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widziany: 15.05.2020 20:06

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1. Dj Mix - Made In Germany Dj Mix Pt. 1 [79:37]
2. Dj Mix - Made In Germany Dj Mix Pt. 2 [79:47]
3. Dj Mix - Made In Germany Dj Mix Pt. 3 [75:12]

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01. Members Of Mayday - Ravemobil (Original Mix) [05:27]
02. Moguai & Westbam - Original Hardcore (Moguai Edit) [04:13]
03. Funkerman - Crash Test (Original Mix) [03:35]
04. Sebrof - In A Club (So Make Some Noise) [05:35]
05. Felix Da Housecat pres… Thee Nese Djouma Projesi - Zaman (Moguai Remix) [05:34]
06. Jaydee - Plastic Dreams (Koen Groeneveld Remix) [03:58]
07. Inpetto - Hit Back (Original Mix) [05:11]
08. Toper & Andrian - Laziness (Original Mix) [04:00]
09. The BeatThiefs - Umbungo (Chocolate Puma Remix) [03:28]
10. Jochen Miller - Troucid [04:35]
11. Marco V & MoHawk - Ego Clash [04:33]
12. Marcel Woods - Champagne Dreams (Original Mix) [05:08]
13. Sander van Doorn - Koko (Original Mix) [03:58]
14. Matisse & Sadko, Swanky Tunes - The Legend (Original Mix) [05:57]
15. Al Bizzare feat. Alateya - Desire (Original Mix) [05:44]

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01. Binary Finary - 1998 (Paul Van Dyk Remix) [02:58]
02. Ben Gold Feat. Senadee - Today (Filo And Peri Remix) [05:29]
03. Marusha - Sweat (Sex Remix) (Private Edition) [06:06]
04. Fedde Le Grand Ft. Mr. V - Back & Forth (Elektrokid & Dave Lambert Remix) [05:24]
05. Lazy Jay - Float My Boat (Extended) [04:05]
06. Tomcraft - Loneliness (Lissat & Voltaxx Remix) [04:14]
07. Cor Fijneman - Dica Le Batz (The House Moguls Remix) [05:24]
08. Ali Wilson - Wolf (Original) [06:16]
09. Matisse & Sadko - Manish [05:58]
10. Phunk Investigation - Have Natural (Original Album Mix) [04:39]
11. Taped & Havin Zagross - Tricky Nation (Original Mix) [04:56]
12. Southside Spinners - Luvstruck 2010 (Benny Royal Remix) [05:10]
13. Wippenberg - Pong (Tocadisco Remix) [04:29]
14. Oxia - Domino [05:24]
15. Gui Boratto - No Turning Back (Original Mix) [06:55]

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01. Tom & Jerry Feat. Abigail Bailey - Touch Me (Sandro Monte Remix) [06:00]
02. Phil Fuldner - Play (Luciano Vargas & Havin Zagross Remix) [07:14]
03. Stefano Noferini - Burundi (Lissat & Voltax Remix) [07:02]
04. Groovejuice - Cafe Prague (Richtberg & Wojkowski Remix) [06:55]
05. Oliver Koletzki - Sure I Can (Dyno Remix) [07:16]
06. Westbam - Hard Times (Westbam Remix) [05:02]
07. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren - Beggin' You (Armin Van Buuren Remix) [09:31]
08. Gareth Emery - Metropolis [08:29]
09. Judge Jules & Roger Shah Feat. Amanda Angelic - Hold On (Judge Jules Remix) [07:01]
10. Alex M.O.R.P.H. B2b Woody Van Eyden - Heavensgate (Mark Eteson Remix) [07:42]
11. Markus Schulz - Do You Dream (Ferry Corsten Remix) [06:50]
12. Showtek Feat. Mc Stretch - Dutchie [06:56]
13. Pradera Vs Sasha F - To Da Max [06:50]
14. Brachiale Musikgestalter - Rave [05:17]
15. Gorge & Nick Curly - Hafenstrasse [07:10]
16. Solomun - After Rain Comes Sun (Joris Voorn Dusty Dub Stab) [06:42]
17. Gorge & Andre Hommen - Hakunyo (Ray Okpara Remix) [07:15]
18. Dominik Eulberg - Daten-Ubertragungs-Kusschen [09:41]
19. Kollektiv Turmstrasse - Last Day [08:34]
20. Lutzenkirchen - Body Nation [06:17]
21. Chris Liebing Vs Green Velvet - Auf Und Ab Und Kinda High (Green Velvet Mix) [06:21]
22. Chris Hope & Klaudia Gawlas - Mikado [07:44]
23. Sven Wittekind & Andy White - Bass Junkies [11:43]
24. The Advent & Industrialyzer - Better Dispurse [06:58]
25. Alex Bau - Arctica [07:48]
26. Natus 'n' Arkus - Boxenkiller [06:33]
27. Members Of Mayday - Make My Day (Original Vocal Mix) [06:07]

