EaseUS Partition Master 18.0.0 Build 20231213 All Editions.rar
4DDiG DLL Fixer 1.0.4 Build 1 [ENG] -
Advanced SystemCare Pro Multi-PL -
Airhead [v0.569] 2024 [MULTI-PL] -
Aiseesoft Filmai 1.0.18 - 64bit [PL] -
Android Studio 2024.2.2 Build 13 [ENG] -
Cockos REAPER 7.29 - 64bit [ENG & PL] -
DipTrace - 64bit [PL] -
Directory Opus 13.12 Build 9119 - 64bit [PL] -
eWeather HD Premium (v.8.9.5) 2025 [PL] -
ExtraMAME 25.1 - 64bit [PL] -
EZ CD Audio Converter (v. 2025 [PL] -
Foxit PDF Editor Pro 2024.4.1.27687 [PL] -
FurMark - 32&64 -
FurMark - Portable Instal 32&64 -
HDCleaner (v.2.085) [&PORTABLE] 2025 [PL] -
IObit Driver Booster Pro MULTi-PL -
IPTV Pro 9.0.1 build 1158 - m3u Android -
KeePass-2.57-Setup (BY CrossTnT6611) -
MAGIX Video Pro X16 v22.0.1.253 - 64bit [ENG] -
Michael Crichton - Predator [audiobook PL] -
Michał Gołkowski - Moskal [audiobook PL] -
PowerISO (v.9.0) by elchupaсabra 2025 [PL] -
Process Lasso Pro - 64bit [PL] -
Program do robienia Portable. Thinstall.VS -
Reg Organizer 9.60 Final [PL] -
Robert Harris - Indeks strachu [audiobook PL] -
Room Arranger - 64bit [PL] -
Scrapbook Factory Deluxe [ENG] -
Solsuite Solitaire 2025 v25.0 [ENG] -
Sylwia Bies - Toksyna (2024) [audiobook PL] -
Syntetyzator mowy-Iwona--NOWA WERSJA -
Tarma InstallMate 9.122.7619 Build 9130 [ENG] -
The Redundant - TENOKE 2025 [PL] -
Themes -
Tomasz Sablik - Mój dom (2024) [audiobook PL] -
Topaz Gigapixel AI v8.2.0 - 64bit [ENG] -
Topaz Photo AI v3.4.4 - 64bit [ENG] -
Topaz Photo AI v3.4.5 - 64bit [ENG] -
Topaz Video AI v6.0.2 - 64bit [ENG] -
Total Commander 11.50 Final [PL] -
Tyrants Realm - TENOKE 2025 [PL] -
vMix Pro - 64bit [ENG] -
WinCatalog 2024.9.1.103 [PL] -
WinRAR (v.7.10 Beta 3) 2025 [ENG] -
WYSIWYG Web Builder 20.0.1 - 64bit [ENG-PL] -
XIII_Księga_Pana_Tadeusza -
XRecode 3 v1.161 Final - 64bit [PL] -
XviD4PSP Pro 8.1.97 - 64bit [ENG] -
X-Ways WinHex 21.3 SR-8 [PL] -
Zoom Player MAX 20 Build 2000 [PL]
EASEUS Partition Master to por?czny program do partycjonowania dysku twardego, kt?ry nie tylko upraszcza rutynowe zadania, ale tak?e pomaga edytowa? i zarz?dza? partycjami dyskowymi. Mianowicie - szybko i ?atwo tw?rz, usuwaj i formatuj partycje, zmieniaj?c ich rozmiar i lokalizacj? bez utraty danych, wykorzystuj?c wolne miejsce na dysku. Za pomoc? tego programu mo?esz szybko i ?atwo tworzy?, usuwa? i formatowa? partycje na dysku twardym. Najbardziej atrakcyjn? funkcj? jest mo?liwo?? zmiany rozmiaru / przenoszenia partycji przy u?yciu wolnego miejsca bez usuwania danych.
