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The Edge 01. On the Edge by Ilona Andrews.pdf

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Inne pliki do pobrania z tego chomika
Penance book 5 by Alisa Woods New Adult Paranormal Romance Series - Wolf Shifters in Seattle PART4: Penance (Dark Alpha 5) Shifters live in the shadows of Seattle, just under the skin of the alpha male, dot-com billionaires who are building a new Silicon Valley in the Emerald City. Jak's plan is a dangerous one... but will he even get the chance to carry it out? Is love stronger than magic? Or will breaking an unbreakable bond destroy them both? Penance (Dark Alpha 5) is 60 pages or 15,000 words. It's the fifth of six episodes in the Dark Alpha Series. The complete series box set is available as a bundle. All the individual episodes are available in kindle unlimited. Contains strong sexual themes/language and is meant for readers over 18.
Escape book 4 by Alisa Woods New Adult Paranormal Romance Series - Wolf Shifters in Seattle PART4: Escape (Dark Alpha 4) Shifters live in the shadows of Seattle, just under the skin of the alpha male, dot-com billionaires who are building a new Silicon Valley in the Emerald City. With Arianna's family looking for her, Jak's plan to flee the state just got a lot more complicated. But before he can worry about that, he has to break her free of Mace's hold. Is love stronger than magic? Or will breaking an unbreakable bond destroy them both? Escape (Dark Alpha 4) is 60 pages or 15,000 words. It's the fourth of six episodes in the Dark Alpha Series. The complete series box set is available as a bundle. All the individual episodes are available in kindle unlimited. Contains strong sexual themes/language and is meant for readers over 18.
Deception book 3 by Alisa Woods New Adult Paranormal Romance serial Shifters live in the shadows of Seattle, just under the skin of the alpha male, dot-com entrepreneurs who are building a new Silicon Valley in the Emerald City. Jak has a plan to free Arianna without the witch's help... but the best laid plans of wolves and men rarely turn out as they hope. Is love stronger than magic? Or will breaking an unbreakable bond destroy them both? Deception (Dark Alpha 3) is 60 pages or 15,000 words. It's the third of six episodes in the Dark Alpha serial. Adult content. Ages 18+. Dark Alpha is the sequel series to True Alpha, the debut shifters-in-Seattle paranormal romance from Alisa Woods.
Pleasure book 2 by Alisa Woods New Adult Paranormal Romance serial Shifters live in the shadows of Seattle, just under the skin of the alpha male, dot-com entrepreneurs who are building a new Silicon Valley in the Emerald City. Jak and Arianna have found something special in each other's arms... but is it something they can keep? Is love stronger than magic? Or will breaking an unbreakable bond destroy them both? Pleasure (Dark Alpha 2) is 60 pages or 15,000 words. It's the second of six episodes in the Dark Alpha serial. Adult content. Ages 18+.
Torment book 1 by Alisa Woods Shifters live in the shadows of Seattle, just under the skin of the alpha male, dot-com entrepreneurs who are building a new Silicon Valley in the Emerald City. Jak enjoys the female human population of Seattle as much as any wolf, but his heart belongs to a female shifter who’s already mated. Worse, she’s the mate of his alpha’s brother. Arianna was captured from her pack when she was only twenty and mated to a wolf whose dark side takes full advantage of her unbreakable bond to him. Her nights belong to him, but her days are free to explore other things… including feelings for a wolf she can never have. Is love stronger than magic? Or will breaking an unbreakable bond destroy them both? Torment (Dark Alpha 1) is 60 pages or 15,000 words. It's the first of six episodes in the Dark Alpha serial. Adult content. Ages 18+
Loved book 6 by Alisa Woods Loved (Dark Alpha 6) - New Adult Paranormal Romance Shifters live in the shadows of Seattle, just under the skin of the alpha male, dot-com entrepreneurs who are building a new Silicon Valley in the Emerald City. The final installment of Dark Alpha... Is love stronger than magic? Or will breaking an unbreakable bond destroy them both? Loved (Dark Alpha 6) is 60 pages or 15,000 words. It’s the final of six episodes in the Dark Alpha serial. Dark Alpha is the sequel series to True Alpha, the debut shifters-in-Seattle paranormal romance from Alisa Woods. Dark Alpha Release Schedule - 2015 1 - Torment (1.19) 2 - Pleasure (2.2) 3 - Deception (2.16) 4 - Escape (3.2) 5 - Penance (3.16) 6 - Loved (3.30) Box Set (Dark Alpha 1-6) - releases 3.30
Jared book 3 by Alisa Woods He was broken by the war. She has a secret that will destroy her family. Ex-Marine sniper Jared River left the war, but the war never really left him. He’s a broken wolf who’s only good for one thing now—killing men. And he’s peering down his scope at Senator Krepky, the anti-shifter politician about to ruin the lives of all the shifters Jared loves. Grace Krepky is the daughter of the Senator, a good girl with a passion for her father’s politics and who’s earned her way into being his campaign manager. Only problem? She’s secretly a shifter… and the clock is ticking until her own father inadvertently forces that secret into the open, ruining both their lives. Jared’s all set to pull the trigger when he sees something shocking through the Senator’s glass walls—his daughter is a wolf. Jared puts his gun aside to go after the fleeing girl, but he already knows this can only end in one of two ways—either he’ll convince her to reveal herself to the Senator and stop his anti-shifter legislation, or Jared will have to assassinate her father. If only she wasn’t making him come alive again… Jared is a complete novel with HEA, the third in the Riverwise Private Security trilogy (all standalone stories, but best enjoyed if you read them in order!). Contains scorching hot shifters, alpha military heroes, and dark family secrets. AFTER THE RIVER BROTHERS: Look for the Wilding Pack Wolves series to start soon!
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