28. Various - Continous Dj Mix Part 1 [78:07]
29. Various - Continous Dj Mix Part 2 [76:59]

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CD 1
01. Anton Pieete - Last Night [07:22]
02. Allucanbeat - Tronique (Gorge & Greg Silver Remix) [05:18]
03. Federleicht - On The Streets (Kollektiv Turmstrasse Remix) [06:51]
04. Thomas Schumacher - Lower Instincts (Remix) [05:35]
05. Gorge - Nyota [05:27]
06. Loco Dice - M-Train To Brooklyn (Marco Carola Remix) [07:10]
07. Par Grindvik - Do Us Apart (Len Faki Remix) [07:26]
08. Guy Gerber - Timing [08:57]
09. Nicole Moudaber - Born In Ibadan [07:16]
10. Tomcraft - Boogie Nights (Luetzenkirchen Remix) [05:45]
11. Speedy J - EDLX Tool (Chris Liebing Edi) [06:36]
12. Luetzenkirchen - All That Jazz (Popof Remix 01) [05:47]

CD 2
01. Turntablerocker & Manumatei - Whenever Whereever (Sasse Remix) [07:46]
02. Housemates - Can't Get Enough (Dub Mix) [05:00]
03. Sono - Keep Control Plus (Fedde Le Grand Remix) [06:16]
04. Milk & Sugar feat. Roxanne Wilde - No No No (Mischa Daniels Adlib Dub) [04:00]
05. Moguai - Beatbox (Moguai's PUNX Up The Volume Mix) [05:11]
06. Gregor Tresher - Unfold [07:45]
07. Gabriel Ananda & Dominik Eulberg - Bill Kilgore [09:43]
08. Anthony Rother & Sven Vath - Springlove [07:45]
09. Kyau and Albert - Hooked On Infinity (Fabian Schumann Remix) [04:39]
10. Matt Hardwick, Mark Pledger feat. Melinda Gareh - Fallen Tides (Mat Zo Remix) [07:59]
11. Judge Jules - Judgement Theme [05:50]
12. Members of Mayday - Massive Moments (Short Mix) [03:04]

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CD 1
01. Members Of Mayday - New Euphoria [03:33]
02. Phil Fuldner - Do It [06:59]
03. Sander Van Doorn - Grass-Hopper [04:04]
04. Denis Naidanow - Ascencion (Sebo K Remix) [05:45]
05. Martin Landsky - Let Me Dance [07:32]
06. Tobias Lutzenkirchen - A View To The Sea [05:55]
07. Guy Gerber - Belly Dancing [08:08]
08. Oxia - Domino [04:00]
09. Dada Life - The Great Fashionista Swindle [06:37]
10. Gorge & Greg Silver - Fuck It [03:45]
11. Zombie Zoo - Fucking For Virginity [03:51]
12. Deichkind - Beweg' Dich [05:19]
13. The Disco Boys - Here On My Own [03:22]
14. Afrilounge - Wasser Und Sonne [05:52]

CD 2
01. Gui Boratto - The Blessing [05:37]
02. Jurgens - Love It [03:51]
03. Gus Gus - Moss [03:08]
04. Ante Perry - Beachpower [07:16]
05. Anthony Rother - Moderntronic 1 [04:04]
06. Tapedeck - Horspielmusik [04:08]
07. Northern Lite - What You Want [04:41]
08. Tube & Berger - Funky Shit [06:39]
09. Lars Sommerfeld - Max User [06:16]
10. Moguai - Ataque [07:48]
11. Funkwerkstatt - Windrose [07:11]
12. Swen Weber - Bassmann [06:17]
13. Dj Delicious & Errik - We Won't Stop [04:32]
14. Members Of Mayday - New Euphoria (Tillmann Uhrmacher's Euphoric Remix) [04:27]

CD 3
01. Virgil Enzinger - Prime Time [06:25]
02. Dj Ogi & Dj Mika - Avion [03:20]
03. Christian Smith & John Selway - Weather [01:47]
04. Gunjack - Who Is Jack [03:55]
05. Dj Ogi - Antenna [03:41]
06. Tadox - Prime Time [03:33]
07. Ryuji Takeuchi - Ichigo Ichie [03:49]
08. Robert Natus vs. Brainshaker - Control Freak [05:14]
09. Ryuji Takeuchi - Una Vida Mejor [03:17]
10. Felix Krocher - It Appears Complete [04:54]
11. Robert Natus vs. Brainshaker - Interpolar [05:02]
12. Felix Krocher - You Never Know [06:56]

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CD 1
01. Moonbootica - Der Mond [05:53]
02. Deadmau5 - Not Exactly (Jean Claude Ades Remix) [07:52]
03. Milk & Sugar - Stay Around (For This) (Syke 'n' Sugarstarr Full Vocal Mix) [04:49]
04. M & M (Martha & The Muffins) - Echo Beach (Disco Boys Remix) [05:08]
05. DJ Falk - Busted (Miami Mix) [05:09]
06. Anthony Rother - Don't Panic [05:34]
07. Einmusik - Fleur De Lis [04:41]
08. Nick Curly - Tele-Vision (Original) [04:38]
09. Dominik Eulberg - Kriechender Gunsel (Ajuga Reptans) [07:44]
10. Lemos - Bine Compadre [06:02]
11. Johannes Heil & Christian Pass - Faith (Original) [08:34]
12. Alter Ego - Gary (Original) [06:31]
13. Gorge & Greg Silver - Rollin' [06:13]

