributors sharpen our image of the overall situation by demolishing the "ancient hatreds" thesis of violent conflict and identifying President Tudjman's "ultranationalism" as the "single most important ideological resource" for Serbia's Milosevic. Editor Udovicki's concluding plea for the West to enunciate clearly a "firm universal principle" of minority rights is compelling. Highly recommended for all academic and larger public libraries.?Zachary T. Irwin, Pennsylvania State Univ.-Erie


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  • 9 sty 13 22:27
Niemiecka ofensywa wiosenna 1918 roku ma wiele nazw, ale żadna nie jest tak trafna, jak nadana przez osobę, która odegrała w niej główną rolę — generała broni Ericha Ludendorffa* Nazwa Kaiserschlacht, czyli „bitwa cesarza", na cześć naczelnego dowódcy, cesarza Wilhelma II, dobrze oddaje tytaniczną wielkość tego wydarzenia, będącego największą akcją zaczepną I wojny światowej, z którym porównać można tylko niemiecki marsz na zachód w sierpniu 1914 roku. Podobnie jak plan Schlieffena' ofensywa Kaiserschlacht miała na celu odniesienie szybkiego zwycięstwa, zanim państwa ententy wprowadzą do walki jeszcze większe siły.


  • 202 KB
  • 9 sty 13 22:27
Cette monographie est consacrée à la tartane, bâtiment de pêche et de cabotage présent dans toute la Méditerranée pendant près de trois siècles mais qui en réalité est assez mal connu car si les représentations artistiques des tartanes sont nombreuses, les renseignements techniques sur leur construction sont rares surtout pour la période antérieure à 1800. Les archives de la Marine conservées au port de Toulon et aux Archives Nationales nous ont fourni de nombreux renseignements sur la Diligente, tartane construite à Toulon pour la Marine royale par un charpentier d'Agde, Laurent Marchand, dont le plan a également été heureusement conservé aux archives de Toulon. Gérard Delacroix a ainsi conçu et dessiné cette monographie sur la base des recherches d'archives d'Hubert Berti, et tous deux se sont appuyés sur les principes, les conseils et la direction de Jean Boudriot. La monographie comporte des plans complets qui permettent la réalisation du modèle aux échelles du 1/36ème, 1/48ème et 1/72ème et permettent donc d'envisager trois degrés dans la difficulté d'exécution. Le gréement et l'accastillage sont élégants mais simples et la décoration de la coque est d'exécution facile. Un modéliste débutant mais soigneux peut donc envisager ce bâtiment comme première réalisation. Le modéliste confirmé peut, en réalisant une présentation coque fermée, créer une oeuvre de valeur basée sur le sérieux de la documentation. La charpente est d'exécution particulièrement difficile en raison de la légèreté de la membrure et les plus adroits pourront, en la réalisant, démontrer leur habileté. La Diligente a eu une carrière fort intéressante par la variété des mission accomplies: grand et petit cabotage, course, transport de personnel ou de dépêche, protection de convoi. Tout cela permet à l'imagination de s'exercer pour présenter en situation ce petit navire plein de charme.


  • 124,6 MB
  • 9 sty 13 22:27
This monograph is devoted to the tartane, a fishing ship and coastal trading vessel found in the Mediterranean for over three centuries but little known today. Artist's renderings of tartanes abound, but technical information on their construction is rare, especially for the period before 1800. We found copious information in the Naval Archives in the port of Toulon and in the National Archives on La Diligente, a tartane built in Toulon for the Royal Navy by Laurent Marchand, a shipwright from Agde. Happily enough, the ship's plans were also preserved in the Toulon archives. Gerard Delacroix conceived and designed this monograph on the basis of Hubert Berti's archival research. Both men relied on Jean Boudriot's principles, advice and guidance. The monograph includes a full set of plans for building the model at 1:36, 1:48, and 1:72 scale. In other words, it allows for three varying degrees of difficulty in construction. Rigging and fitting out are elegant but simple and the decoration of the hull is fairly easy to do. A careful beginner at model building would be able to take on this ship as his or her first project. A more experienced model builder would be able to assemble a first-rate piece with a closed hull based on the completeness of the documentation. The framework is particularly difficult to execute because of the lightness of the ribs. The most skillful model builders will therefore be able to display their talent. The Diligente had a fascinating career due to the variety of her missions: large and small coastal trading, races, transportation of personnel or official dispatches, and the protection of convoys. The imagination can run full course if one should choose to present this charming small ship in one of those historical situations.


  • 334 KB
  • 9 sty 13 22:27

В книге рассказывается о развитии военной мысли в области артиллерии на протяжении семи веков. Читатель узнает, как человек осваивал огневую мощь пороха, учился запускать снаряды, изобретал и совершенствовал орудия от простых метательных установок до реактивных установок, создавая все более мощные, Книга насыщена историческими фактами, подчеркивающими значение артиллерии в истории войн и государств.


  • 41,9 MB
  • 9 sty 13 22:27


  • 29 KB
  • 9 sty 13 22:27
When Germany annexed colonies in Africa and the Pacific beginning in the 1880s, many German women were enthusiastic. At the same time, however, they found themselves excluded from what they saw as a great nationalistic endeavor. In German Women for Empire, 1884–1945 Lora Wildenthal untangles the varied strands of racism, feminism, and nationalism that thread through German women’s efforts to participate in this episode of overseas colonization.
In confrontation and sometimes cooperation with men over their place in the colonial project, German women launched nationalist and colonialist campaigns for increased settlement and new state policies. Wildenthal analyzes recently accessible Colonial Office archives as well as mission society records, periodicals, women’s memoirs, and fiction to show how these women created niches for themselves in the colonies. They emphasized their unique importance for white racial “purity” and the inculcation of German culture in the family. While pressing for career opportunities for themselves, these women also campaigned against interracial marriage and circulated an image of African and Pacific women as sexually promiscuous and inferior. As Wildenthal discusses, the German colonial imaginary persisted even after the German colonial empire was no longer a reality. The women’s colonial movement continued into the Nazi era, combining with other movements to help turn the racialist thought of the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries into the hierarchical evaluation of German citizens as well as colonial subjects.
Students and scholars of women’s history, modern German history, colonial politics and culture, postcolonial theory, race/ethnicity, and gender will welcome this groundbreaking study.


  • 16 KB
  • 9 sty 13 22:27
This study describes for the first time the ritual purposes, symbolic vocabulary, and quasi-dramatic form of one late medieval courtly festival, the royal entry. Although the royal entry as a formal ceremony can be traced back as an unbroken tradition from late Classical times through to the Renaissance, Kipling begins where the royal entry adopts pageantry as its essential medium in the late fourteenth century.


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