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  • 18 cze 14 16:29

This is a study of the appearances of the Knights Templar, Knights Hospitaller and Teutonic Knights in the French, German and English epic and romance literature of the Middle Ages. It examines their religious roles, such as caring for the sick, their warrior role of fighting Muslims, and examines the role of "Templars" in the Grail romances. It traces how these roles developed over time and considers what function the appearances of these military religious orders performed in the composition of a work of fictional literature. The frequent appearances of the Military Orders in medieval fictional literature are of interest both to historians and to literary specialists. This study considers the subject in depth across the medieval period. It is aimed at academics interested in the history of the Military Orders and of the Crusades; medieval literary specialists working on texts which include the Military Orders; and all those with an interest in the Grail legend.


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  • 18 cze 14 16:29

Geoffroi de Villehardouin (1160 - c. 1212) was a knight and historian who chronicled the Fourth Crusade. He was considered to be one of the most important historians of his time. His is the earliest prose writing to have survived in France. Villehardouin was the ambassador to Venice assigned to procuring ships for the voyage to the crusades. In 1207 he began to write his chronicle of the Crusade, On the Conquest of Constantinople. This work was memorable in part because it was written originally in French as opposed to in Latin.


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  • 18 cze 14 16:29

This book presents an edition of seventeen manuscript sermon texts for the preaching of the crusades from the thirteenth to the early fourteenth centuries by five prominent scholars and churchmen. The majority of these texts have never been printed before. These sermons are unique sources for the study of the crusades and medieval preaching, two vibrant areas of medieval studies in both academic teaching and research. Accompanying the Latin texts is an English translation, making these sources accessible to a wider circle of students and scholars.


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  • 18 cze 14 16:29

Focusing on the inner-workings of the First Crusade in a way that no other work has done, The First Crusade and the Idea of Crusading delves into the Crusade's organization, its finances, and the division of authority and responsibility among its leaders and their relationships with one another and with their subordinates.

In the year 1095, Pope Urban II initiated what is known today as the First Crusade. Following what was then conventional practice among church reformers, the Pope referred to his war of liberation as Christ's own war, to be fought in accordance with God's will and intentions.

Urban II called this a war of liberation for two reasons: one, to free the church of Jerusalem from oppression and pillage by the Muslims and to liberate western churches in general; and two, to free the city of Jerusalem from the servitude into which it has fallen. This summons of the lay knight to the faith between 1095 and 1096 was Urban II's personal response to an appeal that had reached him from eastern Christians.

In this classic work, Jonathan Riley-Smith, today one of the world's most renowned crusade historians, approaches this central and well-known topic of medieval history with freshness and impeccable research. Through the vivid presentation of a wide range of European chronicles and charter collections, Riley-Smith provides a striking illumination of crusader motives and responses and a thoughtful analysis of the mechanisms that made this expedition successful.


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  • 18 cze 14 16:29

Pocket Essentials is a dynamic series of books that are brief, lively, and easy to read. Packed with facts as well as expert opinions, each book has all the key information you need to know about such popular topics as film, television, cult fiction, history, and more. In addition to an introduction to the subject, each topic is individually analyzed and reviewed, examining its impact on culture or history. There is also a reference section that lists related web sites and weightier (and more expensive) books on the subject. For media buffs, students, and inquiring minds, these are great entry–level books that build into an essential library.


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  • 18 cze 14 16:29

Film 1 : Oblicza historii - Krzyżowcy

Między 11 a 12 wiekiem wyruszyło z Europy osiem wypraw krzyżowych do krajów na Środkowym Wschodzie. Krucjaty przypominały bardziej brutalne rzezi, niż heroiczną walkę w szczytnej sprawie.

Film 2 : Starodawni wojownicy - Templariusze

Ostatecznym celem wszystkich krzyżowców było przegnanie na zawsze muzułmanów z Ziemi Świętej. Chrześcijańscy rycerze byli znani ze swojej niewyobrażalnej odwagi i bezgranicznego oddania sprawie krucjat.