CD 2
01. Chris Liebing - Puckelbop [11:00]
02. Technasia - Oxide [07:44]
03. Westbam - Bass Planet [05:38]
04. Members Of Mayday - Reflect Yourself (Original) [05:50]
05. Ronski Speed - Starcase [03:43]
06. Azzido da Base - Doomsnight (Laidback Luke Remix) [05:19]
07. Elton D. & DJ Ferrari - Let The Dream Come True [05:27]
08. Deckmonsters - Girls (Eric Sneo Remix) [05:15]
09. Robert Natus - Living In Circles [03:33]
10. Felix Krocher & Eric Sneo - Distorted Disco [03:50]
11. Kaoz & S. Eve - Bang With The Devil [05:32]
12. DJ Amok - The Third Useful Tool [05:30]
13. Sven Wittekind - Never Forget [06:05]

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01. Members of Mayday - WorldClub [03:51]
02. Plump Djs - Dr Dub [07:13]
03. Lady Waks & HardyHard - Listen [05:39]
04. Moguai - Tonight (Punx Squad Mix) [08:59]
05. Sharam Jey & Loulou Players - Monday Morning [05:41]
06. Dj Delicious & Rutte - Jaja [05:43]
07. Oliver Koletzki - Da Bieibt Er Ganz Cool [07:08]
08. Cirez D - Punch Drunk [06:56]
09. Copy & Paste - Why Can't We See [05:38]
10. Zen-Kei - The Blast [03:29]
11. Die Raketen - Popsong (Moenster RMX) [06:37]
12. Lexy & K-Paul - Ghost [05:02]
13. Westbam & Superpitcher - It's Not Easy [03:51]

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CD 1
01. Members Of Mayday - Worldclub [03:45]
02. Plump DJs - Dr. Dub [06:42]
03. Lady Waks & Hardy Hard - Listen [05:39]
04. Moonbootica - Mopedgang [05:57]
05. Moguai - Tonight (Punx Squad Mix) [07:45]
06. Kid Alex - Young + Beautiful [03:14]
07. Tomcraft - Da Disco (Less Vocal Mix) [06:18]
08. Disco Boys, The - Hey St. Peter (Hacienda's St. Peter Ording Remix) [06:31]
09. Tarkan - Bounce (Armand Van Helden Mix) [06:11]
10. Sharam Jey & Loulou Players - Monday Morning [05:25]
11. Rutte & DJ Delicious - Jaja [05:35]
12. Oliver Koletzki - Da Bleibt Er Ganz Cool [06:25]
13. Lexy & K-Paul - Ghost [05:00]
14. WestBam & Superpitcher - It's Not Easy [03:53]

CD 2
01. Cirez D - Punch Drunk [06:26]
02. Beckster - Smack Snack [05:20]
03. Coburn - Give Me Love [06:20]
04. Lutzenkirchen - Counterfunk [03:24]
05. Eric Smax & Thomas Gold - S_Punk [03:37]
06. Copy & Paste - Why Can't We See [05:00]
07. DJ Dero - Fiesta Grande (Southamerican Mix) [05:43]
08. Takkyu Ishino - XTHC [05:14]
09. Mylo - Musclecars [03:33]
10. Booka Shade - Night Falls [05:39]
11. Tiefschwarz - Fly [05:24]
12. Zen-Kei - The Blast [03:26]
13. Die Raketen - Popsong (Moenster Remix) [06:07]
14. Autotune - Little Machine [06:16]
15. Karotte - Go To Bed [06:52]

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01. Members of Mayday - Prototypes [03:41]
02. Pierre Deutschmann - Don't Make a Good Thing Better [05:02]
03. Lexy & K-Paul - Vicious Love [03:38]
04. Die Fiesen Toene - Porno Regime [04:53]
05. Hardy Hard - Police on Dope [06:09]
06. Soundmonsters - Rock the Lovehate Sound (Road Rage mix) [06:32]
07. Hardy Hard - Just Play (The Music) [03:42]
08. WestBam - Right On [05:17]
09. Karl Knarz - What Can I Do [04:11]
10. Duce & Jeff Fx Meets Deutschmann - Hearts of Men [05:11]
11. W.A.S. - Electric Dancing [05:25]
12. Paul van Dyk - Crush (PvD Album Remix) [08:25]
13. Plump DJs - Soul Vibrates [07:31]
14. Mikha Voron vs. Bestoloch - No Fear (feat. Mumiy Troll) [06:07]

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CD 1
01. Members Of Mayday - Prototypes [03:36]
02. Soulwax - E-Talking (Soulwax Nite Version) [05:54]
03. Plump DJs - Soul Vibrates [05:51]
04. Hardy Hard - Police On Dope [05:29]
05. Moonbootica - June [03:52]
06. Tomcraft - Dirty Sanchez [06:10]
07. DJ Emerson vs. Dave Shokh - Style Rockets 1 [05:35]
08. Lexy & K-Paul - Vicious Love [03:37]
09. Duce & Jeff FX meet Pierre Deutschmann - Hearts Of Men [04:55]
10. Toby Montana - Original Breath [03:31]
11. Savas Pascalidis - Saigon Nightmare [04:44]
12. Walter Ercolino - Italian Boy [04:58]
13. Ich + Ich - Du Erinnerst Mich An Liebe (K-Paul Vocal Remix) [06:10]
14. XLOVER - So Blue (Extended Remix) [06:27]
15. Jetsetta - Reflexable [03:52]