Kluczowe cechy:
- Zmie? rozmiar i przeno? partycje bez utraty danych
- Kreatory kopiowania dysku twardego i kopiowania partycji u?atwiaj? aktualizacj? dysku lub kopiowanie partycji do chronionych danych
- Zmiana rozmiaru (zmniejszanie lub powi?kszanie) partycji i dysk?w podczas procesu kopiowania
- Obs?uga RAID
- Tw?rz, usuwaj i formatuj partycje za pomoc? prostych krok?w
- Szczeg??owy widok informacji o dyskach, partycjach i systemach plik?w
- Ukrywanie i pokazywanie ukrytych sekcji
- Ustawienie jednej aktywnej partycji jako rozruchowej
- Tw?rz startowe dyski CD / DVD w celu ?atwego i szybszego zarz?dzania partycjami
- Pot??ne funkcje bezpiecze?stwa chroni?ce system przed awariami i partycjonowaniem
- Wy?wietl podgl?d zmian sekcji przed ich zastosowaniem
- Zmiana rozmiaru klastra w trybie automatycznym i r?cznym
- Funkcja cofania dzia?a? podj?tych podczas zarz?dzania partycjami
- Obs?uguje do 2 TB partycji MBR i do 4 TB partycji GPT
- Przyjazny interfejs u?ytkownika
- Z poziomu programu mo?na stworzy? ?rodowisko WinPE BootCD
This professional partitioning toolkit delivers the best disk management on Windows PCs/servers and offers a data storage service. Designed for organizations, enterprises, IT admins, technicians, consultants, and service providers.
Complete Data Storage Management
Data builds up fast. Keeping this data intact and well-organized presents a challenge for enterprises. Excellent storage management is crucial to any business. EaseUS Partition Master is a comprehensive storage management solution packed with partitioning features that allow you to make the best use of disk capacity: reallocate disk space while ensuring that your data is kept safe.
Partition Recall Protection
Partition Recall Protection acts as a safety net for NTFS partition adjustment. If you lose power or experience another hardware issue that interrupts a partition resize/move procedure, your hard drive will automatically revert to its previous state. It prevents any data loss or hard drive malfunction and allows you to safely try again.
For Service Providers
Partitioning is a critical way to organize physical space on hard drives. A partitioning tool that can handle data on an enterprise scale is essential for business. With this software, a storage service provider can offer disk management solutions and create partitions to meet any client's data storage requirements. With over 10,000,000 users worldwide, EaseUS partition manager is trusted to deliver best-in-class storage services and partition customizations on disks of any size with high efficiency.
For IT Administrator
EaseUS Partition Master simplifies IT administrative routines, giving you full control over disk groups and hard drive data. Systematically partition massive disks with this time-saving partition software. Avoid low disk space issues by monitoring data and partitions in real time.
All-in-One Disk Partition Toolkit
Various partitioning functions for your business. Supports Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP and Windows Server 2019, 2016, 2012, 2008, 2003.
Keep Systems Running
System drives are a key element to everyday business operation. When the system disk space runs low, your business is at risk to slow workflow. To solve a lack of space on the C drive, you need to actively monitor the drive and increase the size, as needed, to keep your system running at its best. EaseUS partition software works as a storage specialist to help you extend system partitions while the Windows system remains untouched, along with its data and configurations. After repartition, you are able to access the system directly. This way you can manage your data while still conducting business as usual. No downtime.
Migrate OS to HDD/SSD
- Swap out old disks for new SSD drives and run your system faster.
- Back up the system and restore it quickly in case disaster occurs.
- Optimize hardware performance and store data more effectively.
System cloning and data transfer complement each other within a data storage framework. EaseUS disk partition software offers a quick solution to move copies of operating systems to HDDs/SSDs without reinstalling Windows, removing programs, reconfiguring settings, or losing any files. Run your business without worry of data problems and time-consuming system deployment.