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  • 18 cze 14 16:29

The Order of St John, or Knights of Malta, was founded in Jerusalem in the 1070s as a hospice for pilgrims. During the Crusades it developed a military and subsequently a political role, and in succeeding centuries influenced and interfered considerably in the diplomatic and religious history of Europe. It sill survives today, in a somewhat mysterious form. However, there is no complete history of the Order, in any language, nor has any attention been paid to the Order's considerable artistic legacy. In this book, Sire describes the history and origins of the Knights of St John, examining as well other aspects, including the important Hospitaller castles of the medieval period, such as Crac des Chevaliers; the Priories of the order established throughout Europe, with their art and architecture; the role played by the Knights in the history of their respective countries; and the art (portraiture, jewellery, illuminated manuscripts - much of which is illustrated here) collected by the Knights. In the final section, Sire describes the conquest of Malta by Napoleon, looks at an episode in the 1950s when a Catholic cardinal tried to subject the order to Vatican control, and finishes by describing the modern version of the Order.


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  • 18 cze 14 16:29
This German-to-English translation of a highly successful book is a clear, approachable, student-friendly introduction to the history of the crusades.
With a long chronological span, from the eleventh to the late fifteenth century, and with a wide geographical coverage of the whole of Europe and some of the Middle East, The Crusades is clear, concise and more wide-ranging than any other single volume works.

Taking recent scholarship into account, and using boxes, case studies, marginal directions and chronologies at the beginning of each chapter, the book is well laid out and easy to follow.

Providing a fine overview of the crusade movement, students of all university levels will find this packed with incredibly useful information, and will return again and again to this invaluable historical resource.

About the Author
Nikolas Jaspert is a Professor of Medieval History at Ruhr-Universität Bochum. He is widely published on the crusades, on the history of the Iberian Peninsula and on religious orders in the Middle Ages.

Phyllis Jestice is Associate Professor of Medieval and Early Modern Europe at the University of Southern Mississippi. She is a highly experienced translator and has recently completed translations of Whalen Lai and Michael von Bruck's Christianity and Buddhism (2001) and Gerd Althoff's Otto III (2003).


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  • 18 cze 14 16:29
Przez dwa stulecia, od czasów Gotfryda de Bouillon do panowania Ludwika IX Świętego, Europejczycy wszystkich stanów i klas społecznych wyruszali w kolejnych krucjatach na podbój Ziemi Świętej. W imię Chrystusa zdobyli Nikeę, Antiochię, Tyr i Jerozolimę. Założyli łacińskie państwa na Wschodzie. Dla muzułmanów ten chrześcijański epos był barbarzyńską agresją. Pod wodzą Zankiego i Nur ad-Dina ogłosili świętą wojnę. Ostateczny cios zadał Frankom Saladyn. Zwycięzcy zachowali jednak bolesne wspomnienie swego pierwszego kontaktu z Zachodem.


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  • 18 cze 14 16:29
The castles built by the Crusaders, Hospitallers, Venetians and Genoese in Cyprus, Greece, the Aegean, and on the Black Sea served to defend against a complex array of constantly changing threats: Mamluks, Catalan mercenaries, Ottoman Turks, Byzantines, independent Islamic states, Timur-i-Lenk, and widespread piracy, to name but few. The resulting fortifications - some inherited from conquered the territories of the former Byzantine empire, some built from scratch - were very different to those found in the Middle East. This superbly illustrated book explores their design, development and fate in detail, documenting the rich architectural heritage of this region and its complex history.