CD 2
01. DJ Koze - Brutalgar Square [06:52]
02. Lexy - Scream When You Burn [06:28]
03. W.A.S. - Electric Dancing [05:09]
04. Tiefschwarz - Issst [07:33]
05. Gebr. Teichmann - Dance And More [06:56]
06. Voigt & Voigt - Mittendrin [06:22]
07. Karl Knarz - What Can I Do [04:03]
08. Deichkind - Electric Superdanceband (Toktok Pickelface Remix) [04:37]
09. DJ Dero - 1989 (Felipe & Nicolas Bacher Remix) [05:46]
10. Boys Noize - The Bomb [06:51]
11. Michal Lazar - He's Mine [05:45]
12. Terranova - Das Plan (Smallboy Radio Mix) [03:58]
13. M of M - Prototypes (Exclusive Mix 2) [07:38]

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CD 1
01. Members Of Mayday - Team X-Treme [03:20]
02. Agoria - La Onzieme Marche (Phil Kieran Mix) [07:38]
03. Terry Bones Vs. F.Baker - Return To Innocence (Mr Sam's Tears In Heaven Interpretation) [07:06]
04. Lexy & K-Paul - Love Me Babe [03:32]
05. Westbam & Afrika Islam - Dancing With The Rebels (Peep Show Mix) [06:14]
06. Moguai - Freaks [03:15]
07. Hardyhard - Just Play (The Music) [03:47]
08. Pierre Deutschmann - Are U Ready [04:55]
09. Big T - Ice Cube [06:04]
10. Circ - Love Electric [03:32]
11. Marc De Clarq - Midnight Sun (Jetpower Mix) [03:18]
12. Paul Van Dyk - Crush [03:45]
13. Karl Knarz - Zirp [05:41]
14. Raver's Nature - Feel The Heat (Fourtech Mix) [05:11]
15. Members Of Mayday - Team X-Treme (Paul Westman Tool Mix) [04:52]

CD 2
01. Christopher Just - I Love The Acid Too [05:13]
02. Jesper Dahlback - Russian Folksong [05:30]
03. Autotune - Blade Runner [05:46]
04. Miami Black Palms - Hi! Let's Go [05:00]
05. Alexander Kowalski - Lightning Field [05:58]
06. Takkyu Ishino - Spelling Monkey [05:15]
07. Northern Lite - Reach The Sun (WestBam Remix) [04:42]
08. Superpitcher - Baby's On Fire (WestBam Remix) [04:38]
09. Kid Alex - Fame (Kid Alex Clubmix) [05:37]
10. Die Raketen - I Like Plastique (Waterlilly RMX) [04:15]
11. Monster - Viva La Lalala [05:47]
12. Monosurround - We [06:10]
13. Toktok Und Nena - Bang Bang [04:45]
14. Driver's Seed - You don't Really Matter (Anymore) [04:30]
15. Torul W - Rawk [05:05]

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CD 1
01. Members of Mayday - Troopa Of Tomorrow [03:30]
02. Benny Benassi - Satisfaction (Isak Original) [06:37]
03. Anne Clark - Sleeper In Metropolis 3000 [02:58]
04. Lexy & K.Paul - Girls Get It First (Lexy & K.Paul Remix) [04:59]
05. Kid Q - This Feeling [03:42]
06. Torul W/ - Waterproof Theme (Instrumental Mix) [02:59]
07. Marc de Clarq - I'm Waiting For My Alien [03:34]
08. WestBam+X - Recognize (Tobi Neumann's Nu Skool-RMX) [04:55]
09. Pete Plastic - Electro Movement (Club Mix) [06:53]
10. HardyHard presents - The Silver Surfer 2003 (Acrylite Mics) [07:39]
11. Blank & Jones - A Night To Remember [05:53]
12. Circ - Destroy She Said (De Donatis Remix) [05:38]
13. 2raumwohnung - Freie Liebe (Westbam's Electropogo Remix) [04:18]

CD 2
01. Sluts 'n' Strings & 909 - In Your Pretty Face [03:45]
02. Marco Bailey - Fiesta Leblon [05:17]
03. Renato Cohen - Pontape [05:45]
04. Sebbo - Old School [06:27]
05. Rob Acid - The Hunter [05:56]
06. Chris Liebing - Waiting For The Rain [06:50]
07. Marco Remus - Ostcode Remake [04:33]
08. DJ Dero feat. Mr. X - Supertango [05:50]
09. DJ Tasaka - Street Stars Breakin' [06:39]
10. Die Raketen - Tokyo, Tokyo [05:27]
11. Chemical Reaction Food - Need Mo Pow [04:35]
12. Secret Cinema - Timeless Attitude [06:09]
13. Paul van Dyk - Nothing But You [05:45]