Recover Partition
Restore deleted or lost partitions to the unallocated space even when Windows fails to boot.
Convert Disk/Partition
Convert between primary/logical partition, MBR/GPT disk, dynamic/basic disk, and even FAT file system and NTFS.
Align SSD 4K Sectors
Align all sectors to be optimized for SSD during the repartition; exploit the full capability of your SSD.
Support Windows Storage Spaces
Easily manage virtual disks created from free space in a Windows environment storage pool.
Partition by Command Line
Fully manage disk/partitions from the Command Prompt with simple inputs.
Clean Disk
Clean up junk files and large files that occupy a lot of disk space, and optimize disk performance with defragmentation.
Repair RAID-5 Volumes
Repair a RAID-5 volume quickly when one member-disk fails to reduce business costs.
Create WinPE Bootable Disk
Create bootable media to boot up your PC and manage partitions on drives without Windows OS installed.
strona producenta: https://www.easeus.com/
strona programu: https://www.easeus.com/partition-manager/
strona PL: https://pl.easeus.com/
streona programu PL: https://pl.easeus.com/partition-manager/
system operacyjny: Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 8.1/ 10 Server 2003/ 2008 (R2)/ 2012 (R2)/ 2011/ 2016/ 2019 (32bit-64bit)
Do wypakowania torrenta u?yj najnowszej wersji programu WinRAR.
Aktywator, skan na virustotal - wsp??czynnik: 61 / 72
Link ze skanu:
Przed instalacj? edytuj w notatniku plik "hosts" dodaj?c linijki: activation.easeus.com easeus.com.cn www.easeus.com.cn track.easeus.com track.easeus.com.cn api.easeus.com update.easeus.com map2.hwcdn.net easeusinfo.us-east-1.log.aliyuncs.com aaa100cd68bbe03f3.awsglobalaccelerator.com uompro.easeus.com order.easeus.com curl.haxx.se buy.easeus.com v2api-uoss.easeus.com
Domy?lna ?cie?ka do pliku "hosts" to: C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc
- zainstaluj program, nie uruchamiaj
- uruchom aktywator
- w g?rnym polu wybierz edycj?, kt?r? chcesz mie? aktywowan? (do wyboru Free / Professional / Server / Technician / Unlimited)
- w lewym g?rnym rogu kliknij na "Activate"
- wska? ?cie?k? do folderu z zainstalowanym programem (domy?lna ?cie?ka do folderu to: C:/Program Files/EaseUS/
- prawym przyciskiem myszy (zaznacz) czyli kliknij jeden raz na folder "EaseUS Partition Master", na dole w prawym dolnym rogu okna kliknij na "Wybierz folder"
- poczekaj chwil? (w oknie aktywatora pod polem wyboru wersji pojawi si? info - [activated as "wybrana przez Ciebie wersja programu"]
screen: https://i.ibb.co/yBVz3v2/1.png
- wy??cz aktywator
- w zale?no?ci od wybranej przez Ciebie wersji podczas aktywacji, dodaj wpis do rejestru systemowego (czyli kliknij prawym przyciskiem myszy na plik "Professional.reg" lub "Server.reg" lub "Technician.reg" lub "Unlimited.reg" > Scal > Tak > OK lub dwuklik lewym przyciskiem myszy > Tak > OK)
- uruchom program
Opcjonalnie wy??cz automatyczne sprawdzanie aktualizacji: ikonka "Menu" w prawym g?rnym rogu okna programu > Ustawienia > odznacz "Automatycznie sprawdzaj uaktualnienia" > no dole kliknij na "Zachowaj"
screen: https://i.ibb.co/7QwKR4y/1.png
Win 10 64bit - screen po instalacji - wersja Technician: https://i.ibb.co/Zc124CV/1.png
Po zmianie j?zyka na angielski (English), w zak?adce "Menu" > "About" jest widoczny pe?ny numer wersji programu:
screen: https://i.ibb.co/f2XSWmb/1.png