Introduction · Chronology · Design and development · The principles of defence · Tour of the castles · The living sites · The castles at war · Aftermath · Visiting the fortifications today · Further reading · Glossary · Index


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  • 18 cze 14 16:29
University of London historian and History Channel contributor Phillips (The Second Crusade) superbly condenses the four centuries of the Crusades into a single, easily accessible volume. Islamic as well as Western sources are utilized to demonstrate the similarities between jihad and crusading. The narrative weaves a tragic tapestry, beginning with the bloodily successful First Crusade, through the establishment of the Crusader states, to the failure of subsequent Crusades, the victories of the Muslim counter-Crusade, and the continuing legacy of religious and cultural hatred that permeates the Holy Land. Individuals such as the charismatic Queen Melisende of Jerusalem; the Leper King, Baldwin IV; the Muslim warriors Nur ad-Din and Saladin; England's Richard the Lionheart; and many others play major and minor roles in the creation of a past that still lives today. Episodes including the breathtaking naivete of the Children's Crusade and the Reconquista of the Iberian Peninsula are effectively described. Concluding chapters examine the impact of the Crusades since the 15th century. Regrettably, little attention is given to the crusading spirit resurrected by the 1571 Battle of Lepanto. But this is an outstanding summary of centuries of religious strife, the effects of which are with us still.


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  • 18 cze 14 16:29
A detailed study of the arms and armour of Teutonic troops in Medieval Prussia. A discussion of the sources is followed by a weapon by weapon account of defensive arms (helmet armour and shield) and offensive arms (sword, side arm, staff weapons, butt weapons, shooting weapons, hand firearm and knightly belt). There is also a discussion of horse armour and harness.


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  • 18 cze 14 16:29
This book offers a fascinating insight to the final siege of the First Crusade. The most extraordinary siege in medieval history began with the arrival of a Christian army at Jerusalem on the dawn of 6 June, 1099. There were other sieges that lasted longer, involved greater numbers of troops and deployed more siege engines, but nothing else in the entire medieval period compares to the extraordinary journey that the besiegers had made to get to their goal and the heady religious enthusiasm among the troops. This was the culmination of the First Crusade, a military pilgrimage that had seen hundreds of thousands of men, women and children leave their homes in Western Europe, march for three years over thousands of miles and undergo tremendous hardship to reach their longed-for goal: Jerusalem.No other medieval army had made such a journey to reach its goal. And no other army had such a peculiar makeup. There were hundreds of unattached poor women, gathered from the margins of Northern French towns by the charity of the charismatic preacher Peter the Hermit and given a new direction to their lives by the expedition to Jerusalem. There were farmers who had sold their land and homes, put all their belongings in two-wheeled carts and marched alongside their oxen. Bards came and earned their keep composing songs about the events they were witnessing, from the heroic charges of the nobles to bawdy satires on the lax behaviour of some of the senior clergy. Knights and foot soldiers were at the heart of the fighting forces, naturally. But even here there was a strange fluidity to the army, with the status of a warrior rising or falling depending on his ability to keep his horse alive and his armour in good order.Here is a vivid and engaging account of the events of that siege: the key figures, the turning points, the spiritual beliefs of the participants, the deep political rivalries and the massacre of the inhabitants that left such a deep scar in the horrified imagination that it still evokes passionate feelings nearly a thousand years later.


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  • 18 cze 14 16:29
The order of the Temple was a military-religious organisation that was set up to protect pilgrims and settlers in the Holy Land. The Templars believed they were God's warriors fighting on God's behalf and developed a fearsome reputation among the neighbouring Muslim rulers. This book examines the men who joined the order and why they joined it, focusing on those who fought in the Holy Land. Based on contemporary sources it provides an effective insight into the daily lives of the warriors, from their admission ceremony to their training, organisation in the field, and how they fought in battle.

Introduction · Chronology · Recruitment & Admission · Belief & Belonging · Training · Appearance and Equipment · Conditions of Service; on campaign · Experience of battle · Colour plate commentary · Museums & Re-enactment · Index


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  • 18 cze 14 16:29
The first history of the legendary knights since the Vatican momentously released the records of their trial and exoneration

Who were the Templars?
What was the secret of their wealth and power?
Why did the pope and the king of France act to destroy them?