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CD 1
01. Members Of Mayday - Culture Flash [02:52]
02. DJ One Finger - Niteclub Skool [04:34]
03. Green Velvet - La La Land [03:02]
04. Midfield General - Coatnoise (Dave Clarke Remix) [04:07]
05. DJ ICON - Save You [03:24]
06. Lexy & K-Paul feat. Atomek Dogg - Let's Play [03:06]
07. A Number Of Names - Shari Vari (The Hacker & Vitalic Remix) [04:55]
08. Kissogram vs. Woody - If I Had Known This Before [05:28]
09. Timo Maas - To Get Down [Rock Thing] (Timo's Dub Mix) [05:42]
10. Toxic Twin - Hell [05:07]
11. Oliver Klein - Impfung [04:48]
12. Sven Vдth - Mind Games (DG Mix Short) [03:53]
13. Paul van Dyk - A Different Journey To Vega [05:26]
14. Blank & Jones - Desire [03:21]
15. Northern Life - Treat Me Better [03:42]

CD 2
01. Romanthony's Nightvision - Never Fuck (Bass Mix) [05:25]
02. Woody - You Got That Vibe [04:59]
03. Vitalic - La Rock 01 [05:30]
04. Russian Roulette - Hands Up (AMbassador Remix) [04:31]
05. Mauro Picotto - Back @ Mayday [04:49]
06. Chris Liebing - Gassenhauer [05:44]
07. DJ Dero - Scratchin [05:16]
08. La.Di.Da - Life Master [04:56]
09. L.U.P.O. - B-Rocker [04:41]
10. Latex - Life On Earth [04:09]
11. Tiga & Zyntherius - Sunglasses At Night (TGV Remix) [06:44]
12. Miss Kittin & The Hacker - Frank Sinatra 2001 [03:50]
13. Takkyu Ishino - Stereo Nights (Autotune Remix) [04:17]
14. Capri - Panthera [04:50]
15. Hardy Hard - Power Of Sound II [03:45]
16. Alexander Kowalski - Speaker Attack [04:01]

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01. Tiga & Zyntherius - Sunglasses At Night (Short Mix) [03:38]
02. Lexy & K-Paul - Play The Music Loud [05:47]
03. Hardy Hard - Only A Few [05:41]
04. Lexy & Autotune - Shibuya Love [03:22]
05. WestBam - Psycholectro [04:41]
06. Motion Unit fet. Garp - Copper [03:15]
07. Latex - La Musique [05:03]
08. RMB & Sharam - Shadows (WestBam Remix) [06:16]
09. Mr. X & Mr. Y - Free Me [03:13]
10. Klangkontakt - Dekadent (Progressive Mix) [05:42]
11. Kissogram - If I Had Known This Before (Original Version) [04:07]
12. DJ I.C.O.N. - Save You (Toxic Twin Remix) [05:00]
13. Blank & Jones - Secrets & Lies (Saints & Sinners Shortcut) [04:16]
14. Dial M for Moguai - Are You Different ? [07:01]
15. Members Of Mayday - 10 IN 01 (Paul van Dyk Short Mix) [04:08]

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CD 1
01. Members Of Mayday - 10 In 01 [03:26]
02. Toktok vs Softy O. - Missy Queen Is Gonna Die [04:09]
03. DJ I.C.O.N. & Toxic Twin vs Harold Faltermeyer - Axel F. (Miami Burns) [03:30]
04. Moguai Pres. Punx - The Rock [05:19]
05. Mr. X & Mr. Y - Global Players (My Name Is Techno) [03:21]
06. Timo Maas - Riding On A Storm [05:32]
07. Jam & Spoon - My First Fantastic F.F. [05:06]
08. DJ Mo vs Marc De Clarq - Shake The Bells (Groovy) [05:55]
09. Telematiker - We Don't Need No Sleep [05:58]
10. Lexy & K-Paul - You're The One [03:02]
11. Paul Und Paula - You, You And Me (Techno Club Mix) [05:24]
12. Blank & Jones - Electric Circus [06:36]
13. Paul Van Dyk - Out There And Back [07:57]

CD 2
01. Beroshima - Electronic Discussion (Rok Remix) [05:39]
02. Jeff Mills - Changes of Life [04:48]
03. Mauro Picotto - Baguette [05:07]
04. Terence Fixmer - Body Pressure [05:15]
05. WestBam - Activist Black Pump [04:55]
06. Jeans Team - Keine Melodien (MJ Lan Mix Radio Edit) [02:49]
07. Ural 13 Diktators - Still Alive (Hardy Hard Remix) [06:20]
08. Denki Groove - Flashback Disco (Kagami Remix) [03:28]
09. Random Noise Generation - Falling in Dub [03:20]
10. Hardy Hard - Say Nothing [05:36]
11. Klangkontakt - Der Vollton (Original) [05:57]
12. DJ Hell - My Definition of House Music [05:34]
13. Ellen Allien - Data Romance [05:27]

