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Planetar81 / Yoga / Siddhis / Olśnienie / radiant.jpg
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Mind is naturally radiant!

The 5 Impurities block the Lucidity of Mind

The Blessed Buddha once said:
There are five impurities of gold impaired by which it becomes neither pliant nor wieldy, it lacks radiance, is weak & easily broken and cannot be formed...
What are these five impurities? They are: Iron, copper, tin, lead and silver. But if the gold has been purified from these five impurities, then it will indeed be pliant and wieldy, radiant and firm, and can be formed well. Whatever kind of jewelry one wishes to make from it, be it a diadem, earrings, a necklace or a golden chain, it will easily serve that purpose well.
Similarly, there are five impurities of the mind impaired by which the mind is neither pliant nor wieldy, it lacks radiant lucidity and stability, and cannot concentrate well upon the eradication of the mental fermentations (asava). What are these five impurities? They are:

Lethargy & Laziness,
Restlessness & Regret,
Doubt & Uncertainty...

But if the mind is freed of these five mental hindrances, then it will be plastic, flexible, and wieldy, will be of radiant lucidity and firm calm stability, and will concentrate well upon the elimination of the mental fermentations. Whatever supra-human state realizable by these higher mental abilities one may pursue, one will in each case be able to directly experience it, as an eye-witness...


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Olśnienie - radiant.jpg
Mind is naturally radiant! The 5 Impurities block the ...
Mind is naturally radiant! The 5 Impurities block the Lucidity of Mind The Blessed Buddha once said: There are five impurities of gold impaired by which it becomes neither pliant nor wieldy, it lacks radiance, is weak & easily broken and cannot be formed... What are these five impurities? They are: Iron, copper, tin, lead and silver. But if the gold has been purified from these five impurities, then it will indeed be pliant and wieldy, radiant and firm, and can be formed well. Whatever kind of jewelry one wishes to make from it, be it a diadem, earrings, a necklace or a golden chain, it will easily serve that purpose well. Similarly, there are five impurities of the mind impaired by which the mind is neither pliant nor wieldy, it lacks radiant lucidity and stability, and cannot concentrate well upon the eradication of the mental fermentations (asava). What are these five impurities? They are: Sense-Desire, Evil-Will, Lethargy & Laziness, Restlessness & Regret, Doubt & Uncertainty... But if the mind is freed of these five mental hindrances, then it will be plastic, flexible, and wieldy, will be of radiant lucidity and firm calm stability, and will concentrate well upon the elimination of the mental fermentations. Whatever supra-human state realizable by these higher mental abilities one may pursue, one will in each case be able to directly experience it, as an eye-witness...
Olśnienie - pure sattva.jpg
“All these powers will come to one whose mind is spontan ...
“All these powers will come to one whose mind is spontaneously enlightened through purity. By giving up even these powers the seed of evil is destroyed and liberation follows.” Patanjali, Yoga Sutras
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