The Knights Templar were founded on Christmas Day 1119, on the very spot in Jerusalem where Jesus Christ was crucified. A religious order of fighting knights, the Templars defended the Holy Land and Christian pilgrims in the decades after the First Crusade. Legendary for their bravery and dedication, the Templars became one of the wealthiest and most powerful bodies of the medieval world—until they were condemned for heresy two centuries after their foundation, when the order was abolished and its leaders were burned at the stake.

In The Templars, renowned historian Michael Haag investigates the origins and history, the enduring myths, and the soaring architecture of an enigmatic order long shrouded in mystery and controversy. The hand of the Templars, many believe, can be found in everything from Cathar heresy to Masonic conspiracies, and the Knights Templar still inspire popular culture, from Indiana Jones to Xbox games, to the novels of Dan Brown.


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  • 18 cze 14 16:29
The crusades have inspired both the very long (Steven Runciman's classic three-volume history) and, now, the very short, exposition. Paine, author of Ancient Greece, does an admirable job in condensing this riveting and often confusing history into just over 130 pages, offering much more than the book's slim stature might suggest: the macabre end of Frederick of Barbarossa, whose army dutifully carried his pickled corpse into the holy land; and the Children's Crusade, whose young participants could not survive the treachery of their older Christian brethren (many died or were sold into slavery) before having a chance to fight the wicked Saracen. This short account lacks the nuance with which many scholars have treated the subject; readers will find very little on the manifold causes and the controversies of these holy wars or of their nachleben, the elaborate mythology and works of art and propaganda they continue to inspire. (Paine does mention President Bush's use of "crusade" in a "war on terror" speech.) The book is hurt by its lack of clear maps and illustrations and by its occasional lapse into a glib or colloquial style. (Referring to the Templars as "cocky" seems anachronistic.) That said, this is a perfectly readable and brisk introduction that should stimulate readers new to the subject. 1 map.


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  • 18 cze 14 16:29
Grade 10 Up–This encyclopedia describes and illuminates a momentous 650-year period of world history that includes what historians have called The Dark Ages and the Renaissance. While the resource focuses on the political, military, and social aspects of the religious wars (Crusades, The Thirty Years' War, Inquisition, The Armada, Turkey and the Ottoman Empire) that created enormous changes in the political and social landscape of Europe and Asia, it also addresses social customs (chivalry, tournaments); historical movements (feudalism, Reformation, age of exploration); religious organizations and beliefs (Catholic Church, Calvinism, Islam, Orthodox Churches, Confucianism); and the lives of important figures (Oliver Cromwell, Niccolò di Bernardo Machiavelli, Cardinal Richelieu). Nolan's well-written and authoritative preface serves as an excellent and clear introduction to this large slice of world history, and the alphabetically arranged entries are equally informative, impartially written, and accessible to students. The longer entries end with cross-references and a short list of suggested reading. Except for a section of 25 black-and-white maps, which are sometimes hard to read, there are no illustrations. A 22-page chronology, an extensive selected bibliography that includes some Web sites, and a helpful index end the set. Though specialized, this encyclopedia is recommended for libraries supporting a robust world history curriculum or fielding a number of questions on the topic.


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  • 18 cze 14 16:29
The Crusades:Almanac
The Crusades: Biographies
The Crusades: Primary Sources
Cumulative Index

The term “crusade” is commonly used today to refer to a dedicated, enthusiastic effort. It usually means a total, allout attempt to correct a problem, such as combating drunk driving or saving an endangered species from extinction. When people use the word “crusade,” though, they may not recognize its distinctly religious meaning and history, even though they might embark on their crusade with religious enthusiasm.


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  • 18 cze 14 16:29
Kenneth W. Harl, Professor of Ancient History at Tulane University, has put together seven courses for the Learning Company on the Ancient History of the Middle East, of which this is one.