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01. BT - Fibonacci Sequence [01:13]
02. En-Motion - Truth (Pulser Mix) [05:34]
03. DJ Remy - Pumped Up [04:25]
04. John Rees vs. Helios - Beta Blocker [05:16]
05. Darude - Sandstorm (Original Mix) [05:18]
06. Des Mitchell - Welcome To The Dance (Part II) [05:28]
07. PvD - For An Angel (PvD E-Werk Club Mix) [06:20]
08. VDM - No Hesitation [03:25]
09. Bill Hamel - Perspectives (Expansion Mix) [02:26]
10. The Infernal Machine - Realistic [04:04]
11. PvD - Columbia (Original Mix) [02:49]
12. PvD ft. Saint Etienne - Tell Me Why [The Riddle] (Vandit Mix Re-Edit) [04:19]
13. PvD ft. Jennifer Brown - We're Alive (Original Mix) [03:59]

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01. Lexy & K-Paul - Freak (Short Mix) [03:30]
02. Russian Roulette - Clap Your Hands [06:34]
03. Mr X & Mr Y - Global Players (My Name Is Techno) (Short Mix) [03:23]
04. Raver's Nature - Believe It's True [03:25]
05. Terence Fixmer - Electric Vision [05:15]
06. WestBam - Hanging Out With The Machine Heads [05:40]
07. Hardy Hard - High On You [05:18]
08. Marusha - Jumpstart [07:16]
09. Chemical Reaction Food - I Promise Da Funk [05:07]
10. L.U.P.O. - Do It Allright [05:03]
11. Beroshima - www.world-whide-whore (Vocal Mix) [06:22]
12. Monika Kruse @ Voodooamt - Needle Hopper [07:21]
13. Klangkontakt - Der Vollton (Original Mix) [05:44]
14. Taucher - Science Fiction (Trancephase Mix Edit) [04:16]

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CD 1
01. Members Of Mayday - Datapop (Short Mix) [03:17]
02. Mr X & Mr Y - 1956 [04:51]
03. DJ Dero - Mayday 2000 (Latin Percusion Mix) [05:30]
04. DJ I.C.O.N. - Erbgut (Short Mix) [03:34]
05. Sven Vath - Dein Schweiss (Master Mix) [04:54]
06. Sigue Sigue Sputnik - Love Missile (WestBam Remix) [06:17]
07. Kill Bros. - Rock You [05:01]
08. WestBam - Do The Rambo [06:36]
09. Hardy Hard - So Everybody Shake Your Body [05:44]
10. David Caretta - Ca Plane Pour Moi [04:57]
11. Lexy - ElectricLexyLand [05:55]
12. Jay Denham - Pride (It's Time) [05:03]
13. 3 Phase feat. Dr Motte - Der Klang der Familie (Thomas Schumacher Remix) [06:04]
14. Rok - Cycle Sluts [04:46]

CD 2
01. Paul van Dyk - Another Way (Radio Edit) [03:19]
02. Tom Novy feat. Lima - Now Or Never (Remix) [06:42]
03. Timo Maas - Der Schieber 1 [06:24]
04. Lady Tom - Loops & Tings 2000 (Short Cut) [03:27]
05. Blank & Jones - Sound Of Machines (Short Cut) [02:58]
06. Mauro Picotto - Iguana (Video Cut) [03:32]
07. Dave Diggler - China Town (Original Mix) [06:24]
08. Lexy & K-Paul - Electric Kingdom (Trash Mix) [06:01]
09. Natalie de Borah as $upergirl - Dead & Famous ($$$ Mix) [06:22]
10. Beroshima - Film Ab [03:50]
11. Tomcraft & Eniac - Great Stuff (Tomcraft Live Mix) [06:25]
12. L.U.P.O. - Froglike Instrumental [06:04]
13. Sharam - [05:14]
14. Takkyu Ishino - Anna - Letmein Letmeout (Christopher Just Remix) [07:55]

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CD 1
01. Members Of Mayday - Soundtropolis (Short) [03:34]
02. Zombie Nation - Kernkraft 400 [04:46]
03. Egoexpress - We Are Here [05:22]
04. WestBam - Beatbox Rocker (Dr. Rhythm's Pumping Club Mix-Short) [03:15]
05. Blank & Jones - B-Boy Style (Full Version) [06:16]
06. The Grifters - Flash (Soundscapers Retro Mix) [07:41]
07. DJ I.C.O.N. - VocoMe (Short) [04:01]
08. Mr. X & Mr. Y - What's Up At The Brotherfront [06:24]
09. Moby - Run On (Moby Young & Funky Mix) [06:04]
10. DJ Errik - House This...! (Short) [03:15]
11. Wayout West - Ajare [05:45]
12. Paul Van Dyk - Words (Radiowave Mix) [04:02]
13. Taucher battles Talla 2XLC - Nightshift (XLC's Club Mix) [05:58]
14. DJ Mo vs. Marc De Clerq - Revolution 99 (Short) [04:01]
15. Mario De Bellis pres. Amedeo feat. Mrs. Unknown - I Like It! (Eivissa Sunrise Mix) [05:46]

CD 2
01. Armand Van Helden feat. Duane Harden - You Don't Know Me (Radio Edit) [04:01]
02. Rok - Silky (Short) [03:37]
03. Hell - Copa [05:43]
04. Foremost Poets - Moon Raker (Original) [05:57]
05. Sharam - Anytime is Partytime (UK Mix) [07:27]
06. Nathalie De Borah - High Noon (Sunlight Mix) [08:07]
07. Brotherhood - Joines [05:59]
08. Miss Kittin & The Hacker - UNO [06:56]
09. Lexy - Do You Like Disco? [04:30]
10. Beroshima - Watch The Moving Bodies [05:20]
11. Hardy Hard - Bassline Dump [04:48]
12. Cal-Q-Lator - Can We Go Now? (Liedbling Remix by Oliver Lieb) [09:18]
13. Johannes Heil - Paranoid Dancer [06:38]

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CD 1
01. Members Of Mayday - Save The Robots [03:36]
02. Stretch & Vern - Style [09:07]
03. Dave Angel - Richard Sent You' [06:05]
04. Hardy Hard - Party Hard [06:27]
05. Novy vs. Eniac - Smoke This [08:28]
06. DJ Assault - Pump On My Lap [03:38]
07. WestBam - Crash Course (Hardy Hard Remix) [06:30]
08. Blank & Jones - Dangerous Dub [07:59]
09. Zzino vs. Accelerator - Alien Body [06:00]
10. Nalin & Kane - Uncle Aka [08:53]

CD 2
01. Beroshima - It's Just Electronic Music [05:56]
02. The Advent - Artefax [05:14]
03. DJ Appollo - Stranded [06:13]
04. Genlog - Stamper [05:15]
05. Hardfloor - We'll Never Stop Programming This Way [06:18]
06. Miss DJax - Pinbot [05:27]
07. Lexy - Le Dynamixx [06:13]
08. Dr. Motte pres. Da Hui - North Shore O'Ahu [05:58]
09. Green Velvet - Brain Dead [08:09]
10. Roberto Q. Ingram - Lanys Groove [05:22]
11. Christopher Just - Mayday Anthem '98 [06:19]
12. Denki Groove - Asunaro Sunshine (Takkyu Ishino Reconstruction) [07:02]

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CD 1
01. Members Of Mayday - Sonic Empire [03:58]
02. Exis Of Earth - The Steps Of A Righteous Man [06:30]
03. Hell - Diese Momente Werden Nicht Verloren Sein - Wie Tranen Im Regen [06:12]
04. Raver's Nature - Take It Higher [06:02]
05. WestBam - Hanging Out With The Machine Heads [06:01]
06. Petra - Belgian Happiness [05:22]
07. RMB - Everything (The Rise Version) [04:36]
08. Afrika Islam - Wake Up [03:53]
09. The Jeyenne - Gumpie [06:41]
10. Miss DJax - X-Tank [07:54]
11. Takkyu Ishino - Butter Beans [06:54]
12. Marshall Jefferson - Rise [06:26]

CD 2
01. Punk Anderson - Discodancer [06:19]
02. Dani Konig - Bobby Ewing [05:11]
03. DJ Assault - Get Down [04:01]
04. View To The Future - Die Aussagekraft Der Elektronischen Musik [09:57]
05. Bassface Sascha - Echo Chamber [06:15]
06. Ultrahigh - Donkey Island [04:03]
07. Aux 88 - The Rise Of The Phoenix [06:03]
08. The Moonmen - Walter (The Moonmen Mix) [10:50]
09. DJ Sebel - From Da Darkside [06:42]
10. A.D.S.R. - Simplexity [05:27]
11. DJ Appollo - Da Bizzniz [06:29]
12. Piet Blank - Sunrise [06:14]

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CD 1
01. Members Of Mayday - Great [03:33]
02. Raver's Nature - We Like Camden [05:43]
03. Dave Davis - Transfiguration [06:32]
04. DJ Dick - Don't Test [05:57]
05. Edge - Razor Edge [05:36]
06. Tom Wax - Sounds Like Phuture! [05:21]
07. 16C+ - Release! [06:20]
08. L.U.P.O. - Dynamics [06:00]
09. Marusha - Merlin [05:11]
10. Dougal & Mickey Skeedale - New Generation [05:59]
11. Talla 2XLC - X-Tasy [08:08]
12. Cherrymoon Trax - In My Electric House [08:00]

CD 2
01. Steve Mason - Double Wobble Trouble [05:36]
02. Resistance D. - Freak It [08:04]
03. Andre S. - Knuf's Return [05:16]
04. Disko vs. 3Phase - Bass Overload [06:46]
05. Cari Lekebusch - The Jazz Maze [06:41]
06. Sister From Another Galaxy Feat. Darkstar - Space Hopper (feat. Darkstar) [06:19]
07. Euphorhythm - Dance With Me [05:24]
08. Steve Stoll - A.K.A. [06:33]
09. Roland Casper - Tagala [06:47]
10. Terrible vs. G104 - Elektropol [04:55]
11. Lawrence Burden - Cosmic Surf [06:07]
12. K1 - Metaphysica [05:54]
13. Zulutronic - Sumatronic [04:30]

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CD 1
01. Members Of Mayday - The Bells Of Reformation [03:17]
02. Yves Deruyter - Yvesday [07:34]
03. DJ Dick - Format [05:23]
04. Sunbeam - Energy [05:34]
05. Meteor Seven - Circular Riot [06:29]
06. Gary D. - Attention Dimension [06:53]
07. Mark 'Oh - Higher Than Five [05:19]
08. Hardsequencer - Broadcast [07:22]
09. Force Mass Motion - I Feel It [06:27]
10. Black Acid - We Call It Black Acid [04:49]
11. Genlog - Nightmare [05:28]
12. Marusha - Impressive Collective [04:57]
13. Voodoo Child - Higher [04:51]

CD 2
01. Colin Dale - I Can't Stand It [06:01]
02. DJ Skull - Frate Train [05:04]
03. Daz Saund - Acid Faze [05:50]
04. Westbam - DJ Dispute [05:49]
05. Trevor Rockcliffe - Housewave [06:07]
06. Carl Cox - F.A.C.T. Not Fiction [06:37]
07. Tantra - A1 [06:06]
08. Mike Dearborn - Living Dead [05:45]
09. Klark Teknik - Ad Clap [05:55]
10. Miss Djax - Room 228 [07:11]
11. Joey Beltram - The Open [04:59]
12. Manu Le Malin - Let It Grow [05:01]
13. Hell - Ultraschall [06:10]

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CD 1
01. Members Of Mayday - We Are Different [03:25]
02. Phrenetic System - Wayfarer (Mayday Mix) [05:01]
03. S.O.S. - The Chase [05:47]
04. Q-Tex - Get On The Floor [04:19]
05. Jan Pravda vs. Andy Dux - Round One [05:35]
06. DJ Dick - Upturn [06:02]
07. Ravers's Nature - Scream [04:47]
08. RMB - Matisse [05:28]
09. Laurent Ho - Ingler Two [04:26]

CD 2
01. DJ Edge - Nations [05:51]
02. Tofke feat. Insider - Un Coketoff [04:41]
03. CJ Bolland - Double Click [04:34]
04. Blockbuster - The Hills Have Eyes [06:25]
05. Yamul - Mother Earth [07:50]
06. Carl Cox - Motorway [06:12]
07. Acid Scout - Ma'Lady [08:42]
08. Mike Dearborn - Birds On E [06:19]

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CD 1
01. Members Of Mayday - The Judgement Day [04:48]
02. Moby - Ul He Fu [03:36]
03. Lenny Dee - The Vision [05:35]
04. DJ Dick - TXL [04:15]
05. Frankie Bones - Direct From Brooklyn [04:21]
06. N-R-G - It Gets No Ruffer [03:06]
07. Infidus - Hyperspeed (T. Vee Rmx) [04:13]
08. The Men From Del Bosca - Dark Angel [03:40]
09. Marusha - What Ever Turns You On! [05:09]
10. Fierce Ruling Diva - Abraxas' Theme [05:45]
11. Now! Project - Spirit [05:31]
12. Liza N'Eliaz - Radium [04:27]

CD 2
01. Genlog - It Feels So..... [05:44]
02. Psilocybin - Part 1 [06:56]
03. Mate Galic - Our Hobby Is Different [06:07]
04. Sonic Infusion - Final Abuse [07:41]
05. Tyros - Antares [06:40]
06. Vintage - Black Distortion [03:38]
07. Hardsequencer - Hubahubahuba [04:28]
08. Equinox - Pulzar [04:17]
09. Jeff Mills - Data 06 [03:53]
10. John & Julie - Red Alert 4 [04:17]
11. PCP - The Frankfurt Anthem [04:12]

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01. Nrg - He Never Lost His Hardcore (Mayday Remix) [03:51]
02. DJ Dick - Lost [05:05]
03. X-Crash - Less Is More [05:14]
04. Sound Of Rotterdam - Mayday Anthem [04:19]
05. Insider - T(ry) O(ut) 003 [08:23]
06. WestBam - Forward Ever, Backward Never [04:02]
07. Force Mass Motion - Force Format [04:56]
08. Circuit Breaker - Trac-k [05:00]
09. Masters Of Disaster - Suffer Little Children [04:57]
10. Three Reasons - Third Reason [05:33]

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CD 1
01. Westbam - The Mayday Anthem [05:39]
02. Beltram - Machine [03:58]
03. Aphex Twin - Metapharstic [04:40]
04. Night Phantom - The Curse [04:31]
05. Marusha - Rave Channel [05:21]
06. TZ6 - TZ6 [05:26]
07. Futurhythm - Phuture [03:57]
08. Mate - Unity [05:22]

CD 2
01. The Hypnotist - Pypees Magic Journey [08:02]
02. Christian Jay Bolland - Space Invader [05:33]
03. Signs Of Chaos - You Can'T Stop It (Camo Club Mix) [05:57]
04. 9-10-Boy - Videobash [05:39]
05. Equitex - Stylus Flight [06:45]
06. Sven Vath - Cologne '92 [05:23]
07. Humanoids From The Deep - Tube Tech [05:41]
08. Format - Soundclash [05:24]

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