Consisting of 36 lectures of one-half hour each, the lectures are accompanied by excellent illustrations, especially the diagrams of various battles. The 14th lecture is the best university lecture I have ever heard.

Professor Harl knows his subject, and often will make an observation to which you'll respond, "Of course," the point being that you will not have thought of it prior to taking the course. He is also funny, a real pleasure to listen to.


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  • 18 cze 14 16:29
Crusading fervour gripped Europe for over 200 years, creating one of the most extraordinary, vivid episodes in world history. Whether the Crusades are regarded as the most romantic of Christian expeditions, or the last of the barbarian invasions, they have fascinated generations ever since, and their legacy of ideas and imagery has resonated through the centuries, inspiring Hollywood movies and great works of literature. Even today, to invoke the Crusades is to stir deep cultural myths, assumptions and prejudices. Yet despite their powerful hold on our imaginations, our knowledge of them remains obscured an distorted by time. Were the Crusaders motivated by spiritual rewards, or by greed? Were the Crusades an experiment in European colonialism, or a manifestation of religious love? How were they organized and founded? With customary flair and originality, Christopher Tyerman picks his way through the many debates to present a clear and lively discussion of the Crusades; bringing together issues of colonialism, cultural exchange, economic exploitation, and the relationship between past and present.


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  • 18 cze 14 16:29
This authoritative and concise work surveys the range of warfare in the high Middle Ages while reflecting on the society that produced these military struggles. The book brings together for the first time a wealth of information on such topics as knighthood, military organization, weaponry and fortifications, and warfare in the East. In 1095 with the launching of the First Crusade, Europeans established a great military endeavour to save the Holy Land, an undertaking that remained a central preoccupation until the end of the thirteenth century. While the expeditions that went forth to fight the Muslims involved armies of exceptional size, much of the warfare within western Europe itself was conducted by small armies on behalf of landowners who were often neighbours and kin. In his approach to his subject, John France considers political, social, and economic development in the age of the crusades. He emphasizes the significance of four factors in shaping medieval warfare: the dominance of land as a form of wealth, the limited competence of government, the state of technology that favoured defence over attack, and the geography and climate of western Europe. His coverage of the castle and the knight in armour depicts the role of landowners in producing these characteristic medieval instruments of war. In addition, France provides an extensive analysis of battles in which he reconstructs a series of encounters in superb detail.


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  • 18 cze 14 16:29
For the last 150 years the historiography of the Crusades has been dominated by nationalist and colonialist discourses in Europe and the Levant. These modern histories have interpreted the Crusades in terms of dichotomous camps, Frankish and Muslim. In this revisionist study, Ronnie Ellenblum presents an interpretation of Crusader historiography that instead defines military and architectural relations between the Franks, local Christians, Muslims and Turks in terms of continuous dialogue and mutual influence. Through close analysis of siege tactics, defensive strategies and the structure and distribution of Crusader castles, Ellenblum relates patterns of crusader settlement to their environment and demonstrates the influence of opposing cultures on tactics and fortifications. He argues that fortifications were often built according to economic and geographic considerations rather than for strategic reasons or to protect illusory 'frontiers', and that Crusader castles are the most evident expression of a cultural dialogue between east and west.


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  • 18 cze 14 16:29
Led by the example of Bernard of Clairvaux, Cistercian monks turned their attention to the world outside the monastery walls in response to the threat posed by heretical Christians, in particular the Cathars. The white monks, with other intellectuals, turned to pen, pulpit and popular preaching to counteract heresy, some accepting posts as bishops and papal legates, helping and even directing the Albigensian crusade, and contributing to the formulation of procedures for inquisition. Kienzle examines this important but little-studied aspect of Cistercian history to discover how and why the Order undertook endeavours that drew the monks outside their monastic vocation. The analysis of texts about the preaching campaigns and their contexts illuminate the ways in which medieval monastic authors perceived heresy, preached, and wrote against it.Professor BEVERLY MAYNE KIENZLE teaches at Harvard Divinity